Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

Whim "T'lfc Irl Volume XXX Number 68. TUCSON, ARIZONA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH, 27, 1898. PRICE FIVE CENTS TERRITORIAL NEWS. ALL NOW RESTS WITH SPAIN If Feet HiiHfc Yois, Royal awkel U)c food pure, i. bulesoae and dollcletu.

UcKiolc Thinks She Will Hot The reporter noticed in the Board ot Sapor visors' room yesterday the scalp ot the bear killed Marob 8th, rn Turkey oreek, by Thoa. Thompson. The scalp measures about fifteen inohes between the ears. The bear weighed 700 pounds. Fresoott Courier.

Supervisor Cartter came in yesterday from his ranoh in tho Jerome CANNOT BE LONG DELAYED The Worst May Be Expected Wednesday, Certain. A Feellnt Prevails la Washington that Cob-cress May Hot be Restrained When the mi Be Stubborn. The Prepident Will Politely but Firmly De country. lie says oattla generally are looking well; some oows are poor; mand a Farm of Government That Will water is arying up on ranges, but tiieie is still considerable snow in tho be Satisfactory to toe Cabana, and Hoth- Bcport and President's Messsre are Presented oa Monday. mountains.

Fresoott Courier. lnc Less Will Do. James Barney is said to be on the way to Fresoott with six bear soalps Washington, Maroh 20. While pub FOVDEfl Absolutely Pure tea tbree lion scalps. He killed the Washington, Marob 26.

President iu expression is 10 uie enact tbat a animals in the Red Rock region. lie MoKinley talked freely with his oon killed eight bear in the same neigh, borbood last summer. Presoott gresaional visitors today, both in regard Si to bis plans for the future and his ap road to pence will be discovered and national honor and dignity be preserved, there is ao undercurrent of feel ing tbat aotual war is not many days off. The president will ask oocgress to restrain itself until he shall take several pre iiition of the situation with refer OVAL ttflKa KWHI HtW YOflK. Walter Burkbart has opened up a ence to Cuba.

His programme as thus ooay or ore ti toe old Wintergreea outlined is as follows: claim that runs COO ounoes silver ti steps lowing toward a peaceable std yet To send the report ot the Muine court of inquiry to ooogrees on Monday, the ton. The psystreak is nearly eight oouorauie ooooiueion but tbere ia a ADDITIONAL LOCAL. without reoommendatioB, and wilhon explanation on his part further than to Samuel W. Bolters, the ex-tnivate say that he baa acquainted Spain with premonition that oon gross has been restrained aa long as it can be, and tbat it will throw conservatism to the winds, sod take some aotion tbat will immediately precipitate a oonlliot. from Ft.

Uuaahuoa, who was indicted inouea la widtb. Toe mine is situated near the Lone Star and waa formerly owned by A. J. Cjon. Mohave Miner.

It is said that an eight toot body ot ore baa been struck bt 1 the 100-foot level in the Norman mine that runs up in the thousands ot dollars in by the last grand jury for laroeny, got off easy yesterday. lU'gers served II reo In anticipation ot uoh aotion prep leckendorf So. arations for war are being rufched in all directions. The St. Paul has been years in the army, during whioh time he was not onoe in the guard house, and he was in every way ellloient.

He was honorably discharged. Then be gold and silver. A pieoeot the ore exhibited in Kingman shows fifty per directed to disoharge her oargo as quickly as possible and enter the navy. oent of silver. Mohave Miner.

foil in with some oomrades, drank too Work on tbree dynamite cune at Ft. The Pick and Drill at Presoott and the findings of the oourt; to follow this in Tuesday or Wednesday with a message dettling with the oondition of Don combatants in Cuba, and asking for an appropriation of 5500,000 for their tin oediate relief; to present anew this oondition to Spain, asking that country to make proviibu for the care ot her own helpless people and to come to come terms with the Cubans wbioh will be aaiisfaotory to them and pnt an and to the war. 1 his failing, to forcibly intervene on humanitarian grounds. The president indicated to bis oallera Abiding faith that peaoe may be preserved and the determination upon his part to aooomplich it it it may be much, borrowed a friend's watob and waa arrested for theft, ot wbioh be was pub'nhad by Editor Bant announces Hanoock and SRndy Hook is being pushed with renewed vigor, and thev ilitv! 3' teohiooally guilty. He explained ti that it will soon issue a daily and Bays: "The daily will be outspoken, and the will be ready for service in a week.

The president is still hopeful and so circ*mstances to tbe oourt, and hie statement was so evidently true that expresses himself, but be is in oonstant rur now covering the mangy backs ct certain hypocrites and their instil a-tioas il be wrorouilv rabbed the Judge Davis let him oft with two consultation with members of the cabi months in theoouoty net and others, and the general feeling tbat tbe crisis will be reached bv wrong way." Artioles of incorporation of the As A lot of new furniture baa arrived Wednesday, it not sooner. with which to fit up the nfflae ot U. 8. toria Gold oompaoy were filed Wednesday with the territorial eeoretarv done with honor to our own oodciry and without disregarding the demands ofhnmanily. Marshal Griffith.

There ia a bacdst me new oarpet, a eplendid table, big fin desk and easy chairs. The goods are All Look for War. Kbt West, March 26. Exoite by John T. Oraieon, Alexander Davidson and George Crawford, all of New The only stove in which provision is made to prevent the escape of gosoline should the burner he accidently blown out or left open.

-Sold only by the Tucson Hardware Company. New Opera House Block, Congress St. from New York. ment was caused bete by the assertion tbat a press bulletin to the effect that C.ijivil stock 81,000,000.

Phoenix Gtzatte. lie frauhly ana repeatedly avowed today his desire to preveDt a oociliot, while at the s.ime liiue indicating a firm tbe United States government has Usgaa IWe. ot Tempe have sold notified Spain that hostilities in Cuba nnrpose to secure relief for tho starv ing reooncentradoe. must cense. The work of painting tbe war ships blaok was carried on this The Roca jury stood six for convio-tion and six for aequ.Ul in tbe first ballot Friday, after that and until tbe oourt called them in to report, it was seven for oonviotion and five for ac-qaital.

The oivil oalendar ot the Maroh term indeed the latter purpose appeared be the topio uppermost iu the presi their entire herd of oattli, consisting of ab ut 1000 bead, to J. H. Johnson, a proininont cattleman, who will slip hsm to the vii of Garden City, Kn. Most ct thn oaitU are steers. afternoon with redoubled energy.

Bar-Admiral Sioard was on the point dent's mind. of leaving Key West and knew notLing ot the aotion taken by the United lis dwdlt upon the fact that of belligerent rights of inde- there btiog only tbjut 110 cows in the ot the district oourt of this jndioial diatriot, for Pimaoonnty, will be called bucob. Phoenix Gasatle. States. pendeuoe would be at no material eervioe FRED CERSTLEY, A torpedo boat was at onoe dis A dispatch from says that patched to Captain Sampson, on board ten oases of smallpox are reitbly re DEALER XS lo those unfortunates.

tie admitted lha't such action might be of assislanoe to the men tt arms, the insurgent army. the New York. The Indiana, Iowa. at iu o'olock on Wednesday next, Maroh 30. Tom Davis, ot Bridge, Davis who has been out on a tbree weeks trip, returned to tbe city yesterday ported at iSellemout, a small station, 12 miles west ct there.

No quarantine Detroit, Nashville and Montgomerv are Hiis? Pelfs, Furs, but they, be eaid, have shown a capso ity to take care ef themselves and do being painted black. All the offioers has yet been seoured, though the pub- here regard war aa being imminent and are greatly exercnea ooooernicg me not static in pressing need of our kino wai oe uere ror a wees or ten days. intense enthusiasm is exhibited from offiufs. matter, and ti bgrams have been cent to the territorial health officers. The president believes Spain will in the youngest Jaokie to the oldest commander over the prospects.

terpose no obstacles to our sending Was Rot Enown Here. A few days ago the Stab contained 319 South Meyer TUCSON, ARIZONA.j Before disposing of your goods elsewhere give us a call and see what we can do for you. sucor to Ler indigent people, and be Hd a Presentiment. Washisotos, Maroh 26. The ladits a news item to the effect that a mai Most Observe Sunday.

Littlb Bock, Maroh 26. will esk oorgres to sot promptly that the aid to be given may cot arrive too late to relieve the pressing necessities. named O. G. Ford, reported to be a Southern Paoifio employe, had suicided Chief ot Polioe today served at El Paso.

This done the president is hopeful of the oongreesional oirole at the Car apartment haTfse, where tbe Thurston's lived, say that Mrs. Thurston had a presentiment that she wou not return alive from Cuba, but, nevertheless, was the following notioe upon Little Iu ok agents of St. Louis and Memphis breweries: Inquiry was made of the 8. P. offices Hotel TUCSON, ARIZ.

here, but no one was found who knew Ford. that congress will remain quiet while the exeaotive brc.noh ot (he government ooctinues its efforts to secure a peaceful settlement of the difficulty. You are hereby notified that no determined to go, and woald cot allow her husband to leave without her. Tbe El Peso Timea Bays that Ford beer wagon will be allowed to drive through the streets or alleys ot the City of Little Book on Sunday, loaded Light and Airy Rooms, Reasonable Rates. Most Popular Hotel in Tnaaou, Large Sample Rooms, A day or two before they left a num had for Beveral months been running on a train from El Paso to this oity.

but ber ot ladies were sitting iu Mrs. Thnrston's room discussing plans and with beer or to deliver the same on Sunday. It arrested, the driver will be sub eo ted to a fine. As numerous com that on St. Palriok's day he began to drink heavily, winding up with suioide on Maroh 22, at the Texas House, in El probabilities, wben sbe informed them WM.

0. DAV18, Vioe-President. M. P. FREEMAN, President.

with tbe greatest seriousness that she -THE He thinks it 13 not too late to do this, and be made the aesertiou today that Spain was willing to meet the United States half way in adjusting the entanglement without ooming to blows. He did not enter into detail regarding the propositions he may make or has made to Spain, for undoubtedly some are pending, but he left the impression that he would not be satisfied plaints are ooming in from the oitizene, I hope you will see that this order is did not expect to return, and desired to leave with them messages acd commissions for friends whom sbs oomplied with." would not be able to see before her de INTENDED FOF! BRIDES. parture. She even made a memorandum to esfl'st the memory of one of the with rdt settlement that would net Paso. Ford oome frem Somerset, and but a few days prior to bis death had reoeived an affectionate letter from his wife, who, according to the letter wss preparing to join her husband in the west.

Ford was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. The El Paso Times says that poor health probably drove bim to suioide. A little basque, edged with bias vel party, and tbat same afternoon collect vet, wiiR belter! in with a filigree silver ed ell of her jewelry, and asked one of belt, mid a hat of gray felt in the new give the Cubans a very liberal form of government. He admitted frankly that autonomy had proves a failure and expressed the Consolidated National Bank, Capital Paid Up, 350,000 Items from last report to the Comptroller; Deposits, Cash Resources, 230,625.58 H. B.

TEN KEY, Cashier, mousciHetaire shape was embellished with a rouleau of gathered velvet and opinion that it would be as difficult to two ostrich feathers in the ladies to go with her as a witness while she placed it in the safe in the office ot the hotel. Tbe package was addressed to ber daughter with a loving message. While the yaoht was tumbling and oreaking in the midst of satisfy Amerioaos with aly settlement tones of shaded gray. that might be made as it would be to A pown reee.ntiynindeforthetnaidof satisfy Cubans themselves. honor had a', eliirt of cream bengaline the terrible storm tbat it met off Cape and a pouched bodice of the same Disaster at Sea.

trimmed with fruipurc. A zouave of ilatterea Mrs. Thurston reminded Mrs. Gallinger of tin presentiment, acd Kt Johxs. Maroh 26.

The steamer pink velvet nr.d epaulets of cream lace and bitr hat of pink velvet and white Greenland returning from the seal ventnred tbe doleful prediction that they would Dot reaoh land alive. feathers completed the picture. fisheries, put into BiT de Verde tonight When the yaoht finally found shelter One of the prettiest costumes in and reported a terrible disaster, uo Pretty Big Sales. Some very laro oaible sales are reported from Ft. Worth, Texas, for the past week.

Oae sale of 15,000 head is reported, the prioe being $400,000. J. T. MoElroy, of Pecos, sold 13,000 bead to a Kansas City firm for 8260,000. Jaffa Pragner, of II iswell, N.

sold 70,000 head ot sheep to Si't Ci, pi be not quoted. The sheep market in the Pecos valley is about aa aolive as thsoattle buniess in the great Panhandle ot Texas. Severs 1 large transfers have been made lately, one involving 10,000 head and two ranges. The prioe pi was 850,000. at Charleston and the demoralized very complete trotissenu which haaiust Wednesday last wben among me loe been Kent up to Scotlund was a little guests ciisemOBrKea they 1 mgjvid over fioes while her orew were traveling The Arizona National Bank.

Of Tuoson, Arizona. 0apUal Surplus and Profits 17,800 BARRON M. President. LIONEL M. JACOBS.

Cashier. FRBD. FLEISHMAN, Vice President. J. M.

ORMSBY, Assistant Cashier. Transaots a general banking business. Makes telegraphio transfers. Draws oreign and domestio bills of exohange. Accounts of individuals, Arm and oorporr Ions solicited, ber 'iepondercv, tut rue was not trtivchnrf pown of dovo-grny face about tbe floes in search of seals a cloth.

Tho button-over Kacque bodice, in iir upmion that sbe was her last iuriiy and would Storm arose accompanied by blinding snow whioh drifted rapidly with a severe so becoming to slight figures, had four rounded tabs; or scallops, which but never eee Washington again. frost. The members of the orew who toned on the left shoulder. Murdered His Brother. A beautiful tea gown which comes Colly, Ky.

March 26, Bob and irom a very famous l'nns atelier in Reuben Mullins, brothers, aged res pectively 16 and 18, were enemies. tended for nn extravagant trousseau in of pale sapphire blue brocade. The go in etit en princess and made with a full waileau back, (he plaits of the Tucson Temperature. Tcoson, Maroh 26, 1898. They lived in Wise County, Vs three miles from tbe Kenluoky line.

Monday were on the ioe could not regain the vessel and were exposed to the terrible weather throught the night and all next day. Forty-eight men perished and between fifty and sixty were so badly frost bitten tbat amputation of one or more ot their limbs will have to be undergone by all of them. From the oiroumstanoes of tbe disaster it is feared that other steamers have suffered in a similar manner. Tbe city is in a slate of great excitement. The disaster is 4he worst on record in tbe history Bob was in the barn, and seeing bis starting? from a band of jeweled embroidery, which is placed Minimum 66 Maximum 72 Mean 65 5 brother approaohing presented a Win Chester and ordered bim to bolt.

Be WHEELER PERRY, ImporteT and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Itaple and Fancy Groceries, Choice Fruits Received Daily gSAgents for California Powder Works. Blasting, Sporting and Hercules Powder. ncross the buck, between the shoulders, then fired, killing Heuben instantly Wind Clouds BW A few minutes later he went into the woods near by and put a bullet into his own bead. of the sealing? Indusary. Most ot the Barometer low.

Favorable for rain and cold weather. E. L. Wbtmokb, Observer. viotims were married men.

Tbe Green Here is Another land is expected to arrive here tomor Savsthe Arironian: The Cimeions row and the is making bear a very unsavory repuUtion in sou preparations for fbe eooomodation of them Arteona, gained by the question and whichpliUerswlth small Rnpphires, emeralds and diamonds. A wedding gown carried out. in a very iriginal fashion is made in white luchess satin, with a court train, ornamented with big true-lovers' knot, henuUrully embroidered in pearls, 'uinehes of orangf blossoms and a bow drapery of white gauze. The whole of the front of the skirt is veiled with gauze drapery of the finest and most delicate design and on one side there is ii graceful chatelaine, formed entirely of long trails of orange blossoms. The bodice ia particularly becoming, with its soft draperies of gauze and chiffon and it 3 crossing bunds of satin, on which appear smaller trnc-lovers' knots, traced out in pearls.

able gang thev keep around them and the frost bitten sufferers. War Feeline In Washineton. their manipulations of tbe Nogalos cus If you want to buy torn officials. It is said tbat Colin Cim- eron is now in Washington endeavoring Wabhisotos, Maroh 26. During tbe debate on the naval appropriation bill todoy in the bouse, every utterance in favor of BKRressive aotion against to defeat tbe oonfirnali of Tom Huifhes as postmaster Bt Tucson, and file in! Hob IB I Us, THE METAl MARKET.

8am Fhanoibcio, March 26. 8ii.vbb Babb oT Mbxioah 454U Nsw York, March 26. Silver certificates 55g Exohange 83 67 Bar Silver 5f Mexioan dollars Copper quiet brokers 811.004 Exobange 811 87 Lead easier, brokers. ...83 60 that ot Judge Webster Street es Chief Jastioe, in both rf whom the people of Spnio was applauded to tbe eoho by the orowded galleries. A strong effort was Arizonn have tho u.iubst oouudenoe.

made to inorease tbe appropriation for the naval reserve but it failed. Another call and see us tiefore buying elsewhere and save money. Upholstering, Mattress Making and Repairing. Carpet Wheat Prices. effort to have the government uniform the naval militia also failed.

No aotion Stab to 70a Chioaoo, Mar. 26. Mav wheat olosed nd the Wmkly friends in the eul, laid ancm. S. FURNITURE 23 Congress St.

$1.04. Jul wheat S3J. waa taken..

Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.