jw" I' (I I 6 the Hartford courant: w.jn.$Jy, July 22, im 1ST ED. L' New London" rut -i 54 r.jF; IN Highway Dept. Non-Committal Until Bridge Plan is Studied NEW LONDON (Special) will be informed in detail plan to leave intact the south ThA stafo PioWav npnartmpnt of the stipulations. In the event; frontage road west of Briggs iucauajr iuua a waii-ana-see C9ij thA rnnnHl "will hav south to YSUiiam street; if it whittles down the amount of position on the City Council's t0 think about the matter a lit-approval with reservations tIe more of alternate Plan for the The highway department fa-second Jew London Groton vors plaifG So ds the coun. To Cost of Road Work GROTON (Special) The Town Council learned Monday it will cost about $4,000 more than expected to complete the Gungywamp Road Briar Hill Road project.
1 Town Manager Robert McGregor told the council he has been informed by the city utility department that the. original estimate of $21,000 for the job did not include an eight-inch main up Briar Hill Road to the proposed Charles Barnum school. The estimate called for only a T-branch connector on Briar Hill Road, and the full pipe line will cost about $4,000 more or a $25,000 total to put mains on both road's. The council accepted in June an estimate for the job by the Onuparik Constructon Co. Onu-parik is now resurfacing Gungywamp Road and no sealed bids were requested because the town wants to complete the water main job before the road is resurfaced.
That would save expense of tearing the road up when the land required through the use of retaining walls; if it reduces the land ear-marked to be taken cil, with these modifications: "from Lyman Allyn Museum; if the department alters the 'and if access is provided from: 1 Williams Street to the north' Youmr Democrats froSJ1 Earlier, ui uige. William Osgood of the planning division said the department must have the imposed conditions spelled out to the last detail before it can take action. The council Monday went on record approving Plan over -li i tm a a i the Redevelopment To Install Slate Agency and a Chamber of Com-: merce committee endorsed Plan without NEW LONDON (Special) The planning board also gave; the seaworthiness of the new craft are its commanding officer Capt. Louis Pine and Sgt. Melvin Jetmore.
Mayor Regan predicted that the launch would have its greatest use in controlling river traffic and in being available for rescue operations (Bill Parham Photo). SEA-LUBBERS: Burr's Marina in New London is the scene of a verbal christening of the New London Police Department's new 21-foot patrol boat. Participating from the ground level Tuesday are, from left: Police Chief Francis O'Grady, City Manager Norman H. Miller, Councilman John P. Janovic and Mayor Joseph Regan.
Testing SSzZJit London Young Democrats its approval, but expressed the pofef Ito tBTtZ will install office, today at JT" will be considered. Knmoitions mendations made bv Public P-m. at 314 Ocean Ave i i A necessary puDuc nearms on the bridge access routes will Works Director Charles P. De- of Miss Margaret Curtin, who Biasi i several weeks ago was re- Osgood said Tuesday he had elected to the presidency. "0l "'5 LOUI1CU 10 Groton NASA to Launch Europe Rockets read about the council action1 Mrs.
Eleanor Rossiter, 18th aepanmem unu tafte paper but as yefhad District state central com- couna 1 inaMge to get tog rther. Residents' VlCWS On New City Hall PARIS (AP)-The European isid- noi receivea omciai nouncauon. "i-iccmiiau, iii.uu u.t The exact wording of the coun-, exercises. Town Chairman resolution is vital, he added. 'thony Facas will speak.
i Without it, the department will! Others to be installed are Mi- atortortt SDace research organization an-! ine onar ni" nuau PJ, however, will be put to bid as nounced in Paris Tuesday that Council Meets Tonight With Major Agencies GROTON (Special) The City Council tonight will open a separate project, since time not be able to determine just chael Vendetto vice presi-( how flexible these conditions dent; Norman Kozek, treasur-i its first two satellites will be launched by the U.S. National Aeronatuics and Space Admin- 1,019 completed questomnaires on the highly controversial mu is not critical here. The utilities department is willing to contract the Briar Hill job with the town. er; Mrs. Carol Moge, record-1 ine secretary; and Richard, are.
Has to Know Board to Hear Addition Plans For Southwest The Sewer Authority is now istration (NASA). nicipal building. GROTON (Special) The Osgood said the department Shefflott, corresponding secreta Mayor Frank Pisapia said thelTown Council tonieht will have awaiting the federal govern- Under terms of the agree- ment's signal to start a $60,000 ment, the European orgamza council will start by breaking' the second and finai "commun-the forms down into categories, ications meeting with major the Size of the auditorium be-tnwn hnarrfs anH must know precisely what the ry. council seeks before it com- Lawrence Keating and Wil-mences study that may or may 'liam R. Hopkins will be in- engineering study for a Long tion will supply the satellites Hill sewer line, linking the cen- and NASA will provide a scout tral business district with the rocket as launch vehicle for the WATERFORD (Special) Announces Candidacy CONCORD, N.H.
(UPI) -Army veteran Charles Leonard Corbin 24, of Laconia Tuesday announced his candidacy for not result in a revision of al- stalled as members of the local atin ne fn th. nrnnrtSPfl ing first. I The Council last Wednesday p.m. opeang at the held tne first meeting, conferr- executive committee, and Mrs. The 7 i ternate Plan G.
mil J. Planned 1967 experiment. Poquonock treatment plant. Mayor Joseph V. Kegan saia raincia mourn is ueiejjdie ine p.m.
openings ai me in(J with the Lihrarv Board. Ad- "ESRO is designed to ex- Congress. Corbin, recently dis Vote of Confidence i i n'ocr i'iinfii u.11 iit-iinrr i.nrr 1 rt Tuesday the highway depart-! the state executive board. charged from the Army after Board of Education for approval sa pisa a 6 i nT7 ThrSrfav nwht as school offi- IDefense, Board of Tax Review, The City Beach and Park Plore ttie ionosphere in the pol-Commission Monday got a vote'ar regions and "ESR0 wil1 of confidence from the City study cosmic ravs uPPer r74 to kick off a $1.3 mil-! .3.. Code Board of Review, serving in Ukmawa, win oppose incumbent Rep.
Louis C. Wyman. for the state's first district seat. iH i.i i win i'H Capital Budget Advisory Com Council late Monday, after isPace- Bottl are 10 Placed a public meeting to give voters polar orbit. No Champagne, No Band But 'Navy9 Is Launched lion building project.
If the school board approves the specifications, the 150-page a chance to choose the best design. A second meeting will set of plans will then go to the mittee, Development and Industrial Commission, Flood and Erosion Board, Housing Authority, Jury Committee and Retirement Board. Mayor Thomas Hagerty called then be needed for the appro- Committeeman Howard Ward asked whether the council still had confidence in the board's work. The council also decided to keep Eastern Point Beach open State Department of Education 'priation. for a final okay.
Mam purpose of the ques NEW LONDON (Special) "buzz" beaches and menace New London launched its bathers. "Navy" Tuesday, but without! "We have a navy now," said Quick approval by state offi tionnaires is to help the coun- the mppfinirs th first surh n. cials will permit the school nil wnrlr nr. a rfpsion that mnst i I UULU me rest ui uie voters will orefer 7 tT season- There will be a life- "JLPJ apouht, between all council-ap-guard but no parkinK charge after 5 p.m. the council decided.
fare Beach Park and has j'ding committee to call for There were no crowds, no criticized the activities of the bids and get the Southwest ad-cheers and no elegant lady hot-rodders. "I hope it will de- lZZnJTleZ showed up to crack a bottle of ter young lads in high-powered JSJ T't nhamnaimA 3prn th boats from trvinS to kill Weekly 111 ltS t0 asked whether the question-; aar ar tne Council naires would be checked againstl The planning and Zoning the voter list. Pisapia noted the.Commission tonieht are exDect. emphasis would be on the in construction started, set mid-winder as its goal for comple VllUiUfUllV VUU iJ bow of the new 21-foot police selves and other people." patrol boat. In fact, there was) Janovic said that although ed to discuss long-range plans for townwide rezoning.
They formation from the forms, rath JUST Ym, VERY fe4 SMOOTH SMOOTH tion of the addition. er their certification'. The council must develop two Sewer Board The City Council Monday will set a date for a meeting of the Sewer Authority and voters to vote on a $25,000 study of sewers in the area east of Mitchell and North Streets, and south of the New Haven Railroad, and north of Poquonnock Road. These are the last remaining unsewered areas in the city. will also mention an intensive project this summer for immediate changes in trailer park more designs on the basis of the Serious overcrowding at the Southwest Elementary School is the spur for the building committee's efforts to get the forms.
zoning, airport zoning and in no woman present when a small tne cratt win ne on patrol oniy i group of six gathered at Burr's 'on weekends for the present, he Marina in heavy fog to put the! envisions the day when it will craft into operation. jbe in use around the clock ev- On hand for the dockside ery day in the week during the "ceremonies" were Mayor Jo-1 summer, seph F. Regan, himself a boat- "There are more and more owner; City Manager Norman expensive boats being moored H. Miller; Councilman John P. here each year," he said.
work started. dustrial zoning. All are related to the drive to set and keep more industry in Grntnn The building committee also is expected to get to the school Council Votes $600 to Town Nursing Service AfPAXT 1 TO. Also meetin? the Council Roads Manner tnnioht will he the1 WASHINGTON board shortly with plans for a four-room addition to Quaker America's local Governmental Relation nance Committee; Police Chief are entitled to protection from 'r highway system involves a loss of $4 billion annually in lost time, mishaps, and other ships Temporary Study Town Council Monday voted tppH tee, Recreation Commission, Francis P. O'Grady; Capt.
Lou theft and vandalism." 1M, Janovic added that although dar Wl1 bf. Platns Tnlne" uo room addition to Clark Lane is Pine; and Sgt. Melvin Jet' 5-2 to transfer $600 from con mm SCOTCH WHISKIES. 86.8 PROOF, IMPORTED 8Y CANADA DRY CORPORATION, NEW YORK. M.
Y. more, the man who usually will Junior Hieh and for a new 19- ungency to tne woton ruDiic Southeastern Agency delegates, Sewer Authority, Zoning Board of Appeals and Conservation be at the helm of the boatithis does not bother him. room school in the Oswegatchie pursing Service, to allow it to which was bought to slow downj "We'll just call it the police salt water hot -rodders who boat," he said. area maKe up a aencii in Juiy oper- Commission. The RTM approved expendi- atin of $1,350,000 for the entire The sPut ar.ose because a project.
About a third of total promised meeting of the ser-costs will come from state jvice with the council never Mayor's Move To Hasten Plans Has Setback Fire Volunteers' Group Called 'Non-Existent' came aoout, ana some tearea funds. the transfer of fund's would be come routine, overreaching House Passes council and RTM budget ap propriations. GROTON (Special) Mayor NEW. LONDON (Special) -A, The Nameaug volunteers were! rii i "Rlnrlr charge of "misrepresentation" supported at the closed session 1)111 lu -L1U-'V Moving for the appropriation Thomas Hagerty's move to hast was Finance Chairman Horace was made Tuesday against a so- by a group identified by some Of tensive Mail en approval of plans for the Charles Barnum School was members as the Lxecutive oom caiieu Executive uimumee ui Vio 7n1nntoer Firemen's Assn Barnum, who promised the council it would meet the association soon. WASHINGTON (AP)-The aborted late Monday, when the council learned the plans and specifications will not be ready Arthur Nunes, a member 0f mittee of the Volunteer Fire.
Niagara Engine said "no; men's Assn. suph nroani7atinn ovists" anHi "There is Tin stirh nrcroni7a. House passed a bill Tuesday to let homeowners block "morally I JUST IMAGINE ix mmnmps an 11 Hi Ms) portrait rHl FOR Throne Dispute Goes to Court until today. Hagerty sought council ap proval first, then committee ap members actually are "past! tion in New London," said offensive" mail, although two and present officers of this Nunes. "They misrepresented federal departments refused to city's eight volunteer compan-j themselves to the press, for they i en.
rf 5 measure-ec I iha Affile' A 325-19 roll call vote sent the MADRID (AP) A dispute proval, reversing the usual order Nunes made his statement af- and do not speak for the rank 1 touthe Senate- t. jer the vacant Spanish throne ter a Monday night meeting be-1 and file firemen in the citv. th eventimal lnSs cmaus bee" carned lnto the SPan" tween members of the council "Thpv. nf rnurse. havp the uea- cne pofimdbier general imi cou m.
Austrian Archduke Franz Jo- Public Safety Committee and right to speak for themselves," wLouid turn the matter over to 1 'ht nnt fnr iL attorney general, who would sef Karl of Hapsburg, 59, filed Atty. A. A. Washton, lawyer for said Nunes Nameaug Engine which rank and ile, many of which, in- ek a c.urt banning as Prince Francisco Jose Is protesting removal by the eluding myself, do not feel the the "jailing. If they still contin-jCarlos Hapsburg Lorena Bor- i urtJ rnH rstilrl ink Krt ouniMpf f1stlief Prinze Car.
to save ume. onsirucuon win take about a year, and bids must go out soon if doors are to be opened in Sept. 1965. The permanent School Building Committee will peruse the plans and specs tonight, and the school board will see them at 5 p.m. Thursday.
The council will then see them Monday. Education Committee Chairman Albert Gilman requested the council defer action one council of its single piece of engine should be returned to the ucu; T.T" ouu of De iect to contempt court pro-'los Hugo Borbon-Parma. I Nameaug volunteers." apparatus. ceedings. Franz Josef contended that he The Justice Department andialone is entitled to -bear the East Lyme title of duke of Madrid.
the Post Office Department refused to endorse the legislation. A spokesman for Prince Car The Justice Department said it los said in Madrid Tuesday the raised "grave constitutional suit was "ridiculous" and that week, so the other groups could see the plans first. questions." The Post Office De-1 Archduke Otto of Hapsburg, partment said it would impose a head of the Austrian royal house costly burden on the depart- had forbidden Franz Josef to Meeting Postponed For More Study Time EAST LYME (Special) Se-'gestions of their own for incor-lectmen postponed a special poration in the document, town meeting slated July 29 un- The final draft of the pro-til Aug. 5 to allow them more posed charter will be offered to Aug. 5 to allow them more posed charter will be offered toi ment.
use the title of Duke of Mad- Rep. Glenn Cunningham, R-jrid. YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT THE ARTHUR DRUG chief sponsor of the bill, i 4i The Carlists have sought since 1933 to regain the throne, which has been vacant since King Al-phonse XIII vacated it in 1931. a ZIXTS that a man home is his cas- time to study road improvement voters in November elections as A -nA imnrvement i tie." progress and costs for projects a referendum item at Giants Neck Heights and At-Crescent Beach Battle tawan. Members of the Crescent Voters Aug.
5 will also consi- Beach Assn. who suggested pur-der a recommended $4,000 ap-phasing "White Beach" as part propriation for the Planning of a waterfront negotiation with Commission which proposes to the Crescent Beach Land update the town plan of devel- may be interested to know that opment. White Beach, long used by the The special meeting will con-public for bathing and sunning, vene at 8 p.m. at the bastihas no owner of record. Lyme Junior High School Revaluation officials in 1961 could find no title of ownership for the sandy stretch.
As a result, White Beach" is listed on the local abstract list Charter Hearing Although the July special town gathering is cancelled selectmen WUSY IK DLL OLDEST AND LARGEST PRIVATELY OWNED DAY CAMP FOR BOYS IN CONNECTICUT On Beautiful West Hill Lake, 25 Minutes from West Hartford OPENINGS FOR JULY 27th or AUGUST 3rd to AUGUST 28th JOSEPH E. GARGAN, Director Junior Unit Middler Unit Senior Unit CIT's Ages 6-7 Agps 8-9 Ages 10-13 Ages U-15 EXCELLENT TRANSPORTATION ARRANGEMENTS CALL CAMP SECRETARY 523-5985 NsOffer Ends SaturdayX 1 DAILY 10-8 0 FUll SELECTION Of POSES GROUPS UP TO 4 CHILDREN lf 9 1 All WORK GUARANTEED I 9 LIMIT 1 PORTRAIT PER CHILD I SATURDAY APP0INENTS NECESSARY I AGE WEEKS TO 14 YEARS I I V'O 4'30 1 SEE PH0T0S N0W 0N DISPLAY ls "Satisfaciion Guaranteed or Your Money Back" by MASTER ARTISTS NATIONALLY KNOWN CHILD i. AND BABY PHOTOGRAPHERS ij OPEN DAILY 10 TO 10 ACRES OF FREE PARKING I 184 WINDSOR AVE. WILSON MERIDEN ROAD MIDDLETOWN 467 main st EAST HARTFORD webster square BERLIN will be busy at a public hearing July 29 at 8 p.m. in the junior as town property; a record en-high school where residents will, try which has some association gather to learn what a year- asking lawyers for ad-long study group has proposed on how to prove who owns as the first local charier what and since when.
Selectmen are studying the re Few interested in acquiring White Beach are consoled by port of the Charter Commission handed to them several weeks the general agreement the site ago In an effort to better in-was once the property of Nchan- form the public at the hearing tic Indians in the early eighte-and perhaps offer a few sug-lfenth century..