Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

THE MINNEAPOLIS MORNING TRIBUNE: SATURDAY JUNE 1 1929 PAGE EIGHT liDuce Unable 1 100 Japs Perish Attorney Savs Hell Go to Jail for Client Arch Pacifist Loses Elected President of Fundamentalists Citizenship Fight Eleanor Seers Ends Day's Hike of 42 Miles Paris, May 31. (By Associated Press.) After walking 42 '4 miles in eight hours and 30 minutes, Miss Mrs. Hoover Honor Guest at Radcliff Court Accepts Pledge in and Releases Defendant in Abandonment Case. Reallotment Bill Plot by Drys Charged Plan for Amendment to Discriminate Against Cities Cited. Eleanora Sears of Boston felt "fine" today.

to Give Time for Visitors Americans Anxious to Meet Mussolini Find Difficulties. President's Wife Makes Brief Address at Col The tanned Boston sportswoman and pedestrian started lege Festival. Natlutn Rivkin, counsel for Wood-row Aiisld, defendant in an aban donmenf. case berore District Judg K. A.

Montgomery, Friday pledged to the court that be would go to jail in lieu of the defendant if the latter failed to appear when his case is called next Wednesday. He made the pledge while arguing for release of his client on his own recognizance. "The stale is asking $500 bail in this case, but I have known the de Bitter Fight Hinted Over Measure in House on Monday. from Fontaine-hleau at 6:02 a. yesterday and arrived at tire Kltz hotel at 1:37 p.

finishing fresh and chipper as ever. Puring her hike she took only tea from a "'er-mos bottle pro- Cambridge. May II. (By Associated Press.) Mrs. Herbert Hoover paid a krlef visit to Cambridge today, spoke gracefully and briefly at Kadcliffe college's semicentennial exercises, and then slipped away In the late afternoon by automobile for an unannounced destination.

It was presumed that she Rome. May 31. (By Asso. iated Press.) because of his as-sumpticu of still another ministerial portfolio, that of public works, has been oi'lised so to divide his time among the eight departments over which he personally rules that the audiences he is able to RranHo duly accredited American visitors this summer are. few and far between.

Person arriving in "Rome with the nroner credentials and introductions. fendant for, many years and am cer in Forest Fires Island Residents Battle for Lives After 1,000 Homes Are Destroyed. Toklo, May 31. (By Associated Press.) Japanese residents of southern Paghalien island fought today for their lives and their homes against forest fires which are believed to have killed 100 persons, and to have destroyed more than 1,000 houses. Meager dispatches to newspapers led to the fear that there had been a major disaster.

Communications on the island were badly crippled with railways blocked and telegraph and telephone wires down. Only fragmentary reports were obtainable. A dispatch to the newspaper Asha Shimbun from Maokahama, a village near Esutori, said Maokahama had been wiped out and that there were 100 dead, will 1,000 houses destroyed. The newspaper Nichi Isichl said that 30 bodies has been recovered. A shift in the wind carried the fires away from Ksutorl and toward Maokahama.

Survivors were suffering from hunger and exposure with their sole provisions scorched potatoes from the fields of burned over farms. "Disastrous fires have swept throughout the Island," the dispatch said. "The skies are black with smoke, obliaterating the sun." It added that the blaL3 was spreading from Esutori toward Ohlnf, two miles to the south, where fighters were trying desperately to save a coal mine. tain that if he is released on hi personal recognizance he will appear here next Wednesday," Mr. Rivkin Eleanor.

Bears. vl(le1 who accompanied her in an automobile, never slackening her speed. said. Her time, an average of about miles an hour, was better than that In previous walks between New. port, It.

and Boston, Laurel, Maryland and Baltimore, and Providence and Boston. "Are you willing to go to jail in case he does not show up?" Judge Montgomery asked. "I certainly am," Rivkin replied. "Very well, the court will tak your word for It," Judge Montgomery said, "and the defendant will released until Wednesday." The weother was cool with no wind, Ideal for her purpose. would take a train tonight for Washington from some city other tbsn Boston.

Mrs. Hoover accepted the Invitation to come here extended by Miss Ada Louise Comstock, president of Itadcllffe. the only woman member of President Hoover's national law enforcement commission, ghe arrived In Boston early this morning. Later, wearing the cap and gown bestowed upon her by Whlttler col-lege, she marched with President Comstock and delegates from more than 100 colleges In five countries to a theater, where 1,200 graduates and undergraduates had gathered. Miss Comstock Introduced Mrs.

Hoover, After the exercises, Mrs. Hoover was the guest at a buffet luncheon given by Miss Comstock on the porch of Bertram Hall. Those at the table included President A. Lawrence Iowell of Harvard university, and Mr. and Mrs.

G. Thorp of this city. Mr. Thorp Is a daughter of Three Persons Perish in Argentine Cold Wave Asks 50 Per Cent Grain Freight Cut which must he handled through the American embassy, need not expect that their requests for interviews will be accorded with any particular dispatch. At present the duce, although obviously kept in touch with all Important matters of foreign policy hour by hour, pots to the foreign office in the ChicI palace, on the Piazza Colonna, only three times weekly; that Is, on the afternoons of Monday Wednesday and Friduy.

Nobody In his foreign office entourage Is empowered to make an appointment for him. Each application for audience must be approved or disapproved by the. premier In person, and blue-penciled "yes," "no," or "later" In his broad and somewhat nervous handwriting. Like any modern high powered executive in America, he is master of his own time, and has lot that hint go forth to the various embassies and legations. Mussolini receives foreign visitors normally only from 4 o'clock on In the afternoons that find him at his Mine.

Rosilia Scliwimmer. Because she said she would not bear arms in the defense of this country in the event of war, Mme. Schwimmer has been barred from citizenship in a case carried to the federal supreme court. Oregon Rail Board Urges Rev. l'aul Rood.

The Rev. Taul Rood of Turlock, formerly pastor of the Broadway Temple in Minneapolis, and a native of Minnesota, has been elected president of the World's Christian Fundamentals association, now convening at the First Baptist church. He succeeds Dr. W. B.

Riley, pastor of the First Baptist church. Mr. Rood, who was born at Bar-num, will ask to be released from his pastorate to direct organization of the fundamentalists throughout the United States. I.C.C. to Make Drastic Slash in Rate Schedules.

From Wtihirrton Btrau ef The Minneapolis Tribune. Washington. May 31. A charge was made here today by Representative Robert H. Clancy of Michigan that a combination of corn belt Republican and southern Democrats has been formed to support an amendment to be offered to the cen-sus-reapnortionment bill, now before the house, that would eliminate consideration of aliens as a factor In reapportioning representation in the huse.

According to Mr. Clancy this movement is inspired in the main by the Anti-Saloon league and other dry organizations in an endeavor to reduce the influence in congress of nuch big cities as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit, all presumably wet, and each having a considerable number of aliens which under existing laws would lie counted as a part of the population for reapportionment purposes. Mr. Clancy also stated that he had come to the conclusion, after conference with census bureau officials, that if the pending bill became a law in the form in which it was passpfl by the senate the 1930 enumeration could not be completed in time for report to congress on the first Monday in December, next year, as the measure provides. He asserted that the Wagner amendment, adopted by the senate, requiring appointment of enumerators by certification of the civil service commission, would wake It impossible for the census bu- reau to perfect an organization to do the work of enumeration in the period prescribed by congress.

The proposed amendment aimed at aliens and the Wagner provisions are likely to stir up a bitter fight when the reapportionment bill comes up in the house on Monday. Buenos Aires, May 81. (By Associated Press.) A cold wave gripped the entire Argentine today. At Cludad Mendoza the temperature was 25 degrees Fahrenheit, three persons dying of the cold. Snow and freezing temperature were reported from, other sections of the th snow falling In some places interfere Ing with rsllioad traffic, Junction T.

H. Xo. 518 miles. Tared. T.

Jl. No. and South St. Paul 24 iood. T.

H. No. 64 Elbow Lake and Herman 21 miles. Good. T.

il. No S5 Carlton and Cloauet 4 milea. Pared. T. H.

No. 5 Frownsdsle. Dodge Center and Kenron 4-ri miles. Fair. T.

H. No. 67 Mantorrllle and Kasson 3 miles. I.nnd Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. T.

H. No. AS Red Wing and Zumbrota 'llllllllllllllllllllllllllimilllllllllNIUIIIIIHIII ROAD TIPS for Minnesota Motorists Washington, May 81. (By Associated Press.) An appeal for a 35 to 50 per cent reduction In freight rates on grain and grain products was made today before the Interstate commerce commission by William P. Ellis, counsel for the Oregon Fuhllc Service commission.

This was the largest reduction yet requested by representatives of states west of the Mississippi river who have -appeared before the Interstate commerce commission in its In N. W. Bible School Graduates Class desk In the Chigl palace. Thus far this year his American visitors liave 21 miles. Good in dry weather.

T. H. No. 69 Spring Valler. Rochester and ake Cltr 80 miles, tsooth state line fair Stewartrille.

good Ik City. T. H. No. CO Faribault and Madiaon Lnke 35 miles.

Oood. n. No. (11 Deer Rirer and aklg Falls mile. Onen Cmul 1 Low Prices on Everything for been admitted at about 5:30 or o'clock.

He occasionally makes ex T. H. No. 62 St. Paul and Anoka 26 ceptions In favor of musicians, whom he Invites to give brief recitals at his private residence after 9 o'clock Olllea.

Pared. 'J'. H. No. 63 Mlnncapolla ar.d Foreat Lake 30 miles.

Pared. T. II. No. 64 Fergus Falls.

Barnearllle and Moorhead T0 miles. Fergus Fails fair HarneRrille: uood ktnorhesd. vsmm re re Rev. Harry Rirhmer of Los Angeles Gives Address at Commencement. vestigation of grain rates under the at night.

Seeing him at his office provisions of the Hoch-Smlth In the Vfminale palace, seat of the T. H. No. Bagler and Red Falla 7 miles. Racier good Clearbrook, poor ministry of the interior, is a prac tical impossibility.

tinner, good iteu j.ake ran. T. H. No. 66 Montevideo and Appleton miles.

Good. T. H. No. 67 T.

H. No. 14 and Granite Palls 24 miles. Cood. Kills contended that the reduction requested was not only necessary for relief of the grain growers, but could be made without injustice to the railroads.

Price lower than you've seen them in yean on just the things to make your trip a success. In order that she could cross a If the intelligence of the people, alone, was the deciding factor, China would probably be a superior nation as compared with America, T. U. No. 63 Marshall and Canby JO Trunk highways throughout Minnesota are generally good, according to the weekly road condition report issued by the Btate highway department Friday.

Rains have affected a few stretches, mostly- roads of recent construction, but all are reported passable and most of the routes fair or better. Detours are beginning to appear as construction gets under way. A 14-mile detour has been put in effect on T. H. No.

1, due to paving between Knife River and Two Harbors. A few shprter detours are also In effeet. These are shown in the detailed reports below: T. H. No.

1 Alnrrt Ln, Farlbnult. ft. Paul. Dulutta and North Mhnre 127 mll-. swampy region in South Africa, Mrs, milea.

Good. T. No tW Buffalo. Annandale and Eden Charlotte Mansfield, the famous vailev 41 ml es i.ood. according to the Rev, Ilarry Rimmer 1 traveler, recently "posted" herself as T.

H. No. 70 Sleenr Ere Fairfax and Rector 38 miles. Sleepy Eye good Fort 7ff. x9ft.

Ilidgelr, arlr Hector. T. H. 72 RlacVdnrk and Randette A potato peeling machine has been adopted for use In French army kitchens. of Los Angeles, who delivered the commencement address at graduation exercises of the Northwestern Bible and Missionary Training a letter, the official responsible declaring that he would not permit her to attempt the journey otherwise.

miles. Rlackduck fair Kelllher, good Waskish. fair Bauilette. Umbrella Tent! school Friday night in the First Baptist church. It is the cultural power of God's word which makes the Christian na South mate lln eooi Albert Le.

dflour. $16.75 fair Geneva iiared Kt. rani, pared Dulutn. The Tammnr group and other delegations from the large cities that would be affected have been urged to be present in the house next week. Mr.

Clancy expressed the opinion that the amendment would curtail representation In some states by omitting a count of aliens in reapportioning membership in the house was gaining ground and probably would be passed unless its opponents rallied in force against the pending measure. Representative Hoch of Kansas, Republican, introduced a resolution in the last congress designed to knock out the alien population as a factor In future reapportionments. paved ralmem, 14 nille detour, fair Two Harbora, sood Canadian boundary. T. U.

No. a Dulutli. Bralnerd. Wailena. SJmmm nerroit I teen ann Aioornean xuu mum.

Diilnlh rmrerl Carlton, food. fair, ffood Mc- CnmplrU with rants. Utter, bWe irrf do.r anil hobliwt rr window. HUsit nwt In hl test B.wber.. Juat like room ot this i'e.

IlflMa thr.e ret. romfertablj. nil wMUhar-proof. 4 oll.paihle svnt.r pole entlr. tent.

A regular Vti talne prlred aprrlat h. lord. jr. frl trprMl Has with Tent. altf (irciiur.

fair Aitkin, good Hauler, paved 11 1877 Mutie It Esttnti Moorliend. H. xa. a Yt tnnna. Nr.

ran Micnp- nolli. St. Cloud and Bieckenridce I PIANO COMPAKYTW 1 nillea. la PHTea. iair ninona; nareil Waoaa ha.

fa I.ate IHT. uared lied Winn: paved. ona, naraa ni. AUTO REST CUSHIONS raut-MittneanoJia. raven trsaaia.

iair Alexandria. imod lliPikenrldKe. H. Nn. 4 Jaekaoi- Wadena.

Renildlt and International Falls 470 nillea. Knntli Mtale I aitod Morton, fair Ullrfa. tions superior to those of other faiths, Mr. Rimmer said. Forty-two students who had completed the four-year course of the school received diplomas at the exercises.

The program was held as a part of the annual convention of the AVorld's Christian Fundamentals association. The diplomas were presented by the Rev, R. L. Moyer, assistant superintendent of the school. Dr.JW.

R. Riley, pastor of the First Baptist church and superintendent of the school, presided. Renus Siemens, president of the graduating class, gave an address of welcome, Alice Dalilstrom gave the farewell address for the class and Marguerite Thomas read the class poem. "Knowledge alone is not power," faid Mr. Rimmer.

'The Infallible 79c 79c ID nod Norlhonie. fair food Bis good International Falla. 1. It. uiue Karth.

Mankato. Min-neapolia. Mora and Swan hirer 'SVi milea. A per- Unit ttt back r.t. Trade Expert Will Speak to S.

D. Retailers Auto Luggage Carrier Adjn.tabl. lo aajr l.nsth on jaur rannlns board, htor asltraaoa, b.ddltif and all orl at luaiaf. bhlnd It. KIOME! LEVEL WINDING CASTING REELS South state line nooa iiiue e.arin, iair vt in-neliaiio.

Kood La rinew. good, pared Belle Platne, pared Id inneapolia. 17 milea iard. food Mora, iwod, fair McGrath, Kood Swan Hiver. T.

H. No. Ortontllle, Moor-head. Crookitou and Uallock isi miles. All eood.

T. H. No. 7 Winona. Rochester.

Owston-na. Mankatn and Lake Benton i77 milea. Winona fair Rochester, good Claremont, fair Owalonua. good state west line. T.

H. No. 8 Duluth. Grand B. mldjl.

Crookitnn and Eat (irand Forka 2Vt miles. Duluth paved Martins, fair Han River, iiood. Erkine. poor Pelorme, noor-fair Crookston. good East Grand Forka.

Itetour to Forks. T. H. No. 9 l.a Crescent.

Preaton, Ana-tin. Albert l-ea. Jackson and l.orerne 307 miles. I.a Crescent good Preston, fair Foun Annual Convention Will Open at Rapid City on June 18. word of God Is the only source of power.

When I have had Chinese and American students together In my classes, I have found that usual Weekly Pays Dalance! $2 Special Terms Subject to aw change without notice 1 I Trade in your I I I piano, I I I phonograph, I 1 I radio or band I I I instrument. I DOUBLE CORK HANDLE $2.79 $4.39 $7.95 Shskr.pror. "Trlnanph" M'lndlnt- Khftkespfar "Criterion" Iit.I Windfall Sh.krapr.r. "Irfral" Wlndlns CASTING ROD ly the Chinese had better intellects Joint. aU.1 with than Americans.

It Is the cultural value of God's teachings that aiosth acailn. .39 Jionhlo tain, aood Sprlns. Valler. fair Banks, food Worthington, fair Adrian, good atala weat line. T.

H. No. 10 Minneapolis. Wlllmar. Benon and Wheaton Wi miles.

Minneapolis paved Wariata. ood Litchfield, pared have placed the leading nations of srlp. M.lal part Shakrapmr. Kl. sr th.

la at word In qasUty. bl-srfil and fcallt Ilka nnr romplrls stark. the world where they are." The speaker recounted cases of in Rapid City, S. May 31. By Associated Press.) State and out-state epeakere, Including Ernest M.

Zwick-1 of the United States department of commerce, will address delegates to the thirty-second annual convention of the South Dakota Retail Mer lrk.1 plat.d. Thla urns saallty moat ap to St.tS. A fmtar. for only Pennock, fair Benson, good Hanco*ck, pared Morris, good Wheaton. T.

Jl. No. II. Duluth. Virginia, International Falla and Donaldson Wat milea.

Duluth pared Virginia, good Donaldson-. T. If No. 12 lakeland. tt.

laul. Min- nestmlls Olivia and Madison 2M4 miles. dividuals in this country and tribes in the Pacific islands who had made big -advancements in civilization and Lakeland pared St. Paul. Minneapolis: good fair Granite Falla, good Madiaon.

II No. Albert Lea. Wan-, a and Jordan 80 tulles. AUrtrt Xe fair Waseca. Ft.

Inrlha Mnld.d GUARANTEED HOSE $4.49 Hra.llr corrasatrd, Dora not kink. ja In f.rtorj mlH A frntar talar. Wood Rom K1.N9 'J'. 11. 14 Gaj'ldrd.

Redwood Falls and Iranhoe 111 miles. Uayiord fair Hirtai. attainment within short periods after having had the Bible brought to Addressing the fundamentalist convention Friday morning, Mr. Rimmer declared that man always has been a reasoning, Intelligent human Ijfing and that even the most recent archaeological and anthropological investigations have failed to disprove this point The convention will close Sunday night. "OliTcr Johnnon'a" FINEST LAWN SEED Mnroln Tark Ml-tnrr.

IVr lb. 294 "Wlnn.r" Brand. IVr lb 224 K.nturky Illti. firaaa. Per lb.

lb 554 good Iranhoe. T. H. S. IS Fairmont.

New tltn and Wlntlirup-80 miles. iiood. T. II. No.

16 Mankato-. St. Jamn. Win- dom and Wortlilngton US miles. Mauknto.

good Madnlia. pared Kt. Jamea. good But- terfleM. fair Mountain Lake, good Fulda.

fair Worthlngton. H. No. 17 Fulda, Marshall and Gran. It ru11s miles.

t.ood. chants' association. to be held in Rapid City, June 18 and 19. The program, announced today by W. C.

Botkln of Huron, state secretary, opens with a general session Tuesday, June IS, and concludes with a business session Wednesday afternoon. An excursion up Rapid canyon following the convention Thursday, Is also scheduled, with a dinner to be furnished by the Rapid City Associated Retailers, The program was announced as follows: Tuesday, June 8:30 a. registration of members and guests. 10:00 a. m.

Convention called to order by F. C. Ackley, Aberdeen, state president. Invocation by the Rev. O.

G. Malmin. Address of welcome. Mayor T. B.

Werner. 10:30 a. m. Address, Ernest M. II.

No. 18 Klk Hirer, lllllca and PAINT NOW! Whit, riorrr. ltrsineril 10.1 miles. I.nod. T.

No. ID Urainerd. Walker and Caia Wo rarry a tall linn of Northrop-Kins llnw.r a ad nrd-n irrds. f.sks iia miles (iofld. T.

II. No. Cantos. Rochester and Cannon Falls lis miles. South stata line fair Canton, detour, fair Harmniir, good Preston, fair Founta good ue Island.

Electric Radio At New Low Prices and Special Terms fair, pod Cannon Kails, good T. If. No. A. T.

II. No. i(l Farlhnult and St. Peter lid milea. Zumbrota fair Ken-ion.

uimmI Nicollet. T. H. No. aw ft.

Peter, nutclilesoa ind ins miles. T. II. No. PamesTille.

St. Cloud Ml- lac a and Mission Creek I'd) miles. I'arnes- llfl 7 -1 ritle good Milaca detuur, good Bock, good Miss on reek. T. II.

No. Zl Lltchfleld and St. Cloud 5 $9-25 4'J les. tkak r.rAR- ANTKKD KF.ADV MIXFII H018E H. No.

li.v-Bella rialtie, Montrosa and nia Lake 71 miles. Good. T. II. Nn.

20 Benson. Appleton and Or tAtt vllle-. 4.t Hillew. Iiood. H.

No. 27 St. Cloud, l.lttls Fslla and Brslnerd-i miles, pared. T. II.

No. 2S Little Falls. Glenwood inu 1'AIKT llnllon S3.5 wnald not hay btt.r palni. A pur. miliar of whit.

Irad, alar, nnd lln.r.d nil whlrh will prar. and hautlfy roar hamr. Choir of It mlor. and whit, at tho a.m. low price.

FIt srrrlcc Ilrnwns la Her l4.i les. Good. T. II. No.

2D Glenwood. Aleiandrit and Suicide Rate Gains in During Past Year, Survey Shows New York, May 31. By Associated Press. An increase in the suicide rate in the United States is shown by a survey made by Frederick L. Hoffman, consulting statistician of the Prudential Insurance Co.

The rate In 132S was 17.5 per the highest since 1916 when It was 18. Although the present rate Is below that of 1908, when It reached 21.5, the report says the tendency is toward a higher rate In the future. "The Increase In rate Is difficult to understand," says the "In view of the generally favorable Industrial and business conditions of the present period. But what Is true of the country In general Is not necessarily true of certain sections or particular elements of the population, which may be Injuriously affected by Industrial or financial depressions." Of 15S cities studied, 88 showid TA sdena61l les. t.ood.

T. II. No. 80 Fergus Falls. Petroit 3-Pc Bathroom Outfit $59 Coaalata of or 5 ft.

whit, en- amrl.d tab, anlld pnrrrlaln lavatory nnd all rhlna waahdnwn rlna-rt combination. All nlrk.l-plat.d flttlnta larludrd. Krody for Im-mrdlat. Installation. plnmbrri fnrnl.hrd on

All China Closet Combinations I.akca and Krskine 117 miles. Good. T. II. No.

ill Ada and Mahnomen 2b niflea. Fair. eood. h. No a2 neiorme.

nea Lata raits. Thief Hlver Fslla and Greenhush 71 milea. Delimit good XhieC Hirer lalla, fair- Orei-u- Zwkkel, Vnited States department of commerce, Washington, D. C. 11:30 a.

m. Address, "Cashing In on Individuality," by Charles Mc-Caffee, field secretary of the South Dakota Press association, Sioux Falls. 1:50 p. m. Community singing led by W.

C. Putman, "Everlastingly at It Put," Chicago. 2 p. m. Address.

"Making Commercial Footballs Win Goals for You," by D. B. Pratt, superintendent Belle Fourehe sugar factory. 2:40 p. m.

H'esenUal Records to Greater Profits," by John do Wild, contributing editor Conimer-; cisl Bulletin, St. Paul. 3:45 p. m. Address.

"Making George Do It," W. C. Putman. :45 p. m.

Banquet, with Roy Doherty, president Rapid City Asso-elated Retailers, as toastmaster. Special music and singing by c. B. Hunt. Rapid City.

Dance following "NON-E-KWIL-FLOOR VAR-MSH Ituhh. i. H. no. iTiier ittrei rails gnu Wsrren miles, t.ond.

T. II, No. 34 Orand Ranida. Renter. $2.35 Walker, Park Kauiils and Detroit Lakta-144 miles.

Good. T. II No. ss Garrison. Grand Rgplda Special Saturday only a Hllihini.

Virginia and Elf 2113 miles. Usr- Gal. I rlson good Aitkin. fair mil City, good Crsnd Itsiiiils. naven Aurora, eond

T. n. No 8 Hennlni. Battle Lake and Fergua Fat a 42 milea. Good.

Flows smoothly and siting hlsh la.t.r flnlah. Kqaal lo any ft varnlah. 17 1. H. No S7 LIUI Falla and Motley .95 jg X.1 mites.

flnitd T. II. No. Monterioeo, Bensoa na Stsrhuck miles. T.

II Ko. SB Walla. Manleton and Matt- kato miles. Mankato good Minnesota SCREEN Per ENAMEL Qt. 39c an Increase over 1827.

The 10 cities Lake, fair Wells, good nanka. T. Ill No. 40 I.rlt. Austin and Owaton- Ready for immediate installation.

Choice of oak. or mahogany seat. showing tha highest ratej were: na SO miles. Lrle poor Austin, paved Blooming Prairie, fair Owatonna. T.

II. No. 41 Harfleld and Blooming 1.27 San Diego, Calif 43.7 rralrle 10 miles. Fair. T.

No 42 Kellogg. Plilnrlaw sad TlAcliesler VO miles t.oitd. LET US DUILD YOUn GARAGE! T. II. No 43 Winona end Rnshtord 22 miles.

Good. T. No. 44 ITokah, Caledonia snd miles (finftH. T.

II. No. 4:. Stillwater and St. Paul.

Less tubes JUR RADIO SERVICE POLICY "Good, better, pent, Never let it V( Until good it better, And the better, beet." ANON. FOSTER WALDO do not depend upon outside agencies in the conduct of their business We personally "finance" all of our contracts; we maintain our own advertising; department; and we personally install and service EVERY Majestic that we cell. One is almost certain to be better pleased with his purchaao when he deals with a house of this magnitude. 4,5.4 41.7 34,4 32.8 32.8 81.7 30.6 29.8 23.8 26.6 San Francisco Tacoma, Wash. Atlantic City, N.

Oakland, Calif. Sacramento, Calif. Seattle, Wash. Terre Haute, lnd, Denver Portland, Ore 44. 8 19.

29. VI SO. 9 26.4 17.9 25.9 17.8 1B miles Pit.H if Kn 4S I'arlnra Falls and Wrom- $10 Down We do remodeling, re-roofing, painting, plumbing and heating. One and Two Years to Pay We build homes, glased porches, addU Etc. Ing IS milea Wromlng patsl Chisago Cltr.

Falls. H. No. 47 HI a. Hon and Plpeatona 2 milea.

Good, T. H. No. 41 Oranlt Falla and Csnby 4.1 milea. Good.

11 ara tr and banquet. Program for Wedneftriay. Wednesday, June 10, 9.43 a. "Broadcasting and Selling," H. A.

Bellows, manager radio i station WCCO. Minneapolis. 10:45 a. m. Address, "Training for Larger Service." by E.

IT. Ber-dahl, assistant secretary, Minneapolis Civic snd Commerce nssoclatlon, and former South secretary of finance. 11:30 a. m. "The Profits of Cooperation," by C.

E. Twitchell, Owa-tonna, Minn. 1:4 p. m. Community singing.

2:00 p. Address, "The Northwest Can Do It," by H. L. Kyes, ecretary National Merchants association, Minneapolis. Business r-s-sion, committee reports and election of officers concluding the session.

A theater psrty will feature tha evening's entertainment. Wlllmsr miles. Montevideo food Clira Any aire or any dralcn ran bo had from onr rompl.ta aaaortmrnl. I'll fate Wfllmse T. H.

No. fun Citnior) Fall" Fsrmlngton J. W. E. Waddell to Edit Pilot at Walker, Minn.

Built an roar lot br snrf llianaannlla 4(S miles. PS red T. II. No. (1 Hhakooee and Chssks Iay only 110 down far any alt or style, th.a pay th balane la small monthly pay-meyits Jaat Ilk rent.

Onr rrpr.a.ntKtlv will Kladly rnll at yoor linm. and ruplnln all dctalla I'HONE tj snllas vr own nrpatrr from th brat at ma t.rlalai hmvy r.mrn floor fir rralatins; T. It. No f)2 Kt. Paul.

Fort Knelling and Leas tubes roofing i and Ijr palnt.n and trimmed to match your CUEDIT TUUai, i -V wm mm BBOTDE mm) Walker, May 81, W. E. Waddell, formerly a newspaper man here, will return Saturday ss rest-dent editor of tha Walker Pilot. He succeeds Carl Rynearson, who Is taking a position with a fishing tackle manufacturer. Mr.

Waddell has been at Pine River for a year and a half. The local weekly Is owned by ths Northern Minnesota Publishing of which A. R. Maes-er Is president. All ths Kg H.

I). Mines' Graduates. Styles I.ambrr and Balldlnf Mat.rlal Horn and Oarai Bulldrrt 33f -329 Henncpla mi 6th Avt. H. Rapid City, 8.

My 81 Degrees were given to 40 todsy at the forty-second annual graduation exercises of the South School of. Mines. Dr. Herman J. James, president-elect of the slat university, tpok.

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Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.