The Washington Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


SWASi Editor of Amatenr Sports. PPPiiiij.iii4il pluwp 1 AkTEUR BODY FACING CRISIS FOR FIRST TIME Colombia league Open to Expulsion from'Commission if Pump-en Play in Circuit DIRECT VIOLATION OF EDLES Uy C. W. SWAV. The Amateur Commission of the District of Columbia la facing the gravest situation of Its career, for should the Pumping Station team play In the Co lumbia League after being voted tne property of the Capital City League, the commission will be defied to tne limn and the Columbia League will be open lo expulsion froiri the commission.

Vice President Lynn, of the Columbia League, stated after the meting of the commission that he would back the Pumpers to the end and that they would play in his league. This is In direct violation to the ruling of the Amateur Commission, and should they go through with It. then the com-miFsion will be called upon to reprimand the Columbia League to the full penalty and should it fall to do this, then the commission will be backing water and the amateurs will not look upon It In the same light as the ruling body of the District. tlnnLera Insolsed. It is hoped that the Columbia League will not play the Pumpers, as the amateur champions of the District, namely, the Bankers, are members of that cir cuit, and to throw them out of the post reason series, should they win the pennant in that league, nhtch looks to be a ertainty at the present time, would be dome the boys an injustice, and this Is tn be deplored.

Just hon far the officials of the Columbia League are prepared to go Is not known, but It Is taken from the statements of Vie Lynn that the circuit uould go the limit, and If this is the case the league is open to the lull penalty. hlle it may be that the Capital City league is In the wrong and should allow the Pumpers to withdraw, the commission, at the meeting Monday night, failed to rule this way, and as a result the Pumpers are still the property of the Capltcl City League. Will Protest Derision. true that the Columbia League ill protest the decision to the board of arn'trat-on. hut as it will be impossible hold a meeting of that board within at least three weeks, and maybe longer.

the Pumpers in the meanwhile must remain idle, or play in the Capital City lgue. which Manager Moeller stated tho would positively refuse to do when the amateur commission was going the strongest this mess had to come up. with the result that the amateurs are becoming tired of the needless squabbles, and wantto see the entire" troulfle finlsliea. A meeting of the Northern Association was held last night in the Wash-raton Herald building, when the league as reported to be in good shape, financial-, and other matters perta.nlng to in league discussed A meeting cf the clubs to organize the league of suburban teams will take place to-night in the Washington Herald building, and all managers of teams are re quested to be on hand not later" than 8 tlock. Ninth, Presbyterians, 4.

N'lnth defeated F.rst Presbyterians yes terday In the East Wash ngton League. to I The score- l-t lYes AB A nth. AB II A Man If 4 0 0 0 1 Cawddr 3b 4 0 0 1 Thomas. 2b 4 12 3 0, Quantnllr. lb 4 2 12 0 0 I rneri.

i i ri urofane. zzt 4 1 low Thrm-pnon rf 4 2 3 0 0 Mrrtland. 4 3 1 0 a. 2 13 2 0 1 Brewer 4 I 7 2 0 f-imanoski 4 1 0 0 0 Crahh-e. If 3 2 1 0 1 MeKee rf.

.1111 1 Corbel, rf 3 10 0 0 Hot-em lb 3 13 0 0 1 Harris 4 0 5 3 0 Hun i 2 010 1 0 Monti, I 1 0 2 0 MrCarthr rfOOOlOl I -in. lh. 1 00 1 0 3)112714 1 10 7 a 8 3 I I i-M .01000200 14 Ninth Mreet Hun Marx. Thomas. Thompson (21.

Cas-idr. Qiiantrelle (2 JI Broooe. Moreland Bnrwrr Left biutea Plrrt rre-bvteiian 10, Ninth btreet. 8. Kirs' ba on balla tiff Morris.

off Srmano-1-1, 4. ouriBi Moms by 9 Home rmi Thomion. Three-baw hit- tjtiantrelle. Me-Ker ral-Me. Two4isr hrt 31 Broome -tarnflce hlta Conrer.

Thornett, Burns btolrn bnse Thomas Thornett Cawidi Mnrriand Uo-j blc plajs llama (unassistedi Hit br latcher Br M-ms. MeCarth-f. Ud pitch Morris, rmrare Mr Woodward. Tune of tame 1 hour and 43 rr nute- Adams, 16; Station, 1. Cowing twirled his initial game in the R.

M. C. A. League yesteruay for Adams, and got away with a 18 to 1 win over Station. The Expressmen plaed errorless balL Snider's home run.

with Peck on first, featured. The score: Nation. APHO AT. MrMahon. 11 3 0 2 0 1 ulliTan n.l 0 0 cf .10 10 0 IjMf 1 I I 1 rohaiuMi 1 3 10 10 0 Mnallwd lb 3 0 0 M.itlr 5 1 0 0 1 arner i i 0 0 1 I T-isI- 5 la Adams ABHOAE frtrwart.

rf. .33000 Kltzcerald. 4 110 0 0 3 10 0 0 Peck, a Snider, sa Hanvet ioIetU If Baron Itlbson. a Sbeefaan. cf Cowhis.

r. 4 i i i 4 10 0 0 3310 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 3 0 Totals SlilDO 4 0 0 13 8-U 0 10 0 0 0-1 I- atnai Kun-etcwart (SI. Kitrerrald (21. I'eck 2. Snider Hanrey 3i.

(libson f2). Cowhlc. L'm l-iiijch Tirt bate twr ermc Adams. I Left tme Statiai. 1.

Adams. 3 First base en ball. tiff Warner, 5, Strnck emt By Warner. 5: by Cuw-1 ip Home mn Snider. Tsro-baie hit Cowhij.

ha.THlrw hit-Virfett. Cates. Stolen bates mart I2i Fittenald. Hanier, Viotett (2). Orw-1 i Balk-Warner Umpire Mr.

Handlhoe. Tune same 1 hour and 10 mirmtea. Agg-ies, 10; C. 3. In a well played game In the Depart- itntal League, on the White Lot yes-t.

-da. Aggies ttlmmed Commerce and I.ilior. 10 to 3. Score: I. Alt II A I Ames.

ABHOAE Mrl. rt n.rf. 3 10 0 1 Tailor, rt i Bryan. If 5 10V r.srUm. 3 12 3 0 Tliiimas.

5 0 12 1 0 Tiirwrr. 4 2 5 1 II brrt- If .42010 Hstm prf 3 0 0 1 0 It Jh. 2 0 12 0 M.wart. 4l-J 1 1 rf 2 0 I 0 0 Shtrweln. p.

10 0 0 1 Totals 517-lli 4 'Ymroerce and Afcies. (-Human, a Bailer. lh. 2 9 0 0 Downey, 2 5 0 Mrurath. a a a Watt.

3b. 3 0 0 2 It Bicketta. 4 0 110 FJdinesa. 12 0 10 Totals. -USD 0 0 0 0 10 0 11 0-3 3 0 1 1 0 4 1 x-19 Uiuia Barbara.

Roberts. Rose, Taj lor (21. Bryan Oilllnan 121. Bailey. Ctosnesa (2).

FIrrt bate in errors Assies. 2. Left on bases Acsiea, J. Cnmmine ail Labor. 7.

First base on ballsOff Ileaton, 1 off McLarren. off Ebmrrui. off Ijdsnut. I. Hits made Off-Healnn.

in 4 lnnlnss; iiff McLarren 4 In inrunss; off Ebcrwcxn. In 2 irmcfs 8trneli cart By Hcaton. by Kbenrrln. 3: Esds, I Three-base hits Oilllnan (2). Twn-bas tit*Bryan.

TsjlfT. SacrMrw Ht Downer-Stolea bases Dcwney McOrath. Eidsneaa; Barbara. TU.berts, Rt) (2). Price 12).

DonWe play DarUra to Stewart, Barbara to Thomas to Tucker; Downey te Rickctu. Wild Umpire Ur. CoUUowct. Tim of aune-1 hour tad minutes. AMATEUR LEAGUES.

YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Capital City Learn No imc Columbia Leaanc Bankers, Kensington, 0. DrautmrnUl Leacne Azziea. C. 1 East Washington League Nlotta, 6.

Fiesbrte- rUn. I Independence laue Southland, 8. Loffler. 4L Marquette Ltune-Tcnnilljtinni. St Ste phens.

5. Northern Association Herald. Andrews. I H. B.

Y. M. C. A. Lcsgtie Adams, 16; Sutton.

J. Sunday School Lracne Ingram, Anscosua, 4. Gomnmcat Lesjue G. P. O- 11; War.

I GAMES TO-DAY. Cctambta Leaine ficsithefn Hallway ts. Braddock. Cut tVaitunsUn Learrue First M. is.

Met ropolitan Presbyterian. Independence Lracue National A C. ta. Aloruus. Miranrtte Leasee Bethcsda rs.

Carroll institute. Northern Association Itccrats n. rarfc. It. R.

Y. M. C. LeaciM Southern n. Union Station.

SnndiT School League Lincoln ts. North Caro lina. OoTerament League Open date. KENSINGTON BLANKED. "Shags" IIoti Ilng- In form and Dankeni Win Again.

Through the superior pitching of -Shags" Rawllngs and fast fielding. American 'Turity shu1 ni't Kensington yesterday. In the Columbia League, 3 to 0. At all times during the game Raw-lings outguessed the opposing batsmen and the trio of htts which his opponents gathered were scattered enough to prevent scoring. Two sensational catches by Hayes and McDonald, made while on the run, and two ca tehee; in left Held by "Reggie" Raw lings, featured the game.

Score. Am. bee AB It (I A Unoald. 4 0 Hairs. IHAA- IK A ft Ken'loo.

All II A lb I OI2 1 0 Keller, n. 1 I I I mutt, tlldSeld. a 3 3 tuwV. i I i iisn. 3000 llicr, ri.e...

10 3 0 0 Ibakln. 3 II 0 0 0 Andrrvm. 3 1 2 0 3103 'KEi. wen. rt- 0 0 0 0, 10 3 0 0 an Dine, rf I 0 0 0 0 W.U-.S1.

.10 10 0 ri n. K.Uaw is. 3 0 0 3 0 3 32113 0 3C 21 II Ameriean Sccurrtjr Kenstnzton 1 I o-i o-o Rnna MrDnuald (3. Haxes l-tnt bae on er ror Kenuiton. 2.

Ift on ba- Kenaucttai, 3. Am-rkau HrmntT 7 I'lrst on baUV-lS Cluo. 5. -U nahnc. 1 Struck out-Br Clancy.

2 br Kawtmr. To-hae btta-CUncr. iKmaU. ItUdle. -Urrlnoe hit U.

ltkMK Sloloi bava Itiddlr, Iu (2i. Ihrr OJut Ionhta ptara Mrlhmald lo Have 3lrktaM in IUiea to Itkldle Hit br fiteher-llr CUncjr iBoi-ktni. br Ravlluc (USutl Wild latch Paet ball-eirTjt ltnirc-JIr. 11 Tune uf game 2 houra. Tennallytown.

12; St. Stephen's, 5. Tennallytown beat St. Stephen's es- terday. In the Marquette League, 1J to 3 Score Ten town AB II A St te Alt II A lat If 4 1110' CalUii.

rf 2h 4 I 0 1 It Hoard 3b 4 1 1 0 rii i I 3 2 IfcnaloSnu. rf4 2 1 0 2 Ilatrr. Klrkland Uiiie- 3 arrr4l. lh .40300 N. lb Famll 2b 4 2 3 10 -T-ed 1.

Howard ri: II I I Cnrr Hlllran 4 I I Itille. 3 2 2 2 1 N.wri.. if 4 2 I 1 I 4 0 3 0 0 3 3 7 0 0 3 0 5 I .1 lilt 3 0 110 3 0 10 0 Totala 33 II 21 I Ttala 10 21 i I Tennallytown. St Steiben'n. I I 1-12 3 111111-5 Itnna O'Dar.

B. Howard (II nonaUson tl. KirtUnJ. Carroll. FarreH, C.

Howard 12). Rlller (2). Hirer. MrDonouch. 1 tinea.

Steed. Crier Fbat haw. on eiuia TranaDjtowa. 3 bl. hterhen a.

4. Ueft ear baaea TermaOrtown, ct htephen 3. trn lar baII-Oll HuTer. V. Inamei istebed-Br I'eltit.

3 13 llinea 3-3 Times at hat tn rvtnent-Acani. l'rttlt, 1C acaiiiat Hinr 17 Hit. made OH retm. 7 off Hta- 4 Rtnirk Br niller. 7.

br IVttit 3 br llmev 2. lla run -Hacrr To-iat hil Klrkland llacre Nuuri Samn hit-E. Mtolen hai-4i Ilaj Howard, lime Now Double pla. inuawurrd) Hi nit.n-r-BT Miller (9tdt: bv I'etltl (E Howard P-uned halla Steed 2. I'm lre Mr.

Norm. Tune fume I bvur and 0 minute-. G. P. 0., 14; Bureau, 7.

Goernment Printing Office won its first game in the Colored Departmental League from Bureau. II to 7. Score. Bureau. AB A AB II I) A aror 0 2 2 1 Parker.

3 0 2 2 0 I Vinson. If 3 0 3 0 0 Waten ss. 3 3 0 2 1 I. Addlaon 3b 4 2 0 2 0 I Uanhewa 3i. 5 I 1 0 Unwell, 2 1 0 0 I If.

2 110 0 1U1I. lb.t 4 10 11 Imij lh. 4 2W 0 0 iale aa .420011 a. 213a Uliams. rf 4 1 0 0 0 i J.

hnaon. plltl I I'. Thomas, sill I I nd imwi cf if 4 1 0 0 Addtson. ell I I 0 I J.E.W1II m. -3 0 10 1 1 Armstead.

lb I 0 3 0 0 i lUndoiph. rf 2 0 0 0 0 361021 3 Totals 33U2I10 2 Bureau 0 12 12 0 0 1-7 P. oooioio 1-11 Rnna Johnson (2i. Addison Ball. J.

Will lams (21. H. Addlaon, Parker (31. Waters (2 Mat thewf. Simoa t3i.

tmog i2i Thnma Ander son, J. WilliamA. Earned runs Bureau. 3 it. 1' 8.

First basr br errora Bnreau 1 1. 1 Left in baea Bureau, a. i 4. taw on balla Off Tli.ana'. 1 off Ball.

2 JiJinson. 2. off Thomas. Inning pit. bed Br I' Tboma 2 3.

bi Ball. (1-3 br Johnson. 314. br Thoma. 22 3 Hits made Off I' Thomas.

off Ball 5 off W. Johnson. C. off Thomas, 4. Mruck out Br P.

TlKimas 2, hi Ball. 8. by W. Johnson. br Thomas 5.

Tiirer base hita L. Addlaon. Waters. Tao-liase bits Addison, lbavell. Thomas.

Anderson Molen ba-Il Jchnscn lull, Uales, Mat thews in. Simms 12'. Hit bv piteher Br Thomas. 1, by Ball. Wild pitches I'.

Thomas. 1. W. Johnson. Passed balls-BoawrlL, I.

J. II Uilliama. 1 Umpire 31 r. Hurler. Time of game 1 hour and 33 minutes G.

P. 0., 11; War, 4. G. P. O.

defeated War. 11 to 4, on the Ellipse yesterday Score- r. iv o. An ll A I ar. AR II A Fitzs ons.

lb i 1 1 Neibold. 13 0 3 0 Miner, sa 10 3 11 4acobson. cf. 4 12 0 0 Fuller, th 4 4 8 0 0 Itotta. If 5 0 0 0 Mackman.

c. I 1 Ford. UI 1 0 Kelts, sa HID Kowler 4 2 0 0 Schott. ef 4 0 0 0 0 Rrwa rf. .20000 Undies.

4 2 0 0 0 .5100 a A a uurann. s. Hhawn. 3h fhiuch. rf Rngan.

Itowers. 4 2 4 0 3 4 12 0 0 .20011 2 0 110 Totals ri527 7 33 926 1 5 Fowler failed to touch first. O. War 02210002 4-11 101001100-4 Ituns-Mlner. Fnller (21.

Church. Seibold, block-man (21. Kelly CI. Ford (21. Fowler Schotr.

Hnftes. First base cm enrta-O. TO 2. War. 1 Left on bases O.

P. 4 War. First base on balas Off Bowm, 3, off Hushes 2. Struck vtit-By Bowers, by llughea, Heme runs Fuller. Todd.

Three-basa hit Fnller Saenfioa flies Schctt. FowhT Sarrifire hila-Jaeorwon. Burkotf, Bowers. Boss r2). hciboM Stolen base Fitreih-hon.

SeibtiM (SI. St4unan Ford. Kelly (3), Fowler. Fuller 121. Shann Church (2).

Itraun (21 Hit by tftcfctr-By Hushe. (Miner Bowers). Tasted balls Bocan Umpire Mr. Xalls. Tune same 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Ingram, 16; Anacostia, 4. Ingram defeated Anacojtla, in the; Sunday School League. IS to 4. Score: Ingram. AB A Miller .41020 A.

HcA-n. r. 4 1 II 2 0 Aramrtli ABHOAE Bramrol, 2 0 3 10 (Iraef. Jb. 3 0 2 2 1 falnr lh a 1 a 1 Johnson.

3 4 0 2 nni a. I larior. rr 4 110 4 1 i Ford. lb 0 3 4 0 1 Cworth, 5 2 2 0 2 Haas. If 110 0 0 Bury.

if. 1 1 0 0 0 floret, 4 2 0 2 0 Bum. 3 10 0 0 Crown, rf 0 I 0 HurtTM. 4 0 0 0 0 P-owe, as 4 1 1 1 0 Rulons. ef ...40100 nemmlns.

2 0 10 0 Simpson. 3 12 0 1 Totals. Ingram 411727 I 5 1IMI0I1 iu o-o o- Buns Miller (2). Hoffman (1. Johnson ffl.

J. Hoffman (3. Ford O. Ploiet. Belts.

Graef. Rnlooc, Himmlrr. Simpson. Two-base hits Miller. C.

Johnson. Hoffman. Coninrsworth Bats. Dsws on oslle Off Piozet, off Burma. Three-base hits Simpson, CollingsworUi.

Johnson. Strnck out -Br riotet. II: br Burjeis. T. Stolen bases LTloiet.

it'itr. Left on bases Ingram. Ana costia. i Bali-rioat. empire Mr.

Verable. Time of game 1 hour and 35 minntes. Montreal Bars Frank Smith. Montreal. Juno 4.

The Montreal baseball club has purchased Pitcher Frank Smith from Cincinnati. GOOD TENUIS AT BACHELORS' ULUB Middle Atlantic Tournament Continue on local Courts. Matches To-day. The Bachelors Lawn Tennis Club- waa- the scene of some good matches yesterday, when the 'first round and all but one match In the second round of the men's singles was played, marking the close of the second day of the Middle Atlantic States championship tennis tournament The matches between S. A.

Fisher and E. V. Deakln. and R. Hornldge and John Britton were both stubbornly contested, and three sets were necessary to' the winner tn each case.

There has been some difficulty experienced In getting the women's events under way. owing to the small number of their entries, but a number of applications are expected to arrive this morning, in which case the series wilt be made more Interesting The following are MEN'S SINGLES. lint round A Klslier defeated rhannrey Harkctt. C-2. T-I; John Britton defeated 31.

II Mesrna. 1. llnmUIce. rU-fraud Buek incham. S-3.

t-5. Merrick defeated Tom Heath S-S. 6-1; IIUIjtt defeated 11 Tnmbull. t- S-J. Second mnnd A Hellen defeated E.

o'llojle tl! LzSJAhJJ'u ton. S-4v. t-0. 1 Ilooard defeated Chapman, t-3, JlrLean defeated Jraree. 4.

t-3. Herrlr defeated Hurler. 6-4, t-3; Capt in defeated I Wcodvard The tournament will be continued this afternoon and it is probable that the semi-finals will be played In addition to the men's singles, this afternoon's play will start the men's consolation series. for women, and doubles for "nil uiju nuiiin hollowing are the palling for to-day: Seecnd round ham HefTirk tv llillvrr. Third raund A Hrlleii A Flaher.

A Howard Tl. JfrLran. C. Herrle (apt HHicd Following are the pairings In the men's consolations and men's doubles that will start this afternoon on the local courts. Ionble Britt.m and McLean ia.

Woodward Inwe. Howard and Iwnl Hlatrr and Heat chap- man and tiram in 3lieehrad and (In-tener. ileiia and partner ra llurlr and Tnvr.bull ii'Bola and. M.ircan llarkttt and partner ri-her and llrtlen irrn ana ijr-T-a Conatton F. Hunmnoa Tf H.

Uilkinwwi ea. A Treanre I Ht-rklnctiam brj cbaunm Its. kett J. Bates II Tib- Ir II I Femimri.Vi Hill rs. I- I.

SUter Ham Inii i innr irarwi Vssn.sll is K. Iwi. I A. Barnard fa Thrmaa Hide. 1L Nirj-rnt -a.

Jlr-rsan LEVERTOft IN FORM. 1 I.1.....I eore. Joe Leerton iireaentcd Inffler with ui uiirjuai 111 nir- lndependenre league. Southland win- "ng. MoO Ivertnn not nfihH matrU' game, but received excellent stippirt On!" the other hand.

Smith was touched tip freelv and was repeatedly put In bad 1 ts nrannigan redoubtable campaign-the loote fielding of his Mippjrt- Score. I Duncraggln do his best to win the Alt II A onUd.nd AH II A Nell 3 1 3 1 Ti.b. 1. sii a meeting lft- 000 0 Sra.vrVes. s'.

1 1 I I II SS Ktahtr it 3 I 1 tv7hBiH i 4 A 2 i I 2 i l2FaLi: IMS MaWltinx. rf 0 Hunt 3b I 0 2 Mnith i i -uaffrT rf i 1 Viti 1 I 1 i Lrw-rton i 2 I fl 3 rf 3b T-tal 1 i fam Luflltr 3 33 11 3 bland 1 IInn It haffer I arroll SbatT, U-it--n Kin b-t-r I I Hunt. on emirs L.4 nr 1 southland 1 L-rft haar Lt3er Hoiitbland i Kirrt haw rn haJlt KT i-TElth I Stnick oiit-D) UBith 8. Iit Lc-rertna. IV Two-be hits-Ned.

SiaauidinjC. erlttr hit -J Wmf frr Mnlen hut-- Tarlor It. hliaffer. an-oll I-chard. int Isrtvrtcv Wild rteh-l-'mith I'aatvrd t'mptn- Mr ewman.

Tune of suae 1 tn-ur and 30 minutr. QUAKER CRICKETERS-HERE. IlllilcriTs AVI1I Mrrt AVnahliiuton Tram Snndns. The Philadelphia Wanderers, comprising the nucleus of the crack cricket teams in the Quaker I'ltv. will be the RTiest of the Washington Cricket Club on Sunday next, and a matcli of rine class riiirH-isn nwi ina ia-b i os ma Cl'iril ui nave ine strongest team e'er on the field Capt Jimm Rose haa a new bonier.

Henrv llranch. forroPil of the Chapultapec (Mexii-o) Cricket Club, who showed well In practice eterda. and John and Duncan Morton, of Scotland. are in best form and promise to put up a great game. Win Warren.

Dr. J. Cannon, and Herbert Crocker are also in great shape and can easily offset the work of Tom Irving. Clarence Maxwell, and Tom Oldham, of the Quaker I'ttv contingent. The game on Sunday will start promptly at 1 p.

and the public 111 be admitted to the grounds free Ample accommodation has been made for a large crowd, as tents ami benches have been sent to the Rock Creek lark grounds by courtesy of Col. Charles Mc-Cawley. of the I'ntted -States Marine Corps. AMERICAN GOLFERS DOWNED. llerscliftfr and Hrosvii Are? nilml- I nnt-il In Ilrltlsh Tourncv.

London. June 4 Americans made their first appearance to-dav In the amateur golf championship tournament at Westward Ho In the second round of pla. D. A. M.

Brown, of Great Britain, defeated Fred Herschoff. of the I'nlted States, bv a score of 2 up and 1 to play. W. C. the other American entered, was pitted against H.

L. Nicholl. Vanderpool proved easy for Nicholl. the latter winning by 9 up and to plav With the double defeat of the Americans all -chances of the United States being represented in the finals were knocked out. 'ARTHA" PLANS CAMPAIGN.

Johnson Will eliminate a Mope llnrfi We-elc. Las Vegas, N. June 4 Jack Johnson Is so sure of a victory in his bout with Jin. Flynn on July t. that he has begun to plan for the fights he will hav after the Independence Day battle.

After sFamng twelve rounds with his Ban ners, Johnson anounced that he will meet "white hope" every week until he has disposed of them all. He followed the usual training programme yesterday. MIK0E LEAGUE RESULTS. I.VTEnXATIOrVAs. At Buffalo-Buffalo.

11. Toronto, 2. At rroTidcnce ProrUrncr. Baltimore, 1 At Jersey City-Jersey Citr. 3: Nrwark.

5. At Bochester Rocbester. Montreal, AJiEmcor AssocrATiojr. At 6t Panl-St. PanJ.

Colnmbna, 5. At UUwankew-Mtlwankrr. 3: Toledo, t. At lUnneapotis Ulnntanolls. Loolsnlir.

J. At Kansas aty First aame Kansas Cits. 4 la. dUnapoIta, 11 Eecond game Eaniaa Cltr. In.

dlanarcliiiS. SPORT OF IINGS HOW AT MARLBORO Spring Meeting Starts To-day with Seven Well-balanced Fields Entered. CLASSY HORSES AT THE TRACK MARLBORO SELECTIONS. By GEORGE B. MORRIS.

First Race Gold Check, District Attorney. Dora M. Lutx. Second Race Christmas Daisy, Bonnie Bee. Susan.

Third Race Garterman. En-nlsktlten. Racewell. Fourth Race Motile Gran-la. Jlenotlc.

Fifth Race Lucille. Tonl-ata. Ford. Sixth Race puke of -Bridge-water, Goodacre, Rlnda. Seventh Race Iluda'a Sister.

Merlse. Ethel Lebrune. Th viFrl nffpre1 h- the Sotlthe-rn Mnrv- I Agriculture Association for tne opening tn me jtiiik inre-iins at Marlboro track this afternoon Is made up of seven well balanced races, one of them for Jumpers. This meeting, the I oramion i FmMct Ill first to be attempted In springtime by U1 the Southern Maryland foik. will go ten.

SECOXI BACri-elUnr. two-jear-oIcM: fire fur-days under the management of Dr Richard Itlll. president of the assocla- JS'n'VSi'V V. tton. and the stewards will I Kdward Cole, of N'en- York, anil George Tlllltn- RAi'B-'cntaz.

taree-rear-olds: six fur-Nlchnlas and McK. Mernman. of I os. Baltimore Better horses than are generally wn away fnm Jockey club tracks ill fill the from day to day. the arrange- men! i.f a series nf half-mile track meet- ings t' cisitv inem tnroucn tne summer In Man land halng madr It worth the while of horsem*n of cottseeiueni to re main in thev parts Instead of going to Canada is they did last Mlmmer hn tra.

is In excellent condition The st. epic. has attracted the veteran Jump-is Knnlaklllen. Garfrman. and, i Racewell with "reeper.

a new 1 feur- ir-od belonging to Ihe Mahle of Thn-na. Itodr'N-k. the owner and trainer iIIihIU las Veltch. who after Bob Rites will jh the strongest stable of fencers in I'rlnce tleorge Count. has nothing In I Ihe leflninir rse.

thta nfti.rniinn riiil tit. I ill u.ul in k. wii.i "ii ii iibp, iiiiMrtri. in- 11. 1- rim colt, n.d Jaiket ho ran ireilltahly at Plmili- on Saturrtaj In the mile and a tlll-.

II. 1 ooiicj w- Gr'sw. II. Itenntk. Gift, and Oolden Castle.

I Red Jackt-t i at his he-t. and he tikes distance of gr.nind. and the same may a''' Golden Castle, who made Gift member of the stable of "Mr. of Xew Jersey, ha. done no rarinc in iiit winter Tli- tMn of 'on.

who was rlsv1 Orarrnd j. a eir' tK iii-tinction rriJo1 few han henfltiif! hv a ret. and 'on Leiffhton. hi hnndl-r. heieen that he is rtad most popular Dr Troe.

on of the turfmen nf Va-hinBtnr eapectw to make I ahnwlnr- Marlbori hf stable fthlch a snipped donn from Itennlnp; the dai before erla Dr Tsree aai Ihf mnt lllw-ral yearlings in Kentucky last season and lie has een oungsterw. most of them sons and da-ightrrs of ndnard Corri-pan imrorted tallloi. MClee. ot Marlboro Theee voungstrs are fresh They were not hurried to Oie races because Dr Tv re- and hi" trainer, the veteran Blllv i Oliver, wanted to give them a fair chance, to develop Or Tyree expect to make a showing with L'-year-old aga next summer Hi has In Kentucky a bunch of (omelyibniuli.ili rinh iir arlings hv various stallions, and one inem. a con ni uasrngs.

out or joaie is In the British Derby of 1114 This! vniingster a ha'f brother to ritt-riMV -m 1 a a r. a vai, vs. 1 1 I nrr Spring Maid at Plmllco during le spring session nf the Maryland Jockev Clur. Charles Patterwon. who is in Ken tuckv h.iving earllng for Robert Da vies the wealthv brewer and tra owner of Canada, haa offered J2.V) the Haar ngs-Josle colt but Dr 1 ree will not sell oi ver respnns ble for, the purchase bv Tvree of the Hastings I colt, and he advises the Washington turfman to cling to Special arrangements have been made with the railroads to get to the track The Chesapeake Beach road will run two specials, the lirst leaving at II 30 a m.

and 1 besides the regular trains. Among tie horsem*n who shipped from Plmllco to Wash ngton yeterdav and the dav before were Bob Rites. Willwrn Keating. Snapper Garrison, An derson. Waiter Congdon.

Frederick Miller. Frank Frlsbie. William Cahlll, Eugene l.ulz. Clarence H. Davids.

Joseph McCarthy. N' Real. (. Thomas, and John Pangle. With his own good mare.

Fond Heart, a bear cat at the half-mile tracks, Fred Miller took over his brother's Broomstick gelding. Aviator. Bob Miller, the owner of this horse. Is a popular Wash- Inp-tnn stlnrn.r anr! VrnA fnt ingion aitornej, ana rrea Miller has prerared Aviator for distance running at Marlboro. Bob promises to put him over for his Washington friends LAT0NIA RESULTS.

FIRRT Inrn-Sli fnrlrno. Prince Gal. IIS (Shilllnjl J190 wm. Mclror. HI (lyiftns) UX no rid.

Roboo 113 inalel. third. Time. 1:14 1-3. lizahethlan.

Nan Ferirawni. SflTeetris, Gertrude Hill and Hich Flown also ran ItAfK-Foiir and rme-hslf hrlonev. Hohnrh. Ill ifihllllnal $3n. won.

Oeorje StoII 111 (IWtusI WHO. second. Merlin. Ill (Henrr). IIS Iff.

third. Time. 03(45 Irwns Widric. Anon. Gold Color White Heather, Jimmie Gill, snd Balrlerile also ran TIIIRn Vl-ft Rl fiirtnnn.

-kT4. nnward setllns lark T)mman 1U eil 1A won. Jeff Bernstein 11; IShilllnc), JJT9. srennd EtheHa. 110 iMnlcswcrthl.

11S3. third. Time. Jack Biror Dr. Burch.

New Idea, Veneta fitrome. and Deaenn alo ran. FOUUTII BArE-Purse. JSS0- thrre-jfar-olAi: mila and cne-Mitcenth Brii 103 (flrme). $3.10.

won; Crnni de Minttie. 11 (Steel), YX.X. serrwid. Gay Bird. 105 (Gocsel.

0 13 third. Time, 1:4413 co*cksptir, Mriaa and BoWni alan ran. FIFTH IlAt'lPnrv. fillies, twcrear-oldi I nre lunncrv no vreil, iwl (Llins. SS.CV, won: Cordle F.

MT iBjmr). S13J0. second: Inqulsta 108 (ScSJllinH. ti.X. th'rd Time.

ljHS-3. Srclghtly Miss. Ella Crane, snd Bartura tVorth alan ran. SIXTH HACESIl fnrlonirs. Snretrt Hi (Fainl.

W. woo: Pescuffe. IC illerry). Ha. seoend: All Bed.

US (Dannportl. tXS. third. Time. 1-13M.

rheranlpo. Toolsnd. rlutocrat. ElUaheth nsrwrmcl. Golden Cs J.

II need, and Western Bella also ran. Oivrit Mornn la Injured. Los Angeles, June 4. Owen Moran and Jack White, scheduled to mix In the arena Saturday. wJIl not fight.

The match has been called oft by the little BrlUsher manager because Moran has Injured his hand. HERALD AGAIN. Andrews No Match for Newspaper Boys, Losing, 8 to 4. The Herald club continued Its winning streak In the Northern Association by the R. P.

Andrews aggregation an 8-to-4 beating, with Freddy Austin doing the twirling for the newspaper lads. Besides pitching good ball, -Smiling Freddy" slammed out four safe hits out of as many times to the bat. Ramsdell, playing short for the winners, captured three hard drives and easily starred In the field for the win-ners, while Bauer featured for the losers, making two neat hits and taking care of a foul fly off Bell's bat that was a I corker. Score: Herald AB II A I Andrews. AB II A Wltmar'h.

nllll IIBanrr. So. 3 I 1 0 (limit, tI300 ranfman. K. I 0 I I n'Brien rf.

1 0 0 0 0 I MuMhlll. 10 0 0 Ilriahnnt. If 4 0 1 0 0 1 Mrlntoah. I I 0 1 I Itekman. 1 10 0 3 I Like, cf ...31001 ltcrnett.

rf. 3 1 0 Immnthln. lb. 4 1 10 0 Allen, rf I 0 0 0 0 I alter, if. 3 0 0 5 Ranude-ll.

2. 4 0 3 I I Mare. I'eake. 3b. 3 1 1 1 i Beach, tf.

1 I I II RelL lb. 3 0 5 01 Monroe, e. Itlll KmUn. p. 4 4 0 4 0 i Tipton, p.

4 1 I 3 1 TotaU. Totala 3TllH' Herald -113 0 0 0- x- Andrea 10300000 111 rtaDa-rriV. J). Atntln CI. Bell.

Olirerl. Vnl. nurih. 3IelQtoh, Lake. Immuthln.

Monroe. Two-rvt hit Aurfln ltan on ban.3 Anitin. 4. if Tlitrn, 3. Thre- hav lilta Atutin.

Whltmarrh htnirk nnt It Anttln 1A hv Tfnnn 4 Hfiln hae-Lake. llaca fa. Tipton. Whitman. Olrreri IVako (31.

Melntnth Left en bxev-Herald. t. Andrrna. F1r haw en 3: An- dtewa. J.

I'rcpire 31r Jenkins. Time of came 1 bow and 41 mlmrtea. EACING CARDS FOR TO-DAY. I.ntonln. FIRST RACE Tm-MMM.

r.trlonr. Xwn1tiJTlKMp0 1 1 IWinn bb Yaaker I 1 I Mill, 1 lid ic 1 SSt M7 KH lit 110 110 111 FOL'ItTll IIACE Handkwp. three-irarIds and 1 upward rtz rurkaces Helmet bt i Omerr Hnshea ill Tb mS E-There and upward, one (Vy Lad 43 n. limp Ktn taa Hell lime lit 1 ivJArS. St sixth lljire-viiu.

ward rne and trjrre-siitrenlh mllea. 1 Flnernoe fa I Iannis 5T ,14 Brown Bnetles UK Befaat IDs ptnd Inrlhoro. KIIKT flee rnrbma-i. seiUnr. 'M Chwrfe 110 Hihrmien cmn Irrr Vn Isnnoacaa r.aiotianv 100 Nprars no ImraW Lnia" 'VMnn' ar-rw.

iBweji nirE ra VJ3 Mls Htannrt 15 1 f'J Chnstaaas Insist tro 1 Tlllltn ItArr-Kterriterhasr short mursa." jrnnU Ctweper 30 Lnrier, lllO LV Enntskillen Itarw uu l.anerman KOIItTH H.VO:-On. and eaar-alxterath nlln. arner OrbwrU' It I Ited J.rtrt Itrnntat- 1 JIoBi. 1 H.rrrr Orft (iranU XX I rtotdrn Castle 1 11KTH ll.irK Four and one half fiuinocs sei ins KtwimW i )M Triiti iiv. Moomt nw i.Bhn.a vUni i laitniu MXT1I IX.1'1.

Ahoit f.irlng arilur mtacre IIS' araMii I Taa-hlf i Turner -W ar IIS Ithxta 'IJIRSjKJTr-rS. Me Frt tv.ietl." VX Gratia ftirWwics sellirc Usui Hilda Mrer HIS Vanahtr Rise II too llertmin't 1W Trm II. Hand Mtiel Lrr-mme Jtmv A crentK allenrane. etattnerl LAWYER HEADS CARDS. Jones Is.

Choweii l'rc-wlilcnt nf St. Lnuls Club. St. Ix lis. Mo June 4 Jones, local attorno was to-dav m-ide presi dent of the St I.ouls Xntiona! I.eagu.

Hrlttnn wh i has acted as president since the death of her husKind. was elected vl.e presi dent ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. GRAND ATLANTIC Virginia -e. near Henrh. Atlaatlc City, i fr 1 i7 "i i.i mi Hut.

fi I-. 1. -i 1'nirnt i i.i i iiwrtfr-1 sn.1 I'- HOTEL LELANDE mocn s-lspratnr. Sitt-uI rat. t'(lB I' II WK One of tlantlc Cltj'n Largest Leading- Atl-the-a car Hotels and i HOTEL RUDOLr- ln ocean front.

cln to all attractiocs: rs. 'rarity. 1.WM. The locau larga rooms, and erei hsro established this aa the moat AV ap' Ue-I with sea and freh water, runnina- water in cueu rceirna, spacious promenade verardas rnrr lookers tho famous boardwalk Orchestra. High-class reataurant American and Kuroivan plana.


Whole biock on BcardwaU. CAPsCITY E00 ATLANTH ITY. Cnncedi-rl lha Ideal liratinn 10 decrees cnoler than nrr tart of Island Paradise toi -l ildrert larca n-m All winnows acricned 11 it uirl coin sea i.m. hedroonu with hot and cold runnn war. r.

Table and seme noleworthj Auto coaii at iraiua. Hod rraio rairs iiuovru uishi irquni. i ni i i'uiwi-i I RVHTE. CARLTON -YARMOUTH Ybol6 block ixn frnnt. Stlrct.

hnrlike Sptv cial rate for tin. MDifnBnit ZAZZAU. ARLI Kiry raaAera comfnrt conrrnlnicr Biths Pin-ninc vttcr; eIcTrT t'tdtT SO. C50 up dtUy tilcil ccUt ratn frr anr It. O3R0RXE SON.

South Florid Are enr BmcIl SPECIAL JUNE RATES J1.S DAILY. 37.00 WEEKLY. Sl'rCIAL FAMILY BATES. Larsw, cool, airy rooms, prtrste baths. For twenty.

one years wn hara malntslned our rewutation for best UWa In dty. Booklet MBS. M. A. SMITH, Owner and Prop.

RIPHlnF Oriental and Connecticut Batblna: from hotet A W. 1VALD.NER. Mir. HOTEL JACES0N, Special Bprlnc rales. J.

H. GORMLEY. MILLER COTTAGE to 15 N. Ceorjla Are. SI daily and up; St weakly and up until July I.


JUXE 13. FOR THr SEASON OF 1312. Dirertlr on the Atlantic Ocean. Writs for TLank. '1st and Bates.

Walter Button. Owner asd Propr. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS, Resumpticn of Passesger Service Monday, June 10, 1912 ALL-the-WAY-by-WATER DIRECT BETWEEN NEW YORK and BOSTON Metropolitan Steamship Line The Great Tnln Screw Steel Steamships Maaaachnaetts and Hanker Hill. Metropolitan Steamship Line Fan. Hi Tirt to bitit.

Mlbo TaTO-Birtk Oatjil i Bsasj, $2.00 Ittlti Rosas $1.00 Bietrtc Fm I Ksldt Booms SETTS amrlea of marina architecture: the are erinlrped with Wlrrleaa TelejrsphT. snbtnarlne Sljnal Serrice. and all farilities to Insure the Serrtrttr and Comfort of paaaentCTf. Iarin the past Winter neaxlj Half a alllllon Dollars haa been lorrated in prortdfna additional ennlranent for and irnerat lmproTe-nent of these letsels. These rhanara trotide for the homlna- of Oil as Fuel the addition of many attrarttre statrrorm.

the installation of Electric Fans in Inside rwana. an outside Dining Boom on the Slain Deck a Ilurrlcaca Deck Cafe. 4c. Bfl 1 Direct AH-lhe-War-br-Water betTneea maine Steamship Line new york and me. A DELIGHTFUL LOXG ISL.VXD SOU-ND AND ATLANTIC OCEAX TIIIP OF 300 MILKS.

fc I.B. Lnn New York from Pier 15. North Rlirr. ftv esey Street. Tnndujt, rbnnvUis.

nA SmrdT at 5 1 leaie Portland Mm? dy at 630 I. 11 Time between JCw Vwk awl rtUiid. ahrot h.mra DAY TKIPS. leartni New Tort mad ronlind 1030 X. IL.

Ucndi)f June 71 tn Stjten.ber 1 rnrltuife. Th- Coaat and Interior of Maine? and the Maritime Provinces Are the timtttt Summer Van inn I-tnd in tb Urrid. Thotuand of mlle of rrtarec.iie 5 ('oait. IWt Mountain ItlTrra Lake, and Great line Woods tore one to the Terr heart of nature. In tlilat wnr.lrmn Oufina Ind is health and jtleaMire frr alL SPECIAL NOTICE.

Coder a ronaummated arrariement itateruocns on rteamer of the SlftToj htan ream14p Line from Npw Vork tear he rejerred and pail 'or tn cnnetloo with the thn-nfb tu-Lcfa at Ticket OSc of the 1'ennsjlTanU and Baltimore Sl Ohio Railroads in atftbingtmi. rtnmnricati'-n trt mall rrjuticc resernUom iwhould be accomr-aaied br remittance and ad-drrMI to Uhatf Tirket at gents. For LiteraT-in H'-trl LUt. addreu Panrr Traffic Derertment. Pier II.

N. ew York City, or atrly at Tirkft Offices. The Ideal I.octM to Maine and the Ma i It toe Prcrincrs are thoae xrorided br the AD-the-Waj-Dj Vater Senice of the EASTERN STEAMSHIP CORPORATION. VIRGINIA RES0ETS. THE ALLEGHANY INN GOSHEN, VA.

Nw one ideal pla. to spend and Mon. atru.tiire on the main lln. of the beautiful t'hesapeake and (ihio Excellent train aerice. easy of access all amusem*nts: tine tennis iurts.

firt class siddlo horses larrre open wlmmlns tiool. Rarage ex-llent tabic, good service, rt lined patronage. Write for booklet. Alleghany Improvement Company, J. Ilorrland, Treasurer.

Information at Cafe Republlque OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. i' HAMBURG AMERICAN' un LirristS.S.Cl ID ttl Waft. JJ 0 Kit woo 1U 1.1111.. Ill Atlantic Service LONDON PARIS HAMBURG JUNE SAILINCS Ictorta I.nlwe Bh. 0 M.l Lincoln th.

11 V. II. "Pretoria II M. 10 M. riesrlnnd nhtire uc.

11c th. a M. Slth. 10 V. .11.

l'rew. JULY SAILINGS Clnclnnntl 4th, IS noon "Prnnjlvanln 6th, In Amcjlkn lllh. 2 I'. M. 1'rem.

I I renin Kill, V. Cleveland STith, 0 A. 31. AUGUST SAILINCS Kalaerln Ins. VleIt.

tl Pres. Craat Nth. 12 noon merlka II Inrlnnatl 3il. I Kalsrrlii Ircw. Lincoln Ivt.lSnoon I ''arm T'll i (.4 Jt lloiili-snr rtrm i MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar, Naples, Genoa S.

S.MOLTKE July 6,10 A. M. s. MoltUr Aug 20, II A M. SUMMER CRUISES To the I.A-VD OF T1IK 3IID- MOKTSIV.

Eight delightful cruises during June, July and Auguat, from Ilambarg to N'orrrny, North Cape. Spitsbergen, Iceland, etc. DUTtATIO.X 14 TO 28 DAYS. Cost, $62.50 and up Bplcndid armor, lane steamships "VICTOKIA LI ISC." "KIlllM'KIN- IESSIN CECIUE." and "MLTtOB Write for booklet of say cruise. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 4.1-4..

Droadirar. 7V.Y. Or L. Uroop sons uvx ata ueo. vs.

Moss. S1I Ilth Waahlrxton. D. C. Copyright.


UEHMUDIAN Eslls erery Uednctdar. 11 A. M. Twin Screw. 20.51S tons displacement.

Biles Keels, Douhls Bottom. Wireless Telesrapb. No Steersar. SCITE3 DE LCXE WTTH TBITATE BATH. OBrnESTRA.


Broadway. New York; T1IOS. COOK aV fcON. til and S83 Broadway. 31 and S51 Fifth artnua.


STOP AT HOTEL KAVANAUGH Batn koi ble; Ainerlca tUa; cxceUeat tcrric koA culavlsc. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE rlsSTi.ItA rVlISAJlSsilf tOIU'UHA TIOX is pleased to announce that Its Metropolitan Steamship XJne direct Serjvlco between New York, and Boston will be Inaugurated for the Summer Season of 1911 on Monday. Jnne 10. SCHEDULE: i beginning Monday.

June 10). Leave New York Week Days and Sundays from Pier 14, North Rlrer, foot of Fulton Street, at 5 P. M. Running time between the Cities about IS hours. THE MASSACHU AND BUNKER HILIa are notable ex- VIRGINIA RESORTS.

our summer vacation Modem hrlck GeorKe D. De Shlelda, Manaser. and C. and O. Offkes Ask Mr Foster EXCURSIONS.

DELIGHTFUL MOONLIGHT TRIP the Reautiful Potorrac even evenirg except Saturday and I Sundav Palatial Steamer St. Johns Leaves Seenth Street WTarf at i clock p. ir Splendid miiMc, dancing Cafe Sen-ice Unurp.iel Adults Children 25 cents 15 cents Week-end rHps to COl.i XI-M, REACH, Meaner St John- i QREAT FALLS Delightful Ride FROM THE Cars Leave 36th and Streets H. W. German Warships IH HAMPTON ROADS JUNE to T.

SFECIAI. EXCURSIONS TO Old Point Comfort and Norfolk noiD Tnir, svi.oa Tickets on sale Mar 31 to June I.lmlt se dawn. city Ticket Office, Ilond Itnllrtlnc. 720 11th St. X.W.

Thoae Main Norfolk Washington Steamboat Co. Concert Eserr Erenlaar at Chevy Chase Lake Dr rare erctloa of U. S. MARINE BAHD MERRY-GO-ROOXO AXTJ OTHER XEW FEllTKES. Danclnr- Admission Freo.

STEAMER CHABLES MACALESTER TVtp TRIPS DAILY TO MOUNT VERNON Leatlnz Scenm Street Wharf at 10 a. rrtrirnina at 1'Jl p. leanoi at 'Z, relamlca; at Rami trip. TJc, toehvdinc adrnlssioo to frounds and nucalrcu Largest Horning Circulation. A.

aa, JMj aht- XfcfclAbs. i Jfc fcfaJV.f. MimnHlettiM-MM..

The Washington Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.