Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

1 Highest of all in Leavening Powey, -Latest U. S. Gov't Report fLht A NARROW ESCAPE ii Incident of the IIoimI of id lu Oregon. fcyai Bate The Milwaukee Sentinel sas: "Many Reword gold might make the holders of the government bonds already Issued afraid that they would he payable in depreciated silver." And a very good reason, too. PURE NEW SUBSCRiPTIOM RATES Dl MAI IN lliiminH or Keuln.

WfcDhuo anilu. One leiir fl.4M mi ni hi. nllU Suu- ln. One lenr 4" rrlkmr, "in- lesr II) IHHIKK mi; m. Moming.

Mllh Similar. The Chinese emperor ordered the governor of Hhang Tung and all the military officers connected with the defense of Wei Hal Wei to be beheaded. He seems to be co-operating to reduce the fighting strength of China in a manner that must be exceedingly gratifying to the enemy. the voting shows that Mr. Hill's financial arguments have no force or effect, and they deserve to have none so torn aa he occupies shifty and evasive ground.

He should come out into the open and tell the public what he means, just an President Cleveland does. Whether agreeing with the president or not, none can fail to give him "See here!" said Flossy, who had opened the paper Helen had carelessly thrown upon the floor. "Water rising! Fnlon Pacific can't enter the city! Passengers must take the boat to meet the train up the Columbia. Bnat leaves 1 p. "Whew! Ducky you saw that, Floss! Fly 'round girls.

One hour to get ready and to the boat! Nan! waken up and be energetic for once," called forth Belle, tumbling things helter-skelter Into her satchel, the others following her example. As the bell gave tile signal to depart, the five ruslved upon the steamer. They wen som seated comfortably, down the Willamette and into rhe mighty Columbia; mightier than ever now as the sudden warm weather had brought great melted avalanches of snow down from the mountains above, swelling the river far beyond Its banks, and causing the great-st Hood ever kiiivvn. The sky was without a cloud -up In the distance nion one side towered Mt. Hood, cml, calm, and majestic; on the other, Mt.

St. Helens, a perfect snow-capped cone. Often a house would come floating swiftly down the river, reminding them of the sadness, desolation and ruin the It" -I was causing. Toward evening they landed. In good spirits, a little above only to be met by the news that the track at this point was also under water, and they could not meet a train by wagon until next day.

"Humph! Belle, you always get us Into Oh, for home and peace," grunted Mis "Well. Mi-s SmiK', It wasn't my fault. Morning cr ft nl it. Million! Mi" ilii per rek Mimlii Tribune iit month Ht IIWVwi PBTTIT. "Have a miss? All about the fl The voice was a sweet, appealing one of an urchin, bare-foottl, thinly clad, and hardly old enough have be out of his mother's arms.

He was seated in the bow of a dugout, coming' from the opposite direction, and rubbing against the neat, gondola-like craft that contained a party of four gay girls. The heart of one of them was touched. "Poor little fellow: Here is a dime, dear. Now for the iier!" exelalmd Belle, In her goiKl-naiured. happy manner.

"By the way, girls, how very little we know of what is going on in this great world of ours "That is so! Four weeks since we have had lime to open such a thing as a newspaper." chimed in Helen, who was always I ad to aeeede to whatever Belle salu. "oh, what difference does It make, anyway? The world goes on Just the sam-, and I am sure we are just as happy." yawned lazy Nan, who cared for nothing but a good time, and to save herself all tin-labor possible. "Hut it is nice to know The defeat of resubmission in North Dakota is credited to Major Edwards of the Fargo Forum. The major has not heretofore figured as an ardent prohibitionist, but in this matter he seems to have correctly fathomed the sentiment of the majority of the people of his state. dcal- this little boat.

If I took another we would all go duwji together. Come, quick, one of you!" "Go, Miss Secombe," shivered Flossy. "Humph, child! 1 am old, you are young. Jump in or I shall let tins rope go, and we will Uith be drowned." Flossy felt a push and found herself in the boat. The rope was loosened the boat and house were separated.

"Oh. Miss Secombe' Miss Secombe!" screamed the girls. "Go back for her. boat man "Sorry, miss, but it would not do. We are alm.wt sinking as il is; another weight would swamp us." With this the boatman rowed his silent, shivering load to the nearest shore.

"Now stay here, and I will see about your friend." "Oh, Flossy! you wen- kind to her," groaned Belle. "I will never call anybody cross or mean credit for directness and courage in tag with the financial question. lor ihe rtellM-ry of THE TIM III NE to place of business or residence my by card if I. phone. CALL NO.

1. Sub's are requested to make immediate com-to the oliice uf any Iriegularlty In de- perenn who r.inmt buy the MORNINO or SUNDAY TKIBCNB at news mhtre any other Minneapolis or St. Paul papers are iuld. or on railroad trains, will by leporting the fact to THE TIUB- Half of President Cleveland's second term will be gone on March 4 next. If he grows unpopular with his party as rapidly during the last half as he has during the first half, there will lie hardly one Democrat left to do him reverence.

HltlM.IM. 'KM TO TIME. The suggestion of Representative Ding-ley of Maine that if Great Britain and Russia will not Join with the United States for the effective protection of the seals In Behring sea, this country take measures to exterminate those valuable fur-hearing MINNKAI1H.1S. KKIi. Judge Ricks, in a recent decision at something about what is going on," purred iLgtln." sobbed Helen.

the maximum m. mil, i. gi itlo TIUHsy. TT We haTrea.1 the 7 You fft blamr me, fur what be THK III I Tlo. animals, js said to tit1 miyiln hellied in San Francisco, would have be recovered in a l'nlted States court as damage for loss of life at $10,000.

Other judges, however, would not necessarily be bound by this ruling. performed a day earlier but for Ijidy Spencer's Inability to be present then. At Portsmouth the Majestic is only in a little less forward state, and she may be ready for floating out in the course of a few weeks. Thus both ships win hsvaabeatea the re ord for rapidity of construction, it Is only fair to say. however, that the Magnificent could not have been advanced so far in the hort space of 12 months without the aid of private contractors.

Messrs. Penn. the engineers, have done winters by supplying the huge boilers machinery as fast as the builders 1 get ready for them, and Messrs. Jk or Sheffield, have delivered every foot of forged steel armor plating for the great citadel with unexampled celerity. Kverv plate, the thickest of which measures II Inches through, had to l.

rolled a si curvature In ail directions, and case-hardemd on Its outer a degree of wonderful density by what Is known as the Fiarvej process, which the admiralty only to adopt almut IS months ago, and the manufacturers of armoi plates have shown great enti rprlse In adapting their plant to meet the new requirements. Tie- Magnificent is dtadel-bettsd, with a double itraak li or it wide just below and above the water line, livery foot of this Is now In and the great battleship will Ih; floated out of the lock on Wednesday In a Mate nearer completion than was that of the Royal Sovereign when she was named by the queen thi. years ago. In fact, nothing so rapid In the rate of battleship construction has been accomplished before In this or any other country.

The Victorious, laid down in the wmt yard only a few months ago. is being built with equal rapidity, and the armor-plating for her citadel will be begun at on e. Fast as the government dockyards are working, however, there is a probability that both I', rtsmouth and f'hathaw will be beaten by Birkenhead, here M-s-rs I ir lon put much w. rk Into Mars already, n9 may be floated with nearly all her engines and lining complete well within twelve months from th, when tor was laid. Scarcely less rapid progress has been made with anoth.

ship of the same class, being built by Messrs. Thompson on the Clrd so at least five first-class battleships provided for in the government program may be ready for commission next year. Chicago is now agitating the matter of compelling the companies to build vestibules on the street cars for the protection of the gripmen and the motormen a plan that Minneapolis and St. Paul adopted long ago. Today the visible supply is not expected to show more than 7110,000 bushels of a decrease.

This is very small at this season of the year, ami moreover, primary receipts are increasing daily. in the ways and means committee of the house. The fact is, that the United States got the worst of It the Paris arbitration tribunal. Great Britain was in effect standing up for the privilege of the Canadian seal pirates to take pelts at will, anil she gained her point so far as to render the l'nlted States powerless to render protection standing alone, if the present state of things continues, the seals, Is predicted, will cease to exist at a few years at the farthest. The booty will have been carried off by the poachers from other nations.

Such being the case, the I nited States may as well get what there Is In it at once and be relieved of all concern In the future. It Is believed that if Mr. Dlngley's plan is seriously considered by congress, Russia and England will hasten to prevent the destruction of the seals by joining in the agreement to protect them. England would be the greatest loser from the slaughter, as the skins are dyed In Don-don, and give employment there to many thousand people. The business is a source of great profit to the British capital.

The right of the United States to "throw down the bars" and permit the speedy destruction of the seals cannot be interfered with under the treaty. The Wine and Spirits Gazette produces some Philadelphia statistics to prove that "high license is a failure." What would the Gazette have, then -prohibition? Trade during the past we, had nut fully recovered from the effects of the bad weather in various parts of he country, and the bank clearances show a net increase of only alxmt 5 per cent as compared with the corresponding week of last K' Ttoe financial situation and the uncertainty regarding congressional action has also had a depressing effect, but the uncertainty is now removed. It is definitely Settled that congress will not adopt any financial legislation of a general or comprehensive character There is a possibility that a bill authorizing the issu. of short time treasury certificates, bearing 3 per cent interest, will get through. The senate committee has recommended such a measure.

If passes it will have a good effect, as It will serve to make good the deficit of revenue without further issue of long time bonds. The president lias been severely criticised for permitting the Rothschild syndicate to drive sui a hard bargain with the country and extort such a large rate of interest; but he claims that It was necessary in order to protect treasury from gold withdrawals. The syndicate Is pledged to such protection, and the high rate of interest paid may be looked upon in the light of a certain premium paid for insurance. The government gains the additional advantage of being represented in London by a syndicate strong enough to control exchange when, ver there Is a disposition to raise the rate and force gold exports. The good effect of the bargain is already apparent.

Gold exports have stopped, and the yellow metal has commenced to pile up in the sub-treasuries. It is rather humiliating for the L'nlted States to be thus compelled to purchase protection of its gold reserves from a foreign money syndicate, but the absolutt inability of congress to act, coupled with its previous action In throw- tTTJT down "ir.opTrr?e.'ii'iii harriers 1 pi r-mitting the country to he Hooded with cheap I. foreign goods, to the paralysis of home in "Oh, If she is onrjr saved, I will do all I can to make her life happy," said Nan. "And so will we all." solemnly chimed In the other three. The house had rapidly drlfti-1 far down the river and now seemed to our anxious watchers to be turned over on the side and was rapidly flouring with the current beyond their view.

Two hours passed and at last they saw a boat approaching. Ye, It was their boat! oh. was she there? "No, only one!" moaned Nan. "Girls, 1 feel as though I had killed some one!" John, the boatman, soon told his story. The house had floated over what was an island and lodged against a great drift and there it was lying on its side, wedged In by all manner of debris and complete wreck.

All deserted. No one responded to his repeated calls. Shall I attempt to the story of that weary day, the long boat ride to the landing where they were met by wagons, or the three hours' drive over a rough, hilly country? All day scarcely a word was spoken. Their hearts were too full except to cling tightly to one another and sob the long hours away. Death had erne to them for the first time, and they thought they muld m-vr happy again.

It was 5 o'clock when they entered the waiting train. They were Just going to take the first empty scats when Belle gave a scream. "Girls, girls! Is It a ghost?" No. for, startled by the noise. Miss Second had turned around and stood looking at them.

"Humph! And so you are here. I thought I should have to go home alone." Such a rush as they made upon her! How she was kissed and hugg-d! "Humph! You smothter me," she said, pushing them off. "But how did you get here?" asked Flossy. "A boat from the opposite shore heard my cries and took me in." She had rnet a little steamer, which had brought her wdthin two miles of the train, and she had been waiting for it to start fur several hours. "And If I eer get to I shall never leave It again.

Could we Qxjd a happier or more thankful group anywhere? I think not. And, let us add, each girl had learned in that time of danger a lesson of the value of doing our good ed while the opportunity is given us. And each one is trying to fulfil her promise to make MLss pier. Although the outside crustiness is too to lie broken, yet our four girls have found the heart underneath, and her door will now always open to them. HANNAH PKTTIT.

"Humph!" "Horrid ,.1,1 thing!" cwlaiul-d Helen. "She is always finding fault with you, after all your kindness to her." "Stop quarreling, girls. 1 am tired of standing. Do you intend to stay here on this wharf all night?" grumbled Nan. "Oh, what Hhall we do?" sobbed Flossy.

"It Is almost "Humph! Nothing very pleasant, I guess "Do?" exclaimed Belle, "why. don't you see there is only one thing to do? Wu must go to that little hmise there and see If they will keep us tonight." The little party followed Belle's energetic hading, and a vigorous knock was answered by a sweet, middle aged lady, who cordially bade them welcome, bustled around, gave them a delicious lunch, during which many observations were made and gust-boM aski-l concerning the unusually high water. "Are you not fearful for your safety here?" asked Helen. "No." reblled the hostess, "twh during the spring fti -hi ts the water has been up to our porch. Nobody here is afraid of the Hood." When the repast was over and all were seated for the evening in the little sitting room, there came anothr knock at the loir bringing a message from a iok neighbor who had grown worse and wanted to see good Mrs.

Milton. "Sorry to leave you all," she said briskly, "but right at the head of the stairs are your rooms. Be sure to make yourselves at home. Ah, it's pouring down rain. What! the water Is again up to my porch, but I think It will not rise any more.

1 will tie back in an hour or two if nothing happens. Good by all." With these hurried words she hastened out Into the darkness and rain. "HUmphl I go to lied. Too much water over head and under foot for ire." and Miss Secombe arose and started up the stairs. "Good night.

Miss Sec mibe," sai a gentle voice. "What? "Good night." repeated Flossy. 'Humph! You're a bother, child. Good Might." "W11. before I would say good nigbt to that old cross patch." said Helen.

"Horrid thing!" As cross as two sticks!" "But, girU, I believe she has a better heart than she wants people to think. I saw her give a little lame boy 10 cents," remonstrated Flossy. "I'm glad to think so, I can't find anything like a heart. But Isn't th rain lonesome? Listen to the river rushing by! It makes me old all over." shivered Belle. "Me, too! Iet's go to bed, girls." With Helen's remark the four girls went silently up stairs and very quietly to bed' In the two little ronms'adiolnlng each other.

They had slept many hours, but it hardly eenHd a though they had closed their eyes, when they were awakened by a great lurch and then a swiftly moving sensation, with cries of terror the girls rushed into each other's arms. "Oh, what Is It? Whafs the matter?" were the hlspered words of the frightened and trembling girls. "Belle Hot toft, we're floating down the Columbia. I knew we'd all be killed he- known alout this terrible flood, and saved ourselves all this trouble and anxiety by taking another route home." uir four girls had arrived the night before by steamer from a visit to the Midwinter Fair, expecting to take a train from 1', irt land direct to their home In Southern yoming. Imagine their surprise to find themselves In, what seemed to them, a modern Venice, and to be told that the nearest place where th' track was from under water was at leest B0 miles distant, which would necessitate a trip up the broad and ruglng Columbia by Steamer, with perhaps a wagon drive of many miles over a rough, mountainous country.

This morning the girls had obtained permission of their chuperone. Miss Secombe, to take a ride upon the streets. From the parlor window in the second story of their hotel. Belle hailed a boat, which ran in the hallway to the height of half the stairs, uh. re they embarked, receiving many admonitions from )oor Miss Secombe, who insisted they would surely meet with some accident before reaching home.

Such an experience as that ride was! I'p und down the prtacia! thoroughfores of the busy city; jostling against hundreds of other beats, some filled with sightseers like themselves, many intent only UDOQ the business of the day; now passing a floating restaurant or barber shop, again rowing into buildings that had, a few weeks -fore, been busy stores, but now half-lilled wdth muddy water; grating against letter boxes, four feet above the sidewalk; and ever passing under high, narrow bridges, built across the streets, by which foot passengers by the hundied were carefully treading their way. Often were our girls startled by a splash and the laughter of the crowd, and looking around to And that some unfortunate had slipped from the narrow walk, generally causing him more anger than harm. It was a wonderful ex-perienoe, perhaps one never to be had again. After an hour ofj this novel enjoyment they returned, chattering and laughing, to the hotel; often on way causing the passer-by to turn and look at their joyous, happy faces, and spille at their mirthful-ness. As one of thiau, let us, too, take a look at this little part.

Belle Holton "Fearless Belle," as she Is called In her natly town, was too tall to be graceful. A young lady of culture for one of her advantages and opportunities. A wealth of dark, curling hair, always In a toss, adorned her Iwtail dark, flashing eyes, a mouth ever ready to say some characteristic word, or propose a wild and daring scheme; but lieneatb, was a kind heart, that needed only to lie touched In the right way to bring forth a qukK res-ionsc. Helen and Nan were sisters; both had the same hair and eyes, the same roy cheeks and lips, and were nearly the same height. Y'ou could tell they were Isters, even if you did not know them, but their similarity in outward appearance failed to indicate likeness of disposition.

Helen waa studious, fond of being busy, always astir, and looked up to Relle as her guide and idol. Belle and Helen never disagreed. Nan, on the contrary, was Indolent, fond of having her own way, if it could be had without exertion to herself, and generally good nut'ired but capable of a fiery tempei if once aroused. Belle and she often came Into collision. mmm ci rroMKiu ISMfSSM Men llllen gj IgalMf ll.e in.

"Insurance men run up against some very queer customers," said Frank Arnold, who Is MM of the fire-risk takers from Hartford, at )m Normandle to the Washington Star. "ThU Is especially true of the Individuals who think that their buildings are tire-proof. Some of them are so absolutely assured that fire cannot hurt them that they regard the suggestions of an agent as to the advisability of placing a polioy with his company Very much In the nature of an insult. Several years ago I went to see a man in a Western city who had Just completed one of the buildings guaranteed to be fire proof. The walls were of brick.

Inclosing a steel and Iron frame, but every Partition was pine, and the floors were Of the same material. KVII.IIT AINMKVI 8. "Old Glory," a naval comedy drama packed the Bijou at two performances yesterday. The plot deals with the troubles of the United States with Chili and Is wll worked out. As usual In melodramatic, plays, the villian has the upper hand until the last act, while the hero and heroine travel a rough and rugged road.

Hut virtue ultimately triumphs and in "Old Glory" the final curtain goes down among the plaudits of the audience at the downfall of the villain. The play is presented by an entirely satisfactory and competent company, while the scenic effects are adequate in every respect. Robert Adams, the brave hero, Is played by James Home. Ample justice to the role Is done him. He is handsome and has a thorough understanding of the lines.

Daniel Janett as Hiram Eawton, makes a thorough-faced scoundrel both in looks and actions. Miss lied Holland as May Harvey captured the audience, especially In the scene when she climbs hand over hand on a rope to the 1 ght house in time to save the cruiser Baltimore from being wrecked. It Is a of strength and was duly applauded. Miss Vivian Edsoll poiirayed the hot tempered Chilean maiden in a pleasing manner. Tin- comedy element was furnished by John A.

Coleman and Miss Ixmise Montrose. The two took immensely with the audience. Miss Montrose Is a clever dancer and Mr. Coleman's makeup and his specialty were remarkable. Ulric B.

Collins made dashing looking ensign and one which the navy should be proud to possess. The same bill the entire week, with a special matinee on Friday. The whole of the present week at the Grand will be devoted to comedy, popular Robert Hilliard following "The New Boy" for an engagement of three nights and two matinees. The opening performance on Thursday evening will introduce him in the character of Jack Medford the quasi political hero of "The Nominee." A one-a comedy called "My Lady Help" will he given as a curtain raiser. A the holiday matinee Friday.

"The Nominee" will be preceded by Mr. Hllllard's own dramatiza in; at. The wheat market continues to drag and hesitate. The speculative disposition is decidedly in a waiting mood. No one, apparently desires to make any definite move until the expected liquidation of the enormous holdings In Chicago are over.

The all absorbing topic of interest is, what shall we do with our cumbersome load. There Is a division of opinion as to who Is to blame for the present state of affairs. In some quarters there is a disposition to criticise th- elevator companies because they do not let go a portion of their stocks In store in Chicago. Sentiment is less hopeful of an early substantial Improvement In business or values. There is no immediate selling pressure, but, buyers ate equally indifferent the wo over and as little responsive to any bullish news as the man in a comatose state, who, when awakened by the announcement that "the world has ended:" sail "is it?" and immediately sank back upon his pillow.

All foreign advices prove that buyers are satisfied with the outlook "A diversity In It by v.H ion -stances the a to sinesg was carried on nts. and in several tarried was of the most The proprietor nearly i hinted at Insurance. miw Ht MKT "EDDIE." Qsssi i. at New York's dustry, rendered it necessary. THK TKIBi'XK abominates and despises tin Cleveland-Wilson free trade policy; it believes in visiting condemnation upon them and their followers for placing the country "In a hole" through unwise tariff legislation; but the country being in ttie hole, we don't see that there is any way at ent to get it out except that adopted by the president.

That capitalists have not yet lost faith In our country is shown by the avidity with which the new bonds are being taken. The syndicate will no doubt reap a ri'-h profit. The bulk can be placed at 111 or U2, and It is said that 115 has been offered tor small lots. From this it may be argued that the president could have placed them on the market and sold them at higher prices but this Is by no means certain. With r.o strong syndicate behind it to guarantee lh( protection of the gold reserve the very piirrs.s- bring relieved from ttia outrageous Impositions of iiisuraii, panies, and proposed to keep free from, any agreements with them.

Ten hours afterward a fire alarm was sounded for the engines to go lo the building. They rev hed "nd Its Interior a roaring furnace. The next day fragments of brick wall and a mass of bent and twisted Iron columns girders were all that remained of the file-proof building. It was only another proof of the fact that fire-proof buildings Isirn faster aid hotter than any ther structures erected. This may seem paradoxical, but It's true, nevertheless." fore we got back home." screamed a shrill voice as Miss Secombe entered the room.

Down the Columbia: They then were floating as they had seen so many houses go that day. There was one wild cry as they realized the awful fact. "Oh, what shall we do?" cried Helle. In respect to supplies in the immediate future, and the news of serious injury to the Russian wheat crop and the less favorable yield in Argentine seems to have but little effect In the face 6f our large visible supply which is a constant menace to all speculative ventures. It Is possible that these supplies (especially the concentrated holdings at Chicago) may be in better control and less liable to be forced on the market by a serious liquidation with a collapse in values than is feared, may result It Is claimed that these supplies represmt as never before, wheat, that was held in country elevators "out of sight" in former years, but Sold against in primary niaikets.

and that today the Chicago market really Is no more overburdened with actual long wheat holdings than when the country elevators retaiii-d the holdings und "hedged" against them by sales in speculative markets and principally in Chicago. This ur- tion of one of Richard Hai, ling Davis' best stories which he has christened "The Littlest Girl." Friday night there will be the first production on any stage of a new three-act comedy entitled "lxist Twenty Four Hours." with "My Lady Help" as a curtain raiser, and for the matinee and evening performances Saturday "lost Twenty Four Hours" and "The Littlest Girl" will be given. A man of under size who Is obliged to play the role of a school boy and become th, victim of every prank which IiU fellow but Nan would finally give way for lack of energy to push her own will far enough to overcome her stronger opponent. There was much in Nancy Holbrook, It nee'led only some great experience to make her realize that life was living, not Idling. How little she knew this awakening was so near! And Flossy Munson? Just ask any of her friends and they will answer: "De-Scribe her? Why, Flossy is Just Flossy!" Yes, Just timid, gentle, clinging, yielding, little Flossy! Always giving up hei opinion never asked; always helpful, her help IM PUA1 BfS rAl IA Mile On) of IVu Let llie Hand Lend the Kit; lit.

A well known piano teacher says th'it one of the most common faults In piano playing Is the practice of playing the two bands Otti Ol time with each other, says the New York Sun. Nine players out of every ten permit the left hand to lead the light, when the two should strike- the keys simultaneously. Of course there are rare cases where this dltatortnesk of the right hand may be legitimate, but it should be remembered that In general It Is reprehensible and should be carefully avoided. If the Composer Indicates the simultaneous performance of the notes lielonglug to the two hands, let not the slightest discrepancy be manifest. To play the two hands out of time with each other is to lie not only inaccurate, but to appear af-fe Shallow players resort to ttevicefl to cover up the lack of ability to play with expression.

It takes the place of shading and phrasing wiiii the superficial. was not appreciated; and ever good na-tured, she bore the teasing of tin- others with newt- an angry retort. It was she who made the p-iace between th-j ind kept th-rn on Speaking terms with Miss Secombe. RtattaanuUI uml tin- Mnr In "Off ilie lairih." A good story is told of Ivldle Koy, the now celebrated six'ctacular star, who has been delighting thousands nightly at the I'ark Theater during the past week In his side-Hpllttlng fane "Off the Karth," and in which Is shown his intimate relation with the railroad king and statesman. Chauncey lepew, and how that connection came about.

As Kddle Is alniut to start for Brooklyn, and will meet his moneyed friend Chauncey at a quiet little dinner, the story In apropos, and proves, if nothing else, at least Interesting as showing how-certain apparently insignificant Incidents have proved epochs In the lives of some of our stars. To begin. It will he that In UH Chicago was a great center for men of all ilasseg, trades and professions, and cup. daily so for leading politicians and statesmen, who were nagging through oa their way to the Itepublican Convention at Minneapolis. To add to the occasion, Chicago was then at heat over the preparations for the coming orld's Columbian BxpOsgDon, and Ihe principal hostiiries were tllliil with all manner ol scheming men and cranks with Ideas.

Just at this particular time Chicago wis about to spring upon the theatrical world a oot.c ular farce comedy, which. It was prophesied, would eclipse anything ever produced. "All liaba" was to be the piece, ami the theatrical world In and around Chicago aw ailed the opening night with breathless exiieotation. Then was to lie but one departure, and that was made known but a night or two before the opening, and It was the fact that "Kddle" Koy, the hitherto tricompcirahlc star, the spectacular farce-comely Idol of the west, was not to appear. A little investigation proved that Kddle and Manager Hen lerson, of the Chicago opera House, where "Ah Ha-ba" was to be produced, bad had a little and Kddle was coldly turned down.

On the opening night a wdld. disordered rruss jostled itself about In front of the opera house, and fought to get toward the box office. In that crowd were politicians, statesmen and cranks of all styles, denominations and degrees; and unknown to any one in the crowd which pushed and shoved him. was Chauncey Hejiew. the railroad king, and New York's brilliant statesman.

With the others he strove to attain the railing in front of the box office, but failed lgnominlously and signally. When he was about to give up, however, he was seen by an old New York reporter, who was then working on a Chicago paper. A salutation something like an embrace fol scholars see lit to inqiose on him is the main idea in the farce comedy called "The New Boy" which Minnoapiilltans can see at Grand this evening. The excuses made for such an extravagant condition of affairs are the ones usually put forward by writers of (arcs eomedy -dramatic license, and It has been said of the piece that after watching Its three acts of merriment a person can well afford to forgive the author for any seeming breach of the ethics of play-wrltlng which may have been indulged in While the story was being worked out. Oh, Miss Secombe! I had forgotten to tell you about her! gainst withdrawals for export, the new loan might have fallen flat.

With better weather and the financial necessities of the government provided for tor some time to come, there is reason to look for a speedy improvement in general business. A RAM) M. Itl Ml in. In an article on the settlement of strikes, quoted in the Ialor Department of THE TBIRl'NE. yesterday, the Hon.

Frederick Coudert, an eminent New York lawyer, suggests as one of the remedies, laws limiting the right of bequeathing large fortunes. "Dead men should not be allowed to rule the world," he says sententiously. This doctrine will be denounced as verging on socialism-hut what is the country going to do? Is it going to stand quiescent and allow the wealth of the land to be drained to Europe by the heirs of the Ciulds. the Vanderbilts, the Astors and others who have displayed a phenomenal ability to pile up huge fortunes by means which do not always respect the rights of the public? The question is an intricate one, and the considerations involved far-reaching, but it Will do no harm to discuss It. It concerns ot simply the prevention or settling of trlkes.

but the abatement of discontent Which is rapidly spreading among the our four girls lived ii. the little town of aounteaiy is true to some extent and is fully recognized by the home trade; but abroad, of both exporting and Importing countries, make no su-h nice distinctions and are largely Influenced by the undisputed fact of enormous visible supplies and their slow reduction as the season advances. Besides, it does make a differ, nee whether the is on the R- In southern Wyoming. All winter they G-t dressed," tersely commanded Miss Beoombe, "and then we will all go to the Window and cry for help." The girls quickly and tremblingly obeyed her, each one forgetting her faults and tacitly admitting her as commander-in-chief. It did not take them long to dress, and then how they culled for help; called with the vehemence of despair; called until so exhausted they could call no more.

Helen was the first to give up. "Oh," she cried, "the rain and the river make so-much noise! It is so dark!" "We will drown! We will drown!" moaned Nan. "oh, feel the house shake! It Will go over!" "Yoi, we are going over! Feel that, girls? Have we gone?" screamed Belle. "Humph! I told you so!" muttered Miss Secombe. "Girls, let's pray," softly said Flossy.

They all became very quiet, and grew calmer and calmer, as Flossy offered up a solemn, earnest petition for help and life. The effect even softened Miss Secombe, and she said In a gentler tone: "Bach girl take a window, there watch und signal for help." They were very still and silent now as each took her post; but none will ever forget the earnest thoughts of a hi-tlcr life. If permitted to live; the repentance for thoughtless deeds in the past; or the loving, longing messages sent home! How they prayed to live! It was only an hour before dawn appeared, but to thfm It seemed as though ha 1 planned lo go to the Midwinter fair, but always the perplexing question would arise, "Who shall be our chaperone." May had come, school was Otlt, and no chaperone! At last Hclle I who but Hello A I ii li lie Church Fair. The booth for Monday was decorated In hie for obvious reasons and here were kept for sale all the articles sacred to that would dare to think of such a thing), exclaimed, 'Oh. girls.

1 have It! We will take Miss Secombe along!" And how Ihey laughed at the joke, as they thought It. uisy day; work aprons of Striped ticking, with iiockets for clothes pins, laundry "old Miss as eveiylrody tailed lists, clothes pin bags of ticking, soap. her, who had never been out of the little tiling, washing iiowder, starch, clothes town of who had always lived alone lines, writes Joy I.istor Klnnaird in the January Ad tea Home Journal. in lo little cottage, and who had no one At Tuesday's booth there were kept the belonging to hor "nor ever had" people sail, though some of the oldest Inhabi appliances for Ironing day; iron holders I tin tonic's GnWSb A gown that seems a vrlt able dream, because of fts cloudy, misty effect. Is the one with a skirt of dancing length, having the usual fashionable flare.

It Is made of gray silk, with an ovcrdraplng of gray chiffon embroidered in a vine pattern In sliver, writes Isabel A. MailOfi In the January I. a lies' Home Journal. The bodice, which Is the usual round draped one, has for Its belt a corsage decoration In silver that Is round Just about the waist, but shapes up Into deep jHiints that fit on the chiffon background with great exactness. The sleeves, which lea oh to the elbows, are arranged In long puffs by the chiffon having straps of silver upon It that run lengthwise, and so force the material to fall In that fashion.

The round Beak Is outlined with silver embroidery, and a bit of color Is given by the addition. Just above the corsage decoration, of a flaring bow of velvet ribbon of the new blue shade. This Is tied so that one long loop reaches across the corsage, while two loops and an end are tants did remember an aged mother, guard these were plenty and cheap and had a ed and tenderly cared for by her; Miss Se. omhe. thin, yellow, and rinkled, wdio al cool sale, there were also books of waxed paper for lronerstWlre stands, gloss starch.

ways talked In a high key; and who was gruff and repellent to all who dared to bosom boards, with loop for hanging, cloths sprinklers, patent irons, etc. spot ready for delivery' or several hundred miles away. Perhaps in time the world at large may become accustomed to view Hose exceptional large supplies with indifference, hut until then they will have a depressing effect. THE TRIBUNE! has time and again during the past year Insisted that that Irani, stock in si, oe i hh-ago and one or two other points was the true reason for the weakness in the wheat trade. The past week the course of the market has shown a general feeling of distrust as to the outcome and, although prices have touched the lowest price ever known, on Saturday night the con, ensus of opinion was that still lower depths would be reached before health or strength could be exp, etc I.

In other words, the lance miiBt cut deep and let out the pus before the wound can heal. The clearances from the seaboard for the week were light of both wheat and Hour, and the last two days of the week show that the probable clearances for the present official week will be still more light. Winter approach her; she loved no one, and no one loved hr. Paople often Wondered Wednesday's und Thursday's booths ad joined, and were accounted the most at they had passed lire time in this awful silence; total darkness all around; the rain beating In torrents over head; and floating on, on, on, with the swift current of the river, now and then striking something tractive In the hall. The former was devoted to darning, mending and sewing.

I There were darning bags and dusting bags, also threaded needle cases, dinning cot that would make the little house totter and sway, and cause the girls, with a tons and linens by the wholesale. W'MAT DOBg BBXATOB II I l.l, MEAN! In the senate, on Saturday. Senator Hill posed as the champion and defender of the administration's financial policy, and took occasion to sing the praises of "Bimetallism." He declared himself a bimetalllst, and denounced the simon-pure silver men as silver monometalllsts. When it became the turn of Senators Wolcott and Teller to apeak they returned the compliment and Stigmatized Mr. Hill as a gold roonometal- shudder, to rush Into each other's arms to die together.

But again It would become Us neighbor. Thursday, was devoted en at one side. tirely to fancy work, Its most prominent feature being cushions of all sorts, shapes and sizes. upright, and each would resume her silent watch. At last a faint ray of daylight came.

Hope began to rise. Lighter and lighter it Friday's booth as devoted to cleanli ness; there were dusting caps, bib aprons. lowed between these two men, and Chauncey was led up to a side entrance, and Into a box, without the usual formality of entrance. Chauncey sat during that performance, and seemed to enjoy It thoroughly. There was, however, a troubled expression on his face, for which Manager Henderson could not account.

Flrally, however, the latter plucked up courage. "How do you like the show, Mr. liepew?" he ventured to ask. whisk brooms, dusters, dust pans, brooms, brushes pall, chamois skin and silver -t j-anir lay oootii there was every thing to entice the housekeeper to buy: cake and pie tins, egg beaters, steam cook ers, pastry bowls, gem nans, ntldriin wheat conditions are generally favorable for a good crop, which is far from encouraging to holders of distant futures. The financial position still beclouds everything and there be many who devoutly wish that two-thirds of the present congress were in limbo.

about her, often hud made kindly advances toward her, but at last had left her entirely alone, and she seldom came into the mind of anybody in the busy little city. "But. girls, I am in earnest! The case Is desperate. We must see the fair, and must have a chaperone. I know we don't need her, but -conventionalities must be observed.

1 shall go this very minute and see what can bfl done." So away they started. i How gruffly ihey were received; how they overcame it all; and at last to all 's astonishment, succeeded in getting her to the depot In a neat, black di ss and bonnet, 1 will not step to tell you. But It was accomplished, I Many the funny, experiences they had over her ignorance of the world; very angry she would become at times, and scold In her high Voice. The girls stain realised that her, prest nee was often an annoyance, when law words would spring hack from Belle's, Helen's, and even. Nan's impatient Una.

Yes, verily, the party needed a little peace-maker among them, and she. was doing more than sfhe knew, for though as gruff to her as any. In these four weeks FkMsey had touched the hardened heart and was planting the little seed of affection therein. And now they had reached Portland on their homeward journey. "We'll soon be home.

Oh. girls, I'm glad. But what a jolly time we've had," moulds, etc. At this booth were ulso sold all sorts of home-made cakes, pies, breads, biscuits, candles, preserves, jellies siiops. cuniieii nuns, vegetaliles, pickles, It Is easy to understand the position of Messrs.

Wolcott and Teller. They favor the tree and unlimited coinage of silver, which tin claim would at once enhance the price Of silver to $1,29 per ounce, and thus restore bimetallism. Very few people believe this contention. The large majority believe that free coinage by the V'nited States alone would not materially enhance the price of silver, and that the result would be to place this country immediately upon silver basis, lint the silver advocates pos aess the merit of consistency and clearness They tell the country exactly what they catsups, as well as recipes for tin gtew. yet no help seemed to be In sight.

"We will drown." moaned Nan, throwing herself upon the bed as the house ran Into some floating debris and tottered. "A boat! Girls, girls, a boat!" called Flossy from her window, "Oh come and call; all of you! Will they never, never hear us?" With one accord live pairs of lungs sent up shout after shout. "Aye, aye!" at last the answer came. "Thank God, help Is coming!" exclaimed Helen, sinking uion a chair; then rushing to the window again, where now live pairs of anxious eyes were strained to watch the little boat come near and nearer. Ai last It was beside them.

A strong rope was thrown in through the window, Which Miss Secombe caught. "Jump in quick," called a hearty voice. Nan was the first to lifted In, Belle and Helen followed. "You who have the rope hold It while you get In, or the boat will ge away from the house. What! two more left? Can't do It! It Is risky to carry four of you in The New York financial correspondent of the Chi, ago Tribune de hues that gold is "All, mon ami! Is It that you are well n'est ce pas? Je suls heureux." already at a premium and that the coun try is actually on a sliver basis.

These ior heaven's sake, old fellow, I'm no assertions are based on the fact that one I' renehman "I'ai lonnez mol. I've Icon reading 'Trll and 1 can't help It, Till: BATHER, WAgHrKOTOlf, r. Feb. 17. Forecast for Monday: gof Hteaesota- fair, preceded by snow Hurries in eastern portion, cooler in eastern portion; northwesterly winds.

Iowa -Fair, slightly colder; northwest winds. Kor North ro! South Dakota- Fair; north-westerly win, Is. Fiir Wisconsin-Snow, followed by fair in afternoon; colder; west to northwest winds. I'ntted States Department of Agriculture, West her Itureau, Dally lliilletln. P.

F. Lyons, Local Forecast official. Si. Paul, Feh. 17.

1896. Observation niken at all stations at 8 p. 7.1th meridian time: Phic.s. Ther. Unr.

St. I'aul a.52 Duluili 2141 I Crosse D.D. 2 Huron 29.80 18 Pierre 29,84 3D Moorhenil 29.72 1J St. Vincent 29.74 2 Bismarck -74 28 Wllllston 24 Havre 29.70 Miles City 29.78 34 Helena 29.9B 36 BSdmonton nattleford II Prince Albert 29.60 24 rnlgary 29 72 32 Medicine Hal 29.68 2S Swift Current 29.68 24 Oll Alipelle 29.72 It Mlnncdosa 2-70 12 Winnipeg 29.72 9 l'ort Arthur 29. States Department nf Agriculture, Weather Bartau, Observer's Oflles, B.

a. Dealti i ihserver. Minneapolis. Feb. 17, 1895.

ol servu-tlons taken at 7 p. Wtk meridian time: Maximum temperature 34 Minimum temperature 22 Dally range JJ Temperature at time observation 23 Direction und velocity of wind, northwest, 10 miles. Weather, light snow. Kain or melted during past 24 hours, trace. hair ol one per cent premium lias been paid for small lots of the pneiouf metal, he ago Mother -Dear me.

Augustus, OTM ii is generally oeneveu mat the causes which operated to force such a premium wuat nuiKes yoer race so dirty? Her Sot: I've bun playing In the arc temporary. However, Itussell Sag "Well, its pretty goodIn fact, fine," responded the Twentieth century Dante) Webster. "Hut where Is Kiddle The smile faded away from Manager Henderson's face, and a cloud of trouble took Its place. The question touched a vital spot, it recalled the little "tiff," but still proved that "Kddle" was an Idol, even in the eyes of ihe New York stales-man. There was nothing said during the remainder of the performance In that box, but the very next week Kddle was re-engaged, at an advanced salary, and sang, to the Intense delight of crowded audiences, "He Never Came Hack," which, by the way.

first gained Its popularity by his singing Il UK WOHK OX A It SHIPS. I. mulched In Less Than Venr After ihe Keels it ii al Been l.lllil. Example of the speed with which battleships of enormous tonnage can be built in Kngllsh dockyards are furnished by the Magnificent and Majestic. whose keels were laid less than 12 months ago, says the London Hally News.

The Magnificent, with all her armor plating on. her boilers fitted and a good deal of the machinery on hoard, will be floated out of the dock next Wednesday, or exactly a year and a day from the date on which she was begun. The ceremony might have been Life. locked up a million of gold last week, and If other large capitalists follow his ex ample there is no knowing what may happen. aut and invite it to make the experiment But it is not so easy to tell what Mr.

Hill Bieans. It would save a good leal of men-t. I perplexity if he would clearly define What he means by bimetallism. Bimetallism should mean the equal use of the two metals upon an agreed ratio; but that is Impossible while the ratio remains at 16 to 1 and silver at Its present price. The silver money of the country Is sustained by gold, because It Is practically red, m-able In gold.

This is the policy of the administration which Senator Hill sustains, and it Is practically gold monometallls: policy. It is the right policy, because it is the only policy which will maintain the faith and credit of the government, and THE TRIBI Ni: is glad to Mr 11:, 1 Mrs. Dr. Harriet Keating, In an essay before a woman's club In Now York claimed that there should be a board of health to examine the physical and moral condition of nun and women who desire I have found the Royal Baking Powder to be an absolutely pure cream of tartar powder, entirely free from alum and ammonia, and of the very highest leavening power. 5 1 CHARLES W.

DREW, Ph. M. D. Late Chemist to the Minn. State Dairy and Food Dep't.

to be married; also that persons who have been guilty of crime should he prohibited from marrying. These sentiments were loudly applauded, and will no doubt be BiifctiflU ll(fl1iiitfTtlBrJlilMiittrlWlliiliWB lillWH tlliidH IBi".

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)
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