The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

9 if T.r TO rTfifigfig-JW. 14 fH Ifiaf Hfiffii ta' IS WPT sfofa Naasaa Safa 14 ll Hfmt 14 Mlffa Wwsafia Safa PAGE 4S PITTSBURGH PRESS, APRIL 17, 1949 I Saafft Waaaaa Cafa 114 Naril itrlai 314 "CAPPT EASTER" Par Mattsjaaaa, lasatsasa ar to Bap ay su Baal Estate Bee n. W. SCSULLER PERRT REAL ESTATE CO. 3884 Perryxvllle N.

S. FA. 8483 3 FAULT RZICK. S7.SSS Keteham Street, off Preble Avenue 3-sty. brick.

4 rms. and semi-bath each floor. $500 down, balance $70 per month. Mr. Lucas, NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE PA.

T731 WILL Build on Federal St. Ave. District Modern brick. rooms, tile bath; copper plumbing. Integral garage: 810.800.

Terma. 30 cash needed. FA. 8471. NEAR California Ave.

Cosy 8 brick, furnsce. garage, only KICE0LS REALTT 417 Grant St. CO. 3580 REDUCED TO S4SS9 WHITE OR COLORED rooms, bath, furnace. 835 Glenatda Ave.

Owner will finance, fa. 8483. S5C9 DOWaf PAYUItif Galveston 1007 rooma, brtck. bath, furnaca. Monthly payment to suit purchaser.

GOLD REAL ESTATE CO. CO. 4703 815508050 down. 4- Duffy Realty, 1410 Beaver. Cedar 4337.

$4750 3-famlly. furnished. vacant. 3-Sd 1834 Bid well. FE.

4854. -Room Home, Morrison Avow-Party ell. laundry, furnace, as a Conner plumbing, bath: 88800. Fairfax 173. COLORED Carrtagton SL, doable house.

804O. Bargain for ajtuca sale HENNTG-i BCHOVB FA. 8844 34 ffifitfc Hills Iaw ALLENTOWN Double buff brick: a rooma. bath each. Good condition.

Handy streetcars, schools; 818.000 for both. Everglade 813. ALLENTOWN. Bailey Plea Duplex, brick. 8 rooms, bath each floor.

CaU Mr. Well. Everglade 3073 ALLENTOWN 3 bouses on ono lot. 7 ax a rooms, 811,500 for hntb, FRED P. BURGER At SON.

HE. 4038 RALDWIN TWP- S14.5C9 44 tlellew Rave. Drive AB BWaunaavliBB BLA. New red brick, rnnaas. bath, aowder room, Integral garage.

CaU JOSEPH THOMAS, CH. 1044 Puts nee Realty, A48 Hamawead Ava. BALDWIN Beautiful new stone ranch acres, clean couatry atmos- 5 here with city conveniences: tile roof, bedrooms. 1 V. tile baths, streamlined kitchen, llvtagroom, dlnlngronm.

arage. a stone log-burning fire pt aces. Full t. wan arranges lounge. playroom.

shower room. etc. bunt, the finest throu shout. Asking 845.000. Fleldbrook 3483.

BALDWIN Near St. Wend I ins. large 4 and bath 1st 3 rms. 3ad hwd. modem kitchen; a real buy.

CAR RICK REALTY CO. WI. 7843 BALDWIN Stunning tapestry brtck. rooma. all full atse bedroom, tile bath.

tame room: gas neat: integral garage; evet landscaped lot. Complete down to the smallest detail. Only 818.000. LOWE. 711 Brownsville MU.

31 00 BALDWIN Brick bang-: gaa: gar 80850. Lot 70x308: shown be a DDL only. BEVERLY REALTY CO. LO. 3800 BALDWIN Brick.

8 rooms; over I acre lot: bath; furnace. Owner dying to sell. $5000. LOWE, 711 Brownsville HU. 3100 BALDWIN Really DCrf s)Ct -lOOfal home: close to school aV bus.

Act bow a bay that won't last. 88ROO. LOWE. 711 Brownsville HU. 8100 BALDWIN Manor Brtck.

reorna: ea. rage: gaa heat: vacant; lot 08180. Bargain, gll.noo. 3147 BALDWIN 88750; rooms, nearly decorated: near everything. LO.

8808, RARON UAKOR ESTEIL SEE "HOtrsB THAT GROWS" 10. boo. Extra larga brtck bungalow, bedrooms, tile bath. 1st floor; 2 unfinished rooma ea and; fiaarhU sills: forced air heat: garage: acre lot; all Improvements. Easy terms.

RARONE ft LIKD CO. CA.CS29 aM.vfawBHraat IiaL Ltettaft neecnvie. no sows puys n-r brtcl. party wall, only 87880. Mast be sold.

Dormant Wear SL Bemard'a. a room brick. May 1st dead Una. Dorsaont -Duplex, near Park. LltiBWaitlaf PrttsfrBPfk Malaffafs Wa wvw hbs rmm PEOPLES REALTY SALES CO.

FT. 7100 EEECHVIEW -SS500 Lovely 8-room dwelling, finished Srd; gas heat; nicely landscaped lot. utn. a. ALOiir LE.

aon BEECHVIEW Beat lovely brick bungalow: porch: everything modern. Easily the finest value, sio.aoo. LOWE. 711 Brownsville HU. 9100 BXECHVIEW Brick Home Practically new.

tile bath, ae gas. aarage. noun oown. Ltnign ppbo. BEECHVIEW 5 rooms, brcAkfast roota: new aaa furnace: copper plumbing; gvono.

owner, FWidorook iits, BEECHVIEW 7 rooms, hot water heat. no- sot. Mangy, eu.poo. u. 1801 Bexchvuw Brick.

9 rooms, bath, handy, good at 811.000. LB. 1801. BEECHVIEW a family hosae. tile oatn, 8850O.

Lenigfl 8887 SELTZZC3VER Chalfont 8 rooms fit bath, furnace, excellent condition. 3 8 BOO Gaa. A. faaas ft Saas EX. 1 4X3 Sunday dr evenings.

AL. 0301 BELTZHOOVER Near Knoxrville car-line, fi-room frame, a batha. 85400. FRED P. BURGER SON.

HE. 4038 Setkal Caaatry-Lika Estata Bungalow lovely 3 -level frame. 8 rooms. 3 baths: beautifully dee-orated, double garage, tool house; gorgeous ground. 3 acres, beautiful ahrubs.

hundred flowers tn bloom. 8 mlnutaa from street ear. good bus service. Sacrifice. Immediate.

$37,500. R. H. LOETHER CA. 3130 Ratkal Caoalry Llka Estata Bungalow Brick, fi large rooms, 3 baths (1 carrara, 1 tllel, car-, rara glass kitchen, breakfast room.

fine game room, double garage: 1 acres, wooded grounds containing 38 large oaks. 18 doe wood, numerous maple trees. 10 minutes' walk to street car, bus for school children at door. Owner transferred out of city. Sacrifice for auiefc sale.


3130 1 last Hill Masaas Sala XjSsaaBfiBHsaBBxaWaBT ittm IP TOP ABB 8a.KINO A ww, wiBfT TJR PLEASANT, EBTaBU BUUTISI SJSTt BrsatwwwaValiBria TTUlakall ar Flaaiaat CIlls LET US DI8CTJ88 YOfJB BEOTJIBE- MENT8 AND HELP LOCATE A 8UTT- tOHI POBl YOUB FAamlLx, WESSR REALTT CARRICK easo WHERE BOTJTE 81 BtEETfi BBOWW8VILLE BP. taTTiea. uiysi Rathfred Acres, lifi Gaanroek Dr. Brick, 3 yra. aid: gaa farasra.

un-o-well batk. Integral garage, storm windows, Venetian thAdea; large lot: exclusive agent. Brokers. Wo Mil co operate on thai one CARRI ICST. REALTY CO.

WI. T83 RatkaltUlJcrast Vaeaat rat. brick with ana room: breakfast rooca: 1 V. batha: 3 car InL garage; large level tot; nice location; Meal fog children: good trans. At Betook.

aoo. win consiaer oner as aaa aa asta. WAECHTER. FI. 3833: Suit.

LB. Ofi38 BETKaX Twp. ty. -story swml-bamgaw tow; 4 bath. 1st 3 kadi noma.

2nd; living roota with open fl replace; aa 1 a -srv Int. Also additional 3 -mom cottage- Ideal country place Bear South park Bridie rain: near traasiiia lauesi aad shopping, call Monday. L. W. MOLNAR da CO.

LB. 3138 SZTHsX TWP 7 frame, 10- Inch ted wood Up. double siding, slst reef. 1st floor reception hall, 14x18 living- room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, breakfast Book; and floor. 4 bedrooms, hall, bath: finished attle: aarage.

Approximately V. acre ground. 3 chicken coops. Basin ass else el tie reason sailing. Si BOO.

Call Colonial 1371. BETKiL Twp. 4-room Colonial. Ula bath: eaa a. at; fireplace: integral garagac handy to car Uaa find snopptna; nice sin; via.vuu.

mu Monday. W. MOLNAR as CO. LB, at SB EETC2L New brtck. 4 rooms, aowder room first floor; second.

3 rnnaas. tile bath: a. e. heat: Integral garage; tot 81x318; behind King School fitop off 88. Colonial 1748-R.

EETCIL SI0.5C3 RUTHFRED ACRES fi. mrmnm In. Cnarvenlent. LE. 380O BETRSL a laaaliy, a aatna, isirnta.

KlllN. 84reokline Blvd. LO. 1000 BXTKZL Township trsnd new -room brtck and stone. Lot 130x180.

a mw aeVMtMa. churches. Owner-built. SlS.aoa. Colo nial 4BH-SI.

irriiiL fownahia-4 oonaenleneea. Convenient shiipplag aad im miMii.1 aao. BTfKsX-Brtght wood -nom toaal- ISBllgaiu. mfm BCTW tm; urmwi WEST-BROOK REAL ESTATE LO. 858 frfKXL Twp, woodland, surrouod- tngs; a rooms.

bsths; Hudson. LE. 8187. Colonial 870-J. C3wun JILL FLLr last Bayaad UU Lakaaaa DintcrroNS ow uriy it re.

fa Beaaar Mm mm. tm aer. wimt mm Beawar Malf Bar. mmmwmmlmJv fM mtttB VaM' 4iwm rtffR aet VameWraaa fa Af mbree Lame. Pticad S14.9SSUS19.7C9 DAVE LTYLE Cwircsclo 2C30 BOWER KlU Rd.

Brick. tile bath, ae gaa, ga r. 8 1 1 POO. KLEIN, 814 BrookJme Blvd. LO.

1000 Rraatwaaa! Saad-EBaalaw srand roocaa. tile and 1 glass bath, center kail type with all-Basse kitchen, let floor bitioom and bath. Urge gasae room, doable garage, "toeellent location facing couatry dab. Large weU-ahrubbad let. convenient to everything, fiacrifica.

Immadlsto. a iaa R. H. LOETSXR CA. 3139 BxZKTWtta KSSXXa.

SltrCw. Near trolley, baa and school; 8 Mrea rooau: hot water heat: tile bath: mod ern kitchen. A real bap. air. Rnod.

v. a iaa aafil It imKm Araaay LS. tlH lAI 1 WOOD -i 1.800 Brick and clapboard. yra. old: ar ranged for a families: painted waua.

Un-e-wall bath, integral aarage; well CABJUCK REALTT CO, WI. Tffit Brick, 8V rooms, tile batk. 3-car "ai Urge level lot, Mr. Bhmtas. a mT dh As Paal N.

Sadtk Afaacy LE.1SCS 8 66 rooeae. imrwkm tito bath: intern garage: copper plembtng. Venetian bUnda; convenient trananertatlon: 83300 down. 88T.TB BwjBtniy. rrrtr A777.M.

TOiWOOD 43 Waai hePacreae Ave-aae. fi-room brick, finished third. tUfi bath, net water stoker heat, fjrau tor, close to street car aad 81W.Y 80T Carrtck 3783-R- rnfllvaatf Caw Swaw-Cwazsiaw Attractive da weH-eoiistrectad 8-rooam brick. 44 rooma 4s bath oa 1st noori .4 w.ewi ata.fioa. axrrwcob A-l location.

V. Wrock LOWE. 711 Brownsville Rd- HU. 310O BkENi Wood Near Brovmsviiia tn. brick with many added features.

tile kirenen. mo aaa itiiuta trtisa. m. 0118. BUbcrwOOr Absototety lot, sttractlve pre-war B-room brick; everything yowanL8 10,300.

LOWS. 711 Brownsville HU. 3100 BRlN WOOD tmi Modern B-room. brtck. C.

gTwnSit. rfWI wlaaTjBlBrSfi" aatn to Wasxssve 31 a. ooo. Carrtck 3Q0i. built brick, beautiful ac aaa furnace, lnte- gral garage.

$13.000. Lehigh 8885. BRENTWOOD Brick kanaawT I ac aa. gar. G.I.

fiiaoo oown. KLEIN 8 1 VBiwokllne Blvd. LO. lOOO BRENTWOOD B-roora brick: tile bath. Integral garage, aaao wiuetc mt CnHrk fS ST -J mcs: ti BRLNlwoOD fi rooms, breakfsst room; aewa; aaa neat: mama ran.

waw, Carrtck 3835-W. aanoarf JNE MndenT with gas furnace: garage, storm door and windows, copper BlamMng. Spalding aOfiS. Stk HUI Haaaaa fafa 123 NHB SfikaPwBB pfwBSwfi HI. Bt1 ElTi-ElSawili Oaaat Bead a to -room new brack, tile bath, gag heat, picture window; garage: level lot: good schools and 1,500 ft.

past ML Royal Cemetery: quick possession. albebt isiuw si, aoaw. 1427 ML Royal Oteaaaaw NOCK Acres Plan Handy to Watt View Park New brick bungalow. 4 rooms. taa bath; gss heat; copper plumbing; all.BOO; terms.

FA. 740. Vj-ecre; North Hilli Sikaibaa Baaa Modern acre, landscaped, tone, area oft McKaight rooms. IV, baths. zo minutes city.

ruin, clean. awe new. $18,800. AT. 8857.

North Hills EiUltf fll.SOO 80S Jefferson Dr. 8 years old. rooms, recreation room: C. E. KITCH- IN.

A. C. taa WltA TRKW rOHFIHIi storm windows: lot dial 30. To Inspect Interior rail PeTryrvtlle 1408-W. EXCLUSIVE BROKEX Itrvbart- Malty ft lot Co.

LI. UI7 NORTH HILL. ERTATB HOUSES REDUCED Madison Circle. Open for Inspection Saturday and Sunday. Modern d-roeae brick; all conveniences.

H. B. McDonald. BuiMrr, rVrryrrllle 157. Noitk Park District.

S11.C90 Frame. 8 bath: fumsca and 3 -car garage; level lot containing 374 acre, nlceiy shrubbed. Mr. Ptnkertoa. NORTH trK RXAL ECTATK PA.

7731 NORTH 10I0UC3S DUPLEX Out-of-town owner anxlooa to sell frame duplex, a rooms, bath 1st Boor; 7 rooms, bath and; 3 -car garate; goad location: level lot. Asking fia.OOO; aiaae offer. Phona Linden 1 'or Rosewood gdSO. Nertk SakkB Bmm home for child ran and rataaatJaa: high, clean: fi rooma, modem, compact; baths: large corner lot, atT Me-Knlsht Rd. Owner, AT.

fidSB. WORTH Hllle bnck bunas If larga lot. fin view: excellent construction; can be financed. 313.000. Bern hard BsaMy fieles Oa.

LI. 8B8T NORTH Lang Ave. 10 no aae, brtck. 3 baths. 3 famines; income 8113 a month; will earn Ace.

due ta old age. Write 173 Rt. Paul fit. R. J.

Craee- anan. Pittsburgh NORTH Hills d-room brtck. Mle bath, gas a. c. heat: attached garage; dtp conveniences; quick nosseasloa.

813,000. Call owner. Perryrvllle 1318. PEEBLES Road a-roota brick. Ula bath, hardwood floors, integral aarage.

marble window sills, screens, esaetlea blinds: level 1 -acre lot. landacaped: 1 4 .000 Peiiiaillle 34S0-M. PERRYSVILLB Avenua Dlst. Frame of 7 rooms and bath. h.

a. heat and laundry. Immediate possess! on. 8TB00. H.

H. atelnmever Co. FA. 9384. RrifiS Township Frame, 8 rooms; gs rag.

i-s acres; Inratlon: 87800. West View ft rich rooms, bath; garage; 1 s. 000. West View Brick, fi venlent location: laree 813.700. McCandless Twp Mow brick 1 7 rooms, tile bath, powder tegral garage; a rag; larga MM; filB OO Ranch Style fi bath: doabb) Integral garage: 3 acres: well lajad- acapca, iruit trees, oak grove; Imi dlate ta aparaelata.

TTE. ISO! tie oo. D. M. SIMON ROM Twp.

at Municipal Bldg. New 6 -room brick, extra larga Integral garage: gaa heat; on block to carllno. $13,800. L. P.

fiCHAKPXR, Exclusive. Cedar 303B. ROSS Township New d-roosa brick: garage: gaa beat. $13,880. Parrysvllle lo-w BF.BKHABO RXALTT fiAMfi OTJ.

RORS Townahlo Immediate 5 -room brick da shingle, landscaped, gas neat, metal awnings, au conveniences. 810.000 Owner. Cedar T8S.3. SAXONBURG Blvd. -ronm and bath frame, garsgea, 1 acres with fruit.

gas, water, electric. Oirtlsvllle gd-R-31 RHALER Park fi-room clapboard home; Integral garage: gas- heat; tile bath: landscaped: storm doors and windows. Owner transferred, 8080. Glenshaw 1442-K. WEST VIEW 3 -family brick home with 4 bath on 1st A and floors: all se Derate meters for atlUtlea.

Nice front da rear yards. Close to transportation. 8 13, BOO. WEITEISaAUSEN IT B. Ohio N.

S. FA. lfiBfi WEST VIEW $10. BOO Brick and shingle. rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, new furnace.

3 -car ga-race, nice lot. handy carllna. Sunday, Glenshaw 3 81. FRANK N. TOUNG LI.

1180 WEST VIEW a-ronaa brick house: double concrete Mock garage; ooxian: gaa furnace; radiator ha Call WE. 371T-M. WEST View Clalrwla Ave. frame, rooms, bath, lot 3oxl38 taxea. 8130.93.

Price soooo. ceaar oaoa. DRIVE OUT TODAY Sew Bw "Tk. Ciass Is Cttra mcrt Tkcrs Ait "Ckick CMps" Today Is food day ta takfi look at a really well planned community where rigid restrictions prohibit cramped lota, undersised houses, and poor planning. Aa you drive through you'll note the lovely lawns and the general well kept appearance and know why people say Tod get mora for your money ta McKnlght Village Cea for yourself the charm of thla BRICK COLONIAL act an a nrrfrrtlv level this a 1 1 distinctive home la complete tn every way.

Included are Tappan Range, Bervel refrigerator, copper screens, aluminum storm doors, concrete driveway, grading, seeding 4b shrubbing. There Is aa ft. Itvlngroom. a dlnlngronm with picture window and an overttsed kitchen. Upstairs there are 3 twin bed alxed bedrooms.

and the very popular kids bunk room. Highest quality mstertala Include asbestos roofing, all copper gutters, downspouts, plumbing. Carrara sills, stone tog burning fireplace and a general air of well bred oualttv throughout. 814. SOO.

Otkci Mclaifkt VilUaa Beats S14.400-S1I.000 Drive out McKnlght Road or Babco*ck Boulevard and follow McKnlght Village dlsplsy knmi alma. ncKnight IIocss, Inc. WELLINGTON 1144 OR 10Z3 RRICK COLONIAL tn well established neighborhood of professional men. spacious rooms, with 1 baths; gas. hot water heat: 3 -car garaget extra larga a well landscaped lot; screens At storm winnows and many other extra featuraa.

Mr. Scott. Glenshaw 300. Naitk Smkvtkaa S1S.500 A Vow white stane home on a lot a 5x300; the larga windowed living room At dining room are painted ta dark green At whit trim. The 3 ktdfniaxai have unusual floral paper.

1 Vt hatha, gas a. c. heat: taxea 3108. Miss Jams. EM.

3474. IELLT-W00D Clam. 2430 ON YOUR LOT a aa. 8 floors, llno-kttchen floor. 8-ft kitchen unit.

3" wool in roof -calling and gars ge-eel ling: copper plumbing, overhead garage doors. Integral gsrsge. gas furnsce, walks and drive; rough grading oa average ant. QOaCCO arfyBTW bobob ditbict orxt win Arranga far Ftnanrlng DESIRABLB LOTS OBTAIN ABLB iv. MunnEix rTRRTfiTTLLB 131T 1 Quick Sclo VclL'CS SSSOO-f.

ass uuen nreoiace in living room: hardwood floors: approx imately saooo a own, per mo. $10 flfi A view, brtck. looms, SlW.vVV bath: coal furnace; gars re: oaved atreet. Act bow for thla, CI? Cfifi McCandless a A.ouir roorn bungalow that la a dollhoust. BBOdern a complete for the small family, open replace gas A.

c. t4 BAA New. fi rooma. aaa a. a.

a j.jvv heat, tile bath. Tracer sink. Integral garsgc; exceptionally ana construction, near Highland Country Closed Eaiter. em eves, by a not Dorr-Wolf 7E. 0000 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3440 Shadeland executive type and sewing room.

3 baths; alaw playroom and powder room In basem*nt: hardwood floors, gas furnace, large let. Reduced to $31,000. RECK A RECK. CEDA1 32S3 exceiumt couatry asaal-bwagslow. fi aaccllant location: level lot: City Safcarfcaa Mofitfifi Mr Safa IVcSrS JA.

1234 UCUIIMl! Open today 1 to 9. homes mm ralitMt: and 7 rooms: kw have bedrooms on lit floor, sotae bar a ear garajea: stop at oat Black-ridge ncM Office (corner Graham Blv. Colllna Boedl wharre cowteoua salee-ma will answer your etiee- tACXMBOBi Unusual room eorncr bnck; built 140: tnocrete sub-floors; large beeiitifully landscaped; Integral garage: over 42000 la saw fumiaiilnf laeiuded: hw taxes: covered rear porch: 818,380: owner leev, Ina City; lmanedlate posecs lion. Mr. Stevens FX.

13e0 bandar svealnaa. tMmT aYfLLSt Attrae-tra baaar. fi-room brick: tile bath: powder room; cat a. c. heat; carat: atone arreens: Venetian ahadoK beautiful level lot OslSO with large trees: outdoor fireplace.

Call Mr. Fazio txmday ds Evenings n. aaea. mm rownmnr a. G.I.

approved: large Cape CM Quality built. bed-necaa and bath on 1st floor: log ben-niag fireplace: marble Bills: second floor Partly finished. Call Mr. Xithmy Sunday da Evenings Unity 548 a. we-srs jn.

1224 17,1 nwiiT AVI. mcumrz's estate location. hour's from Ctry. Brick boose with 14 rooms, all designed for huurtous living: 4 bathe a powder room: amltlted kitchen: bar: woodwork shop: oil. gaa coal turn area: a -car garage: also new 5-rooas honac; large barn: farm equipment; HO acres of orchard.

gardens find landscape. Must be seen. Price S7S.0O0. Terms. Call CO.

3360 for appointment. Roiaflal 4 IT Ctut Pfh- The eaacaUe coaamlrteo of fit. Barnabas Eplaropai Ontrch. Tarentum. solicits bide for the purchase of its present church building situated en lot 4vxllT at Fourth Avenue and Lock Street la the center of Tarentums business district: bids ta cover building and lot eoeanlete.

less church turn lati tat aa and a memorial windows; btda enaatod a til April 33d. Property may be inspected phoning Tarentum 30B3 or 11S4. The commlttea reeervee the right to reject any or au f. Bog ana. Tsrentum.

Pa. TOa TEE CISCUK1MATIM6 Oinrchia Road Wear Edgewood Country Cub. A beautiful stone home 10 rears Id. FViepiwjf first Boor Entrance hall. Uvkng room with open fireplace, dining room, largo aaudeiu kitchen all tllei breakfast roam, bedroom with til bath, Stan mmm aowder room, lleeond finnr haa 4) largo hortrnom.

and two colored tile hatha. Came room and two car integral garage. Large corner lot- Price of la low. Mirm fifid PalBlM. tfifi.

AT. CO DOUli PATNERT CPPOITUXITT FOl VTntTL CHEEK PUCE LOCATIOH Blortne Melahu Plan fka baa ttnec conveniently located aeatea oesaBUw tlon. eungslow-type bnck. 4 iwaaas. bath: aaa furnace; hardwood flu ma.

tntegrai garage, unfinished and men g. Karl possession 407 Plata Brag. AT. JDOJ E3XSAI017 wnMrava ahpimwau. AlbstUia brtcft bungalow built within tha anst year.

There are desirable goaaaa with a baauUful tile bath on the flra floor and a additional bed-svioaas am the second floor, gaa beat: attach ad garage: corner lot. Immediate oasaaatoa. Attractively priced. C. L.

TOTTIM CO. EI. 0300 A C1EEE bach yard and a hard road in in the setting for this landscaped lisaa iilnisd home, with garage, only asUsa froea town- It's remodeled. snsoernised and in excellent condiuocu l.ftOO. RO.

fiPPS. C1AIS EL CIUCAM CO. ATTEHTI0N Just one left. tsrga brack, aaa atr-conditumed heat. awrnsna airesHace.

izttsret fi Sam Si from shopping, transportation. Ton earn aaovo naht in. 4 1 2.500. vt- araaa) can buy with S330O down pay-matit which includes closing costs. BwtTwf PMKift.

It, AT. IMJ wmjaSROtJta Brtck duples. Karii-float Isaanadiata ocrupancy of a rooms. Cos italne 4 saodrrnlaed apartments wtth 4 ansaial aaragea: separate entrances asf melsis aaa heat, hardwood floors; si 1 1 Ilea gutters, lifetime roof: convertible tnts two -rosea epertmenta. jon low lim.

Terms. Vallcv 0455 SSCI COvTN 1JT Kbabaapeara fit. JTCWN as aHAUT ATBIIt Kdoauvl fs. Ravark HU. 4447 IWh ImI ftstaH e.

AT. 9tM "A EIAOTITDl" dnnlejL brand new brick. tn bath, prtvata sgrtrancas. separate uQll-tlaa, aaxellant resMentUl soruon of MiaTanaal. S17.000; no down payment for veterans; pay closing cost and as aaoBthly ever the rent you receive.

Ft. m. Junker Agancy. Phona Mc- Keaaaort filbb. Tins rot TouS5soo samRCfOt OJUWTT HOKE, ROUTS 1 A-ream bungalow rears eld cement cellar furnace, barn, water, electric; SOO ft.

frontage. BR. 7136 or 07SS. CmtfiWMAW, firytl-TOfi, Braddocb. KrW Rawta fid.

between Grenisburg and XMaaoest. Okiflnlahed bungalow. 40.SM cabae ft. area, with two-car li aaraaa. lot STsJOO.

Can bia finlahed for SOO0. wiu sell for amount lavasted a 1 a. BOO. CLKNM G. MARTIN, BROKKR Phone jeannerte ssa.

STSd COWM PATnEMT dm ad rmlnliwf PUc. 04. Brick raoeae, a bathe; B-Z monthly pay- anta. Cold Real estate, m. 4Tij DUPLEX $9100 ronma.

bath: 11 rooms, bath as furnace: 1 floor rented fu- ton- Craig H. Gmgan Co. La. 7MS. aTrMCR Bum Located on Route 381 9 galas from iigonier; ft rooms, bath, h.

a. furaacan let a85tlbx334 In rear: anfinlahed attle; $19,000. Cedar as4. a 304) TXrWM FOR VE1 UtAMS Rew 1 3 bedrooms). West Mlfflla OHLT CVK LEFT.

Mr. BcotU KM. aoo. cmLORZn S-rrorn houses In ro mall down payments; reasonabla price. Jackson 144.

Mat Mrtfc SffwirBaa Hoasot ITALOff, Rear Loop 8 rooms, bath. only ra. tmb BXLLaTVUK RnrKRSIDR GARDKRfi S4f.Se EaORTHLT atoaasra brick novse party wall). iwaaBS and bath: furnace: nice com munity: 3000 cash required, monthly patuamta Include tares, fire inauranre, soortsage reduction and interest. For mapeeuoa.

can aJlTEL-CLKIlTi AGKWCT. AT. 4 370 IELLEVUE a-Pa sally brick, convenient; Immediate nrwsaaslon. gin. (too.

BBS AVOR BCTK -room clapboard, baaallTal lor: good location IB. 000. TrTTM a COMPART Juniper 047-W. Beltevue RO. 770B BXLVtm BRICK BTesaa and income.

1st floor, a Sad and 3rd floors rented $7S; location 10.000 good riAKat M. T0UW6 U. MOO liiLfiVu. 7 3 families. 1 apt.

available. S7S00. FA. 7 440. Bm Avn.

Bcaatilml Hew Brick laana. Hvlna room saaaa mantel. 2 large bedrooms with doubts closets, tils hath 1st floor. gmraga la bastiiii nt: a meat own metal aitrhea aaaas. Wed kitchen: garbage gi inuaa au eaoustie piaater: mooern fall Aaors an clothes closets: lend soaped, aafi.aow.

CaU Linden a3-J Btm Aw lrick iMtdiatt Flaa brail la eacailent baslpsatBa, a hatha; ga lot. condition. heat; BnHl IWtffiwf. Ibsl AT. 42S2 aViVf.RLr PLaA VbbbT Rwjlsi Avenue.

Canter hall brick 11 raoaaa. a hatha, onrooas. breakfast swasa. arwar, water neat: garage, mm aaiaaat condition: 130.000. LBO J.

OPTU. COURT 1431 BJUOHTON Rd. District. 301 Hart. aaa roocaa, laselbrle.

tile bath, w. neat, soooo. Linden 044O.M KiWORTH Rear car. fi bath; fumaca. 7ooo.

fa. T40, DIST. TO KKTTLZ aTSTATR Large brick home la Sylvan setting wroxuumi. uiv nam; iarga uvm roeaa, dining room, kitchen, sun porch aa la floor; a bedrooms, bath and storage room on and: hot water heat. wva, wpsrin a-car garage: spa Ooaa grounds: entire nrooertv in leat eondltton.

Batata asking 338.000 Bast Ohio fit. Realty Co. CB. 17S4 su m- wawKiH. uwnshaw 3443 cLEMsaiu in.

poss. 41 eaiuuaua. brick with bath and aowder room: 3 -car garage; -acre Call Mr. McCabe. Glenshaw ajT-a; tjj.

aeoo. L0K6VTJI AC1ES jw a-rootB brick; a. gag heat: lsrte Jot: paved street: sewered; 30 minutes C- A. HAMTT.TOR. FAIRFAX 3913 aWDOCHT VHtage.

110 Tlllotaon Cir- uwmuv ones, i ys years awa. aa ft. Uvmg room etoaa ftraptaea. aaraa lot, a 14. BOO.

3goo down. SALLUWTl WITH tr aauaa co. ibbt GREENFIELD brick. finished atuc; excellent condition: larga lot. Convenient.

Possession airangad. Asking 813.000. Jarksaa 3834. GREEetTIELD. SSOO -roots frame: hot water heat feeatl: a -car gmraga; T.

r. C3LLERAN HA. 3091 w-LANa) PARS 117.500 Fine brtck. fi rooms, a baths, ess furnace. 3 -car garage.

Call Mr. Harrtty, escl. sgt PR. 3087. eves.

Lants Real Estate. MO. 1 380. HIGHLAND Park-Bryant Ct odera 7 rooms. 3 batha, breakfast araeea: uaa new.

1st. O. B. 8 10. BOO Mae Kramer.

4379. HIGHLAND Park District 8838 Jack- soa Street, third house from park, brtck and frsane. 7 rooans. tile bath. 3-car garage.

$10,800. Any reasonable offer considered. Owner transferred. Immediate possession. Emerson 5883.

HIGHLAND District 8-room brick, half of double: new plaster, tile bath, built- in kitchen, storm window and doors, all to wall carpeting $18,500 Emerson 783. HOMEWOOD UMand Street: 8-room buff brick: newly painted: new furnace: awnlnga; interior redecorated: 3-car garace. Nice front, back yard. House st present ta self supporting. Only one prica 10,000.

A REAL BARGAIN FREMONT 5885 HOMEWOOD Brick, end of row. 4 rooms, aatn. aarage. New gas rurnsce. 81000.

P. 1. SPITZER REALTOR CB- T738 HOMEWOOD 87 BOO. brick. root bath, furnace: garage.

CO. O40O. CRAIS H. GRU6AN CO. HOMEWOOD -COLORED fi-rneaa brick, bath.

Mow vacant Baa- sons Me. MO. 1350: eves. FR. 8193.

HOWE St. Brick. large rooms, tile bath. 1 reaalar bath, hardwood floors on all floors, stoker hot water heat oa au noon, sio.aoo. I.

A. TOUNG CO. EI. I42S EOWE ST. will sell ane-half of frame double duplex located la new Shady Side Apartment District tor 810,000.

Ea. Apartment contains 7 rooms and bath. Separate cellars aad furnaeee. Mr. Arenson.

HA. 340 or GR. osoo. KELLY Brush ton Brick. rooms.

3 sinks: modern bath, coal air beat, fine condition. Tas 8180. 853O0 at 4. Priced to sell quickly. 88800.

I. A. TOUNG A CO. EI. 1421 LINDEN SCE30L DISTRICT Hastings attractive modem brick house, rooms, wster neat, garage.

A real buy at 813.500. Call Mr. Gault. P. A.

SOWASH CO. B0. 4S30 MELLON 80S $10. BOO; 10 brick, 3 baths: 3-car garage; 3 families: new stoker. Geo.

Horn. 71 J1 ACK-MARTIN HI. 8300 MILLVALE 1 3A Evergreen Ave. frame. $300 880 xao CO.

8830, National Real Estate Co. laORKINGSIDE Here la the Meal home arrangamaiiL Recreation room, spacious living room. 4 bed looms, aVs baths, aaa hot water heat. 3-car garage. NAVARRO REALTY CO.

3034 nrmcccn runs Tber eSer 4 kilniwa. ee fiad 8 aae aad smart aaawtat- sta reaad aeuy ta tots, will definitely faitei eat mm. Yea really eagbt to Call JafcR WhHfiBiBa I. TEORPI ft CO. CO.

2122 HURDOCQ ARRIS For quality homes and stability of it'a first, last aad always Murdoch Farms. We have three top-flight residences avail-. able for your consideration aa the best streets ef this desirable neighborhood. Ranging In price from 840. 00O to 880.000.

all with attractive room arrangementa and auperb construction. We invite your Inspection this afternoon. Call anytime. Mr. Schecbter.

STARLET W. ARKHEIEf. lie. Grogaa Bldg. EX.

1800 MURDOCH Farms 7 artiatlcally moaein. poss. gja.oo. ma. 3110-3337 NEGLET DIST.

Double brick house, a rooma. bath each tide: furnsce, garage: good Investment for one or two parties, 818,008. Barman. AT. 3903.

NEGLEY, Baywood Remodeled noma Into 4 private apartments, tile baths. Arrange possession of 4 or rooms, a batha. May 1. SIO.OOO. Basel 8688.

OAKLAND RATES 3413 bath: tamace. laundry: 81000 oowa, b-z monuuy payments NO FINANCE TKUUi OUBLIS Gold Real CsUte Co. CO. 4703 OAKLAND SI750 OPEN TODAY 3-8. 10 Malba Place Three -story party wall brick with eirht rooma.

1 bath. 3 kitchens, furnace; two meters. Now vacant: 81500 down, balance monthly. Taxes live, to inspect, call Washington Realty Co. CO.

0880-1833 OAKLAND RUTTAL0 ST. Lowly fi-room brick home, hot air anal. steel garage, level lot: must see to ap-nreetate. Price 813. 000.

riDELIS REALTY CO. HA. 2200 OAKLAND Bates fine brtck. party wall: a rooms, bath, sua room: laundry furnace; $0080. $1800 down.

K-Z terms. Mr. Kramer. 4375. PENN Ave.

near 45th St. Small house. Phone Maynower oooo. PHILLIPS Ave. Modern 0-room brick sun parlor, h.

w. beat, tile bath, unit kitchen, carpet in drapaa, elec. stove. Will finance. Central Realty Co.

HA. 8333- POINT RREEXE Mov I PwSsssaiwB $300 cash, balance $05- monthly will purchase tms wen-constructed brtca-on-tile, natty wall dwelling, fi large rooms: hardwood floors: gaa heat: tile bath: tile root; poren; yard. A eery good buy. Bar. anon.

ri. jmi. T. E. CLINTON lac.

T18 N. Homewood Ave. PE. 8000 POINT RREEXE 12.000 Near Sterrett School fit St. Bede's.

room: bath: 3-car garage. Immediate C. L. TOTTEN CO. EI.

0300 POINT Breese Modem brick home. rooma: gameroom, 3, tile baths, gaa water heat: 3-car garage: 830.000. I. A. TOUNG ft CO.

EI. 1428 POINT Breese Brick home. 7 rooms, bath: lot to alley: taxea 8310: 88500 J. A. TOUNG ft CO.

HI. 1420 Sckaalty Htifkts fat Colai. roooms, bath: eatate to be closed look at 3403 Camp St. and make offer. C.

C. HAMILTON At CO. COURT 57 3T SHADY. Fifth District Desirable family anartmeat: attractive income: posaaisinn one apartment. Lehigh 5080, Atlantic ma.

SHADYSIDE Private street. Fine lot Priced right. Will build to suit. O. Kramer.

PE. 4375. SHADYSIDE Brownell Place. 0-room brick. 1 beth.

80500. Geo. Home. VTLSACK-MARTTN HI. 3300 SCHENLEY FARMS Beautiful colonial home la this exclu sive section: 4 bedrooms.

3 baths, 2nd large rooms, aowder room, aaa heat Ideally located for all civic and social affairs In Pittsburgh; 10 minutes to downtown; this is a very desirable lo cation tor a proiesanmai or executive family. Sacrifice. WEST fi. BROWN COURT 1380 A BR FOB R. L.

SMTYBT SHERRROOK 2352 DRIVE BY TODAY TO SEE THIS Substantial brick home with fine details Including modern kitchen. 4 bright bedrooms, and a conveniently arranged plan for comfort. Reasonable taxea. Garage. Near schools, transportation and shops.

Immediate possession. Asking 818.000. Please don't disturb occupant. CALL JOHN WHTTEMAM R. THORPE ft CO.

CO. 2122 SOUTH BUCLTD AVE ii ones in excellent order. porches, furnaces, laundry. $8800. Easy carma.

I laaiBBiiai May 1st. Good for rooms or apartments. B. H. LLOYD bx mi S.

AIKEN AVE. a rooms, bath, furnace, arranged families. Only 88000. KICE0LS REALTY CO. 4 IT Grant St.

CO. S880 Sfrtitl Eill District 4388 McCaslln St. 818.800: bow 8 room brtck. norch: Venetian bllnda Bachelor's change of plans necessltstes selling i. owner, nsei 3488.

SQUIRREL H1IL 8335 Burchfleld St. -room stone, hardwood floors, tile aatn. gaa neat, painted walls. May 1st possession. Horton.

Realtor. HaxeldOlO. SQUIRREL Hill Attractive modern brick home. a rooms, bath; gars re. Hazel 937.

WOODLAND Rd. Exclusively located targe nome. Must sen to settle estate. v. if.

Kramer, rs. 4iT9. SQUIRREL EILL Landvlew St. fi-room brick, tit bath hardwood floors, aaa furnace, garage. T.

P. EOILIRAN HA. SOS we have 8 meat deal rases hemes aaavewuaa ef psimaaiait raasdeaUal CALIFORNIA-Supertor Ave. District Brick. 3-famlly 81000 cash, balance like rent.

BANIEL-ELKIND AGENCY AT. 4370 CARRINGTON St. at Federal Brick, 8 rooms. 8438Q, colored. FA.

7840. CEDAR AVE- $18,500 HI rh -Class Rooming House Well fur nished. 8 3 baths. Automatic gas heat, 3-car brick garage: owner occu- si: 3 rms. ana has aaao per montn icome from remainder.

Mr. Lucas. NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE FA. 7731 CITY View Modem fi-room stone house: bath, aowder room, integral ca- rsge. Immediate possession.

Cedar 0483. COLUMBUS Ave. Corner brtck. store- and 4 rooms, bath. 88880.

FA. 7840. DAVIS Ave. District 87500, B-rm. wall: gas heat: 83500 brick: party oown.

ture. monthly. WIU sell fuml- ornfiaf -RaaHy talaa Ca. U.IHT DAVIS Ave. Section Brtck, 11 rooms.

3V, baths; 3-car garage; lot 80x100; Iaa hot water heat; excellent condition. 18.5O0. LB. 3584. DELAWARE AVE.

Nr. Rlvervlew Park, modern brick home. rooms, tile bath; modern kitchen; gaa fired furnace: laundry: Venetian bllnda: storm windows: 3-car garage; do days possession, giz.noo. ALLEGHENY REAL ESTATE FA. 3100 DEFOE ST.

WILL BUILD Early possession $13,800. fi-room brick, modern bath and kitchen, copper plumbing, hwd. floors; Integral garage; 30 cain needed, fa. 047 i. EAST St.

Double frame. 5 rooms each aide; large lot: 87000. PA. 7840. Esplaaasla St.

at. Nartk Ava. Brick. rooms end bath: good condition: b. a.

furnace; Instantaneous hot water heater; Immediate pontMlon Shown by appt. only. WEITERSHAUSEN 817 E. Ohio N. S.

FA. 1030 EVERGREEN Road 7-room brtck. Ula bath. h. w.

heat, gaa: aeparate 3-room dwelling In rear. C. A. HAMILTON. FAIRFAX 3313.

GERRER AVE. RRICK Good location. Buff brick, 7 rms. and bath. H.

a. heat. Now arranged for 3 families. Immediate possession. Mr.

Lucas. NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE FA. 7731 HODGEKISS St. 7-room frame, bath. 8 as furnace.

$7 soo. F. J. Sui man, leeltor. CA.

1711. LA MONT St. off Sedgewtck brtck. 4 -rooms, bath, furnace, laundry: excellent condition: price 84350; BlOOfi oown. oaiance as rent, court otoo.

MADISON NR. E. OHIO ST. 3-family. 7-room brtck: finished 3rd floor; bath: furnace; laundry: Including Venetian shades: 3-car garage.

A good nome and investment, r. J. aurman. Realtor. Cedar 171 1.

MANCHESTER. Pennsylvania Ave. Brtck. 9 rooms, bath. $4780.

FA. 7840. MILROY St. $7300. Brick, 8 bath, donble Int.

d. n. sinoN we. not MONTEREY fit. Duplex, newly remodeled.

4 rooma. bath each floor: copper plumbing all bouse In rear, low taxes, 1841. Wellington NORTH SIDE EXCLUSIVE 3701 Pre see duple floor. SO00O. SHERLOCK ST.

4 rooms, bath each Martla Nfittraar, Iaa. AT. 42S2 PEBSERTON ST S21.000 Best residential neighborhood. Modern brick home, fi yra. old.

Kitchen, dining room, living room, tile bath and den on 1st 3 bedrooms and tile bath on 3nd a. e. gaa heat, integral Si rate. it aoxiso. Mr.

Lacas. ORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE FA. 7731 PERRTSVILLE AVE. SECTION Hasp RlvaPvlfiw Pmrb Located in the best outer North Side restdentisl district. This fine old brtck home has 8 large rooms and 3 addl tional 3rd floor rooma: ateem heat with a new automatic gas furnace, storm windows over the entire house: two-car brk.

garage. Excellent condition IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price aoo. Mr. zahnlser Perrysvillo Ave.

Dist. 3I3.O00 Portola modern brtck oweuing: a rooms, bath: gas-iireo lur nace: level lot 4Oa30S. C. W. Gayar.

Raaltac FA. 90S4 PERRTSVILLE AVE. DIST. 301 E. Kenwood fi rooms and a baths; large finished 3rd floor, with sink: furnsce: laundry: 1-car concrete block garage, block from car line.

Make offer. Call Mr. Natale. WEITERSHAUSEN 017 E. Ohio N.

S. FA. 103O PaiiYSvilla Ava. $11,000 Brtck 7 rms. and finished attic Hardwood floors, tile bath and furnace.

3-car garage. Mr. Plnkerton, NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE FA. T731 PerrrfTilla Ava. St.COO Frame fi rms.

and finished attic oatn ana rurnaee. Mr. nnaerton, NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE FA- 7781 PERRYSVTLLX NR. BAST. 810.500 Brick, rooms, kitchenette, bath, furnace, aarage, large lot.

Mrs. G. Mel-berg. Fair rag 7859; T. J.

Eurman, rtesitor. PERRYSVILLE Ave. District 8-room. cries, gas neat. Linden 3887.

PERRYSVILLE Ave. 11 rooms, two oaths: 3 famines: 11.900. FA. 7840. RIDGE Ave.

Brick, fi rooms. Income: $0700. fa. 7840. Good SAXONBURG Near Route 8 New nungaiow, 4 rooms: modern; err; iJii.nwi, r.

roatl. SHADELAND AVE. DISTRICT OAKEILL ST. Raiacad fat Qaick Sala rooms, tapestry brick, tile bath. hwd.

front and rear porches, coal and fruit cellars, copper pipes; excellent condition. To Inspect call Linden 7500. or HF.NNIO-BCHOVB CO. PA. 3344 SHADELAND Ave.

District 4 rooms, shower, toilet; 85300. FA. 7840. S. Canal St 1 1 rooms.

3 baths: sep arate utilities: aoooo. FA. 704O. SPRING HILL 4 -room frame-lnselbrte. Inside toilet.

Immediate possession. 88700. Also S-room frame, 84800. Call P. SCHAEFER, Exclusive Broker, Cedar 3025.

SPRING Garden Ave. To settle estate Frame, fi rooma, attic, commode; price 33300. RECK ft RECK CEDAR 32S3 SPRING Garden Ave. Two S-ro houses, baths; both 33800. Wellington OPT4.

TAYLOR S4.TS0 Brtck 5 1 finished attle rm. and bath. Down payment $500, balance like rent. Mr. Plnkerton, NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE FA.

T731 TERMON Ave. 3058 Attractive Home type br. bath: h. 1 3557. aewlnc room, tile heat: vacant.

Linden TERMON Ave. District fi-room bun-galow, garate. $10.000. Linden 3587. TROY Hill.

Coettman St. Frame. 8 rooma, ballroom, finished attic, hot water beat. bath. $8000.

J. P. Kurcina. are t. 508 Grant St.

Atlantic 5050. VISTA St. $700 down rooma. storeroom. 3 800.

Wellington O074. WALDORF Ave. $17,800. Brick, rooms, finished 3rd; double garage: large lot. D.

M. SIMON WE. 1908 WESTERN AVE. $21,000 Commercial Property Concrete block and brick construction. One-story building with cement floor, approximately 148x40.

Mr. Plnkerton. NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE FA. 77 3 1 POSSESSION Morrison Ave. Brtck, 7 rooma and bath: Cas.

hw. furnace: copper plumbing: lundry: tneome from 1 apt. will cover payments. Only $8800. See today.

1st time advertised. Call Mr. Natale, WEITERSHAUSEN 81T B. Ohio N. S.

PA. 1031 TO SETTLE ESTATE $16,000 3014 Fleming North Side. Brick dwelling. 10 rooms: furnsce; bath: 1-car brtck garage: level corner lot. C.

W. Gayai. Raaltai TK. 9094 NEAR NORTH AVE. AND PARK Just listed: nice 7-room brtck.

bath, furnace. Price $0100. Easy terms. NICHOLS REALTT 41 Grant St. CO.

3550 Oaa ef tka Rettai Lacatiaas Rlvervlew Park Section. Beautiful fi-room brick, tile bath: both gas and coal furnaces: thru lot. 813.500. NICHOLS REALTT 4 IT Grant St. CO.

38S0 409 W. JEFFERSON ST. Colored 8-room frame. $3800. Low down payment: easy monthly payments.

Mr. Hamilton. Unites! Statas Raalty Carp. First Floor Prick Bldg. AT.

4800 ROOMING House, Facing Park 8-rm. brick. All furniture. Including 4 refrigerators. 4 ranted.

3-car garage. $15,800. NICHOLS REALTT 41T Grant St. CO. 3880 STSO DOWN PATHENT FOR COLORED 3 HOUSES 1434 Adams near Beaver Ave.

Front. 7 rooma. bath: 4 rooms snd bath rear. Financing arranged. Gold Real Fstate CO.

4703-4821. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY 3 TO Termon 3058: attractive Home type brick: rooms, sewing room, tile bath. h. heat: vacant. Sfiloa Co.

Lt. MIT ill West Point Ave block: 3 rooms, shower, toilet, furnace: lot 49x174. $4500. Early possession. Winkler, Linden 3343.

innZSUTI PCSSZXwTSel Chun try atmosphere la the dtp. rooms da bath; furnaca; part copper rlumbtng: larga lot: bar gate at BftOO. aae today. wTEITElSaAVSEll 1T Ohio fit. W.

g. FA. 103t 3S Mln. Worth from aty Proper Brick bom of rooms, til bath: built In garage: a. e.

gas furnace: oa Vat 100x148. Close to school, church, busl-ness. For $3000 down, balance Ilka rent. TO inspect call F. C.

BAUER. AGIVNT. CK. 1800 SB Mln. North from Otv Brick noma of A noma, tile bath: built la garate; a.

c. fas furnace: oa lot 100x14ft. Close to school, church, business. For 13000 down, balance Ilka rent. To lnsnect call 9.

C. BAUER, AGENT 1800 Easter Greetings 481 PF.BRT BIWT. wt. ia RtTXSALOW. SI 1.100 Modern brick.

rooma. tile bath, modern kitchen, electric range; gas furnace; garage. RO. fififiS. CHAI6 B.

KKUwAN tU. Dfdaccd lor Qsick Silo 1B.000 Wert View Mod era stone dwelling: 8 sun porch. 1 tils baths, steam heat; level lot. C. W.

SEVER FA. SIS4 OPT Perry Highway Keating car barn: p-yaar-eM bungalow, a rooms, aatn; furnace: acre. Onl 370O0. Call L. P.

Schaefer. Baluarea broker. Cedar aoao. SACEIHCE Well-built T-room brtck house la High land park. Excellent location oa quiet street.

Must be sold. AT. 0444. between" North Park. Valencia aa bath, frame.

Babco*ck Bred. 5 AU utilities. $4000. Glhsonla 3-3373. fast fas! H8fi Sf AIXSX AVE.

NEAR WALNUT Brick. It) rooms, a baths. 8 Brag, steam neat. Arranged no assail efficiency apta. Income fi37fi per month.

Prtca 814,800, including furniture. Call J. L. Hauser. PRIEKDSSIP DISTRICT Brick, 10 lamas, a hatha.

Arrsnged for a famillsa. Gas heat, l-ear garage. Taaag S380. To inspect call Mr. Church.

APPLE AVE. Modern fi-rama brick tile batk extra lot. 4 -car garage. Mr. Church.

BcPEIlSO ELVR. CCHI A mndera brick home of ronma. tile jMth. hardwood Soon, bet water heat. 3 -car Sara re.

Poanaalon May 1st. 13. O0. CaU Mr. Alexander.

K0RT3 CICSLARD Brtck. rooms and bath, ia tegral garage, h. w. neat. Asking $13,000.

Mr. Church, ST. REDE'S TRIPLEX Brtck. 10 rooms. aVs baths, arranged for 3 families.

Hardwood floors, gas a. c. heat. Convenient bus and carllna. fil.3,800.

Can Mr. Gray. HIGHLAND DISTRICT Aa excellent fine constructed home containing fi rooms. 3 baths, autosaatic heat. 3 -car garage, conveniently located In that fine residential section.

Reasonably priced at 833. 80S. To inspect call Will Haves. HI. B7fia.

CELLT-V700D III. 2600 ALDCRBOH 0388 Duplex. Price reduced, soar terms. National Baal gets to co. co.

aoao. AUREUA ST- 4SS POSSESSION MAT 1ST Well-built brick. 10 rooms, bath, furnace, laundry. Can be arranged for a families. Priced rteht- C.


Excellent for home and InvestmeoL Prica 818.800. CaU Mr, ruber. UfiifiR laal Estato Ca. ATJflM RARTLETT-REACON DISTRICT $13,800: beautiful brtck home: tn eellent condition: t'm doublet: 8 rooma. 8 baths: 3 garages: tile porch.

Early pass Melon. Mr. Perls. Hssel 30 IT. or JA.

owoo. neavera ileal mate. RARTLETT STREET rooms, a hatha, powder room, double garage. season 0333. REECSWGSD RLVDW 1071 The -Now smart, graceful, ultra-BBOdera, bow hoBMa.

fi rooms. 9 baths, a powder rooans. game room, doable arasa. large porch, air-conditioned beat; Inspacttoa by appotnt- xBeat. at.

rasu. sc. ana; 3781. EXZCaawsSOa XLV0. fi-reora stone boose, a baths: apt.

aeer a -car garage: oil ana gas rurnacc: neai Linden da St. Bedc Sehoost. 834.500 MO. 8800. BEECHWCOD Bred.

District Modern 7-room House; a garages. 817. BOO. Harei dBlfi. urn isyta suvd DunUi.

a raai tile bath and garage each, 818.800. ANTElBlJCrNT AGENCY AT. 4370 ELOClUniLD. S20S9 frame houses. 3 rooms, attle IBaMd IMatts.

gas, eiectne. R. I. 0RL0W. REALTOR 4T33 Liberty SC.

34TB CATHEDRAL 14 APTS Containing 3-3-4-rnom each with bath, rent lower than competitive mogs. in seme aeignaornooa. This is worth your while to investigate: annual income 818.000. Can be seen by appointment. B.

W. Herman, Plata Bldg. AT. 983 CENTER NEAR NEGLET APARTMENT OPPORTUNITY Brick, 3 apartments. 4 aaragea: Imme diate possession of 1st floor.

S-room apartment; total Income 8370; price 817. SOO. C. L. TOTTEN CO.

EI. 0300 COLFAX District Beautiful, modern 7-room single home: level lot: garage: unitized kitchen: colored tile bath: gas hot water heat: wall-to-wall carpeting throughout: Immediate possession: must be sold to settle estate. Asking $18,000. Principals only. Museum 1340.

CRCXSIE ST. Near Beach wood Blvd. Modern heme. rooms, tile bath: May 1st possession: 815.000. Call Mr.

Freyvogel. Hasel REAL ESTATE CO. DoBBittsB 85T.BO PER. MONTR INCLUDES TAXES EARLY POSSESSION North of Forbes fend of row I fi rooms, b.w. floors, tile bath, shower, gaa h.w.

heat: near schools and transportation; 83.480 down. EM. 1704. EAST End brtck. 11 rooma.

3 each with bath. 3 -car garage. 8343 monthly tneome. will sacrifice at 313.780. HI.

0013. East Imi lavast-Mit Pays 17 $35,000. 810,000 cash: store room fit 8 family apt. also 3 brtck duplexes. C.

C. HAMILTON Ar CO. COURT 5737 BAST Liberty Triplex Three 4-room emits with baths; gas beaL Owner leav ing city. Priced right. I.

A. TOUNG ft CO. EI. 1421 BAST End 87BOO: Lincoln Ave. tlon.

Brtck bungalow, 4 rooms, bath: gmg furnace: garage: level. CO. 840S. CRAIG H. 6RUGAN CO.

BAST Liberty Brick triplex, 8 rooma. bath each floor, stoker steam heat, hardwood floors, large lot, 813.800. f. A. YOUNG ft CO.

EI. 1421 B. Liberty 0-room brtck. a baths, ga-rages. new gaa furnace, newly decorated, flnanetng ararnged.

I. fiPTTEER 1 REALTOR 1 GR. 7738 BAST Liberty Store and rooms, phis one apartment. Good location. $9000.

I. A. YOUNG ft CO. HI. 142t EAST Liberty 1 0-room brtck boose: 8480 Black Street: 87 BOO: terms; principals only.

Monti use Ollfi. EAST Liberty 8- pleted: Uteat equipment: garace. Taaa dlate occupancy. Htland 3704 after 1. EAST Llbtrti fi.

tile bath, gag EmeigBii 1843. beet; tntegrai garage. ELLSWORTH AVE. Aiken II maa. a ttv.a brtck.

hot water feoaii heat, garace. FIDELIS REALTT CO. HA. 2200 Shsdy District 1 1 rooms, 3 3 apartments. $8380.

Hlland baths. BTOfl fRrejrDcja iaction Brick, a-twaZ bath, gag furnace. Craig H. Gi-Qgan Co. CO.

8408. GLEN ARDEN DRIVE rooms, a perfect baths, hot water heat, gaa or coal fuel. 3-car Integral garage. All ta fine condition. Lot well landscaped.

RmbHibUy Dtsifati Carfuny built. 8-room brick house. hatha, all with showers and tubs, sun-footn, feci est Ion room, cedar fur room, -car garage. PrTTBBUBQN'B BEST NOME DISTRICT PBICED BELOW THIS MARKET Phone Atlantic 9828 PAUL C. DUNLEVT GRAHAM North.

313 May 1st possession; o-rooia brtck. 4-csr garage, large lot. Ptnerson 1693. GREENFIELD DIST, Coxy 8-room brtck: tile bath: front aV rear porches: furnace: 80380 with 83000 cash. C.

C. HAMILTON fit CO COURT 87 3 GREENFIELD District 7-room frsme-th Ingle, gaa air conditioned heat; good neighborhood. 87,000. CaU owner, Jackson 3848. EiOTiin If psej are out for a drive today, am suggest yea take a kaofc at aaar gas 813.

BOO swmes en kUMOf Art, Mocai TfWVai Psriaiwy Awttw- Eaaaty Spat cl Cax1 UZj. lVs yearn aUL fi-room aran aataJst wa the, most bsaetlfal doable tot aa fisajtA Mills. Fall aaecs, fisMiruM and Maa roof. Fir sots is aad aula to ltas ssarble. Convenient to trasw, 0.

7878. WEBTBROOK RBAL PYTATE LO 3J teu-it T-c .17 Whltod SL New bunealow: alaa A bath, ta tegral aaraaa: bi tenon: au bobusi am heat: newly paved sxrset. owner, lb. oeio fi rooau; sag boat: miliia klttkaa very eoad condition to alia aTd eat. Randy man miaa.

Bass at akaav. Mr. Vema. Paat IL toK- IfwBty tX 13 iwxjuiAS-M ptse auwMfi, ret attractive fi-room brick. Mle bath powder room: gas- heat, laree let: ea venlent location.

Immediate. 818 54. LOWE. Til BrownsvUle BU Blfifi rooms, bath. gar.

a. e. beat: 814.780. lcaat imSL BRtCLfc-trtck. a gto, tUfi Ua, aaa, tar- G.I.

SHOO dews. kLpnT fild BrookUne Jdvd. LO. iooa SAOOKUXaMUair home, fi rnnaas. Cue batk, totearal aa-rate.

3 blocks to Btftmailna arfri 814 050. LB. 1801. iROOtaJNE iuat Ww4. I tnsatog gas a.

heat: tile bath: haady ear Base. paroexuei scaooi; aia.owa. B033. BROOK LINE tut Edgebroofc Ava. a rooans; i at families.

Court 0480. arrangea a Bratttixt Waa4wri Ava. 0am TatUr 2- P. D. PRICE SlO.fiOO, filfiOO gOWV TO 81,800, 'sau'btly laawaeaM.

Bau Jmli etvw. faffea Cepefaf As, fa fivsw creea mtramt. Turm rtmht I aWaaxb te stesg) Aenteg ea right. Frm toawee Ave. fwra) eente Capital ranees? sieap etoanee e'ens.

WABCrCTBB. FI. 3833: Boa. LB waTf BROOKLDfE atone, tUelaZ. gaa.

h. gar. KLEIN, 814 Brookllne Blvd. LO. 100 BROOKLIX2 Brick, htffia Stel m.

as aaa KLEIN, 814 Brookllne IN. LO. tf) kRooxUNiksw brick isLm. tU ga furnace, 818,744. KLEIN.

814 Brooekno LO. Ifiafi) EROOlCSIDBi Farms txacadve rgawTdK T-room homes: beautiful Builder. Sam Sastoa. BY. 8138: ia; uovsaiaj ax aw.

brownbvIlLe R4 ifi-reaaa atotw I batha, concrete 1st Soar, tile haexa. bsrdwood fioors, tile roof, eaar em. rage, an thru lot 7Bxl7B: hat aaaiay radiators new aaa futnea. CA. 3448.

AtFA easts- mciu And at aretty aa the aew tsaao fi room anca, cotored tile batk: a. a. gas heat: aaraae: iss heat; garage; convenient: ats.fififi. Be filaawae Baal Estate 8 carrick Near Biu assume Rd. 0-reom brtck as shlagle: batk: garagac hardwood floors; includes L.R R-.

stair carper; eariy pneaweexoa: iit.TSO, B. WIJrTER wurr ca. aaofi-fiiit CJJMCK room, tile hath, garage. 814.700. I.

A. TCVTeTS ft CO. n. 1423 CARR.Ck trkSTT family. Owaei LOWE.

Til awmficiag. taooo. jeuenue sta-. tp. ttaa BASIL'S a $sfi gent on 1st floaar.

B1BOO price aaaow. ca. Bara-gt. CARMCal. bath: fara execUent ceaadittan: SfiOOO.

r. b. wrjrrtJt ca. 3300-0111 dABKlCat aacism lUist tagaxetry hexg rooma. aaa beaL i busline, churches ah acakooi. PD r. BUaiGrm a POW. 33. 4Q3B GAXiO. aVrlck, 4 waM.

near mm, aaa heat, stone garage. 813,800. BTEARN. aifi Warrington. HE.

01 IS CARRICK 3 iaaUly totes, T6 the. a ear. KLf 'N, 314 Brookllne Blvd. LO. IQOa sat sail, mediate aaxasssatoa.

1-3 family. Carrtck 1581. CAaTTLl ROAD tamaaiow. i' lwaw gss furnace, integral garage, an i los, ai traa.

at, jaaas aas c2.1t;? Bamday aV evevanes. AL. 8381. CASTLB 8800: new wiaiea brick cottage. 4 atB, eaasbar Mg iarga aaraaa, a por with Iron tailbx.

Byaaant S38O0; balaaca 870 BM Mcatobarta, Carrick 481B-J. CASTLB tanaon---trick, ava I gajne rm-. 13000. Leal; ntt. Located tlaa 3 carnnea Pint.

Thla -roeaa brtck srlth neat, we aatn as sate, by far the beat bay tow SI1.800. m. TTB. Ml BROOK REAL ETTATB LO. 300fi Hmmit Laasaejaasal brtck kemgatow.

larao gasae rooxe, 3-car kilsfiisl rawacentea tnrougnoat; TO state extras: Call owner. Locust 3388 Cw.c:s G.I. approved, fi-roosa ahhtgto lapsxe. arranged for 3 or 3 famlUaa. Goeai location.

Immediate occupancy ef first Poor. Sunday call FI. 8848. Marrar aa PtiSya, iaa. AT.

tSU CCIIvwT ttlZX S12.5.3 a large reams, aa Tiles; unit with stainless steel sink, brsaafaot nnewall bath: hot water aaa eoervs beaL stone lot burniaf fireplace. mg room, anca nreptace, eining 3-car block aaraa. CH. 3T1J Daraaat I7r. XI.

iranarfs T-rooa brick, tile roof; btdmom as powder room, 1st floor; tn beta: aaa fe. tolt tiUX tiXi Brick. rooms, Tile reef, esxeptionaily '8 mmpirr Bftoa. bealty ta. a4oa nilaols tA.

capable brick. awaj-hath: lot to alley, and garaae. Cail LAWLEB da Eacl. Oat. 4181 Daraiaat aUirai3--f ll.CTT' BETvFEEJf CAWLUimlMTn.

Modernlaad. ehearfol toon. 3r4 a. storage, areakrast roeaa. ass shower, a.

e. wst. at. rTEEX at, knterral ear. UL 3337 -171 Damaal Haas St aWimari's NEAB CABS.

tKPPtMa S1S.B04 Well constructed 0-room brtck. finkmsa Srd. large living room, tile bath, modern, h. w. gas heat, garage.

WW. bt. WEEaV Ut. 1B71-833T fi-room brtck: gaa a. e.

heat: kitchen: aarage; level let: a ears and stores, le. saoo. EOZwrlT. SK.J Lew. G.I.

approved. Tenaata pay tea an a taxas. yoa oeeasy 1 apt, free, gfiooo. MUBrHT BltOS. BBAI.TY LB.

Q4BW Dosiioirr. 10OBa BaaCaaU kaatan ranged for 3 fsmlllea. 810.84)0. way rtaaity, ceaar ibis. rXMOfOJCT Brtck fiaaasa; each 8 rooans.

ula bath; faraacs: garage: filOO month from 1 aria gay snort-gage. Craig H. Cragan LST. 7048. ponaioarT om prx decorated: rooms, t.

bath each: 3-car aaklag 810.380. xTAOWltXEal. IM. 4300. aaltable laree family, ar Owner transferred.

Make offer. aaoo. DOBMOKT- rmalaa; PleMbrook 8081. DOJUdOMT Srkk attle. frasst axwciant, bath, not air neat; gossntian.

bbboo. cnan iaa. DOitiiOrrr 8-room WWa-aagi. sJ condition. Ixsxaedlate pnmsmiiiB.

S84ow. Owner. Lehigh 1813. DOlT-lirlck. rwav.

kSh steam heat, $13. OOO. K1A 814 Preosqine rivfi. LO. lOOO DOrrrf-Tifioe: artck.

rea.X bath: well kewt; party wait I- 7448. lsr.un 7 tH lafi. PAUI, aaCTH ACEHCT. LS. 18w0 EAST CXtU-l Brooknna'B ma est all hosae mui i.

large tot, broad paved street. 813.SOO. Paaf taiKa Agaaay U. Ita fiifaaasAa Vtiiafiw ilfiw. fiwBB tU.

tile bath and gag. EXBTW, 314 sVrookllne Vhrd. LO. lOOO aUTSLL St. Ta caase eaxatae arraneea a rami ilea- bath furnace, laundry; 88.

OOO. HABBY B. TABS AJgQC p. aowfi. C.ZSaT2ZZ L1I4 comer lot- Conslstiaf ef saefiel Utetara, ining room, large living roses with stone fireplace, two kiilimaae anfi tMe bath.

The second floor aiinnlahed tar atorare. with roughed la plaaahtng aasfi beating. Janlor beam umsUailbm. pa In ted basaaaaat. aaa heat, water seftner, level aaaacrete firtveway ta xa-teeral garage.

Pise at 817. T71. Broker WeiOMae, Vafabvat 0171. eSTw-Lv? vd'Wj. I rl ragtiSU.Tso.

bssatirsl sbM baae: aaa a. a 4 ranam. bath, shamptna. 813.8ew. SQUIRREL CILL WIG HTM AN ST.

Money Invested la this particular property and splendid location will result la a mighty fine home with a good resale value. 1 3 rooma, 3 baths. Needs rei decoration and anodern-Icatloa of kitchen and hatha; but the asking prate Is aaerely 830,000. WIG HTM AN ST. SpleMMd large nome arranged tot two I amines.

Good corner location. Completely modernized. Asking $35,000. BARTLETT Ksmln built home; living m. powder room.

dining, breakfast boob and kitchen oa 1st: 3 bedrooms. 3 col. tile batha on 3nd: maid's room and bath ever attached aarage. Rea-aonable. MRS.

ALLISON Uaita. Statas Raalty Carp. First Floor Prick Bldg. AT. 4800 STANTON IEICITS Moving to California: possession May.

mxtiaiwa. wnai amee tur S13.S00 Beautiful fi-room Georgian brick, bath. Integral garage; landscaped: same block as fire engine house. Owner, Sterling 018. STANTON Hgts.

Fine new home. large rooms, tile powder room, tile bath, game room, garage, gas heat. 830.000. I. A.

TOUNG ft CO. EI. 1421 WIGHTX1AN ST- 1130 SALS OR RENT Beautiful corner In one of Pittsburgh's convenient locations. Excellently furnished, newly carpeted: 1st floor hss reception hall, living room, dining room, music room, kitchen and powder room: large bed rooma and a baths and floor: 3-car garage. Will rent 4 months 1 year completely furnished, gaso per month, or will sell for 835.000 unfurnished.

Open for inspection Sun. 3 to 5 p. m. Call Prank Preyvogel, Hasel 3140. SACHS REAL ESTATE CO.

TOU CAN AFFORD THIS WE FINANCE FOB YOU NEAR EAST LIRERTY BOSBTTA 8330 B-ronm brtck. bath, party wall: 8780 down, monthly payments 845. Immediate possession. BROWN'S PLACE. 8338 43 4 -room brick, beth: 8500 down, monthly payments 350.

KINCAID 8308-38 fi-room brick, bath: furnace; 81000 down, monthly payments 850. N. ATLANTIC. 330 8-room brick. beth: furnace: 81000 down, monthly payments $50.

GOLD REAL ESTATE CO. of PORT. 417 Grant SL CO. 4703 noms or DisTnicTion IN PREFERRED LOCATIONS MURDOCH FARMS POINT BRIIZI SHADySIDI SQUIRRIL HILL CALL VS TODAY fea'll be an yeatr aswp fa Trmly Ffmm Mesne Call Jfibfi Wbtoataa R. THORPE ft CO.

CO. 2122 IVilSrS As 1224 REGENT SQUARE Brick. center hall, stairway type: 13 rooma and 3 baths: gas steam heat: level lot to paved alley; garage. Suitable for 3 fsmlllea. Appointment only.

Mr. Campbell. Sunday and evenings. -ST. 3383.

WILKIN 8BTTBG fi-r 0 at brick, sun room: gss heat: fireplace: good location: close to everything: 810,500. Mr. Shaw. Sunday and evenings. PE.

3188. VESrS A. 1224 2728 HURRAY AVENUE Aa Uaasaal OaaatiaaitT We have lust obtained the exclusive selling of a most attractive owner-occupied duplex, situated among individual homes on a private road in the popular Pt. Breeae District. The owner's apart ment, on the 1st floor, hss a large living room with log-burning fireplace an attractive dining room, with' French doors, leading onto a screened porch a modern cabinet kitchen: 3 lovely bedrooms; and tile bath.

Heating la hot water by sas. There Is a 3-car xarsxe. Possession csn be arranged. The aale price is iJi.ono, ror runner information, call F. X.

Tot ten. C. L. TOTTEN CO. HI.

0300 ccuszs wriaam ranstB freaa SSOO to B700 aad apt. fee wwar. Most teeJada farxd- eeaipmeas. brick. S.

Graham A venae. 17-room brick. N. Necley Avenue. 1 S-room stone, S.

Negley Avenue. 13 -room brick. Black Avenue. 13 -room brick. Craft Avenue.

Many ethers, every location. Per fi beam with see are In cease. To beat deflation high easts with pleasant work at can vu. iraus. W.

0. HARRIS. 33S 4tk Aa Lifkt HaasakaaBiaf Apts. Shadyside Six 1-roota light house keeping apartments plus 4 -room apartment on 1st floor: 3 baths; hot water neat, stoker; garage, immediate poss tlon 1st floor apt. Price 814.000.

C. L. TOTTEN CO. EI. 0300 ARRANGED 2 FAMILIES Excellent neighborhood, brick, cot operty.

separate entrances, gas hot st. Mske offer to settle estste. NEAR PENN ft NEGLET S13.500 Large solid brick home: In excellent condition: 5 rooms and bath on first: 4 rooms and bath on second: 3 rooms on third: gas hot water heat. Sunday call FI. 504 8.

Mirror aad Phillips, Iaa. AT. Iltl Easter Greetings 8004 CENTER AYE. EM. 2SOO A REAL RUT! Dapiea Bhadystde IMMEDIATE POSSESSION' S14.S00 Can Edward S.

Rsvtek. MU. 4447 Ualsa Raal Estata Oa. AT. 191.

AVAILABLE AT ONCE Obib Smb. 1 to P. M. S0OO PAIR OAKS ST. So- Hin brick: garage: tile front floor; porch, patio: built-in Incenerator.

Now vacant. Terma. Priced reasonable 3110. RRICK DUPLEX $2 1.000 fi rooms and sun room each: separate traces, furnaces, corner lot: taxes 385; occupied by present owner since built. 7333 Schnyer Swlssvala.

Geo. Home. HI. 4478. DUPLEX.

S9300 Glen wood. Near Haxelwood. brtck, 3 apartments of 5 rooms, tile bath each. Also 3 room In basem*nt, suitable apt. or office: hot water heat; garages.

C. L. TOTTEN CO. HI. 0300 ST.

Bede's Dlst. Home, fi rooms, bath, attic, water heat, good lot. A. TOUNG ft CO. KI.

142S CHOICE Sq. Hill duplex reduced 817.350. org, cost 330.000. MA. 3110.

FOR COLORED OABPIELD DISTRICT S-room brick home, bath, hot arr coal furnace. Price 84750. Call Will Hayes. KELLT-WOOD EI. 2S00 35 Marts Sid BEECH 834 1 3-room brick, fur- nished: corner lot: good income: house In good condition: carries a nice loan.

Possession clearing of title. Only 313.500. Allegheny 5081. BRIGHTON Place Brick, 8 rooms. 3 batha, hot air heat, laundry.

87500. High SL Frame, 4 rooms and attic. 81800. Voskamp fit. a frame dwellings.

Can be bought cheap. Eggers fit. Inselbrte on frame. room, bath. Brick garage tn rear on paved street.

$5300. Spring Garden Ave. Shingle on frame: storeroom, 8 rooms, bath. 3-car concrete block garage: adapted for any type of business. Possession.

CHAS. I. LIPTAK 1319 Spring Cardan Av 8. CB. 0808 Rrigktsa Raid Daalax Just what you have been waiting: fori A brtck home of 5 rooms, tile bath: with a good Income from and floor apartment; narowooo noon: egss furnace: hot water heat; corner property.

Priced at $14,500. For appointment call Mr. Irons. Linden 3780. W.

R. DAWSON CO. FA. 304 RRIGHTON RD. $14,000 Brick 7 3 finished attic bath and furnace.

Arranged for 3 families. Level lot. Mr. Plnkerton, NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE FA. 7731 BRIGHTON 3033 McClure Att.

3-famllv brick. 814.350. arakara-Rfialty Salas 9: LL UST EXCLUSIVE AG KNT BRIGHTON Rd. Duplex. Opposite SL Cyril's.

820.000. fi-rns. anartment each. a. U.UI7 Opposta South Fair A Golf Cearsa ON RIDGEVUE of? Drownivlllc Rd.

OPEN FOB YOUB INSPECTION 3 TO 8 012,4503 to Q12.C3 Thi lovely now eWoorn fill-brick Koma haa everyrhino; aacotMry for comfort bio living. Til bath, gas fiir-cooditiooa. hfifit. locj-buroiiin replace in larga living room. Hard weed floors, copper plumbing.

Complete insulation. Full batameot with attached garage and level driveway. Sat on 105x100 foot level corner lot. Similar priced homes new under construction. Many detigna tw chooso from.

These excellently constructed hornet deserve year trBmodifito Impaction. PAUL E. VENTURA Bwildtr and DarafeparwOlywple) 7SS3 IL SHIAIL ACEIES South Park Section OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY J. 7 v' $13,900 Cape Cod style, brtck bungalow, fi rooms, ceramic til bfitta. American Standard A.

C. ta heat. Integral earafia, Kad Baal wiring, ttreamllned kitchen, hardwood floors, copper plumblxis find flashing, rock wool Insulated, Va acre level lot. DIRECTIONS: Oat Bt. 88 past Seath Park to first real past West Library atreet ear eresslag; tara right mm Clifton Kd.

1 mile to plan. IVUITMER SOnS.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.